Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1453: Jun Mohuang's Challenge 4

Chapter 1453 The Challenge of Jun Mohuang 4

For them, Jun Mohuang is not scary at all.

Even if the Emperor punishes them after Jun Mohuang loses, they will be happy.

Their purpose is to make the emperor recognize that Jun Mohuang is a worthless woman.

Even though Emperor Zun would feel sorry for her for a while, after a long time, facing such a worthless woman, he would definitely be absolutely bored.

As long as this goal can be achieved, what if it is punished by the emperor.

It is also an honor to be punished by the emperor.

The emperor will no longer be confused by Jun Mohuang in the future, and he will definitely think of their good intentions tonight for the first time, and will definitely be moved by their true feelings for him.

"Very good, then let's start. But there are too many of you. Divide them into categories and choose a few representatives to challenge me."

Jun Mohuang looked lazy, speaking in the tone of a hostess, obviously not focusing on these witches.

There were no five hundred or three hundred witches present. It was really a waste of time to clean up these demons one by one.

The demon girls also wanted to get results quickly, and were about to expose her true colors to the emperor, and agreed to her proposal.

The demon girls in the hall gathered together and whispered and discussed for ten minutes, and finally determined the aspects of the challenge to Jun Mohuang.

——Respectively five major items: refining equipment, refining medicine, talisman, appearance and talent.

Since Jin Ling'er was the first to challenge Jun Mohuang, the first thing to do was the item of refining.

The servants in the magic palace are very efficient. In the center of the hall, a one-meter-high platform was built.

The rules are very simple, each of them refines the same offensive weapon.

Whoever has a high-performance weapon will win.

In order to ensure fairness, the metals, spars and various ores used in the refining equipment are exactly the same.

Now moved out of the warehouse in the magic palace.

The raw materials used in the two-person refining must be selected from this batch of designated raw materials.

The hem of Jun Mohuang's long skirt was unfurled, sitting lazily on the side, and yawning with her small hand covering her cherry lips.

There is no interest in this competition at all.

Opposite her, sitting Jin Linger.

The long table in the center of the two of them was filled with all kinds of crystal stones, ores and metals used in various refining tools.

"Jun Mohuang, facing this lady, you can't win!"

Jin Ling'er was very angry when she saw Jun Mohuang's ignoring her.

Humph, just pretend, she Jin Ling'er is the most powerful refiner of the younger generation in the Nine Nether World, and a natural gold element operator.

Randomly practiced a fairy weapon, which also killed the existence of Jun Mohuang in seconds.

Jun Mohuang was able to refine the Golden Ling, but it was good luck. This time she would never have such good luck again.

Even if the emperor uses a secret language to guide her, it is impossible for Jun Mohuang to beat her!

She is Jin Linger, with absolute strength!

"Really, let's just wait and see."

A thought-provoking smile flashed across Jun Mohuang's eyes.


Jin Ling'er snorted disdainfully, and immediately stepped forward to select the raw materials needed for the refining vessel.

She has a strong talent for refining artifacts and has rich experience in refining fairy artifacts.

As soon as the rules of the game are determined, it has already been determined what kind of fairy tools to be refined.

Jin Ling'er selected the materials for the refining equipment very fast. After turning around the table, he selected all the materials.

Jin Linger glanced at Jun Mohuang triumphantly, returned to her seat, and began to process the raw materials.

(End of this chapter)

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