Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1534: Do you want to be the Queen of the Heavenly Dragon Realm 2

Chapter 1534 Want to be the Queen of the Dragon Realm 2

"When did he give it to you."

Di Lingtian tried his best to speak softly, lest Jun Mohuang would misunderstand that he was angry with her.

"I don’t know. I was in Baiyu City at the time and was lacking "Intermediate Alchemist Cheats". When I was studying the intermediate pill, I suddenly fell asleep without knowing why. I woke up and saw this "Intermediate Alchemist Cheats". I thought you left me..."

Jun Mohuang recounted the situation at the time.

"Intermediate Alchemist" fell from the sky, and she took it for granted that it was Emperor Lingtian.

After all, Emperor Lingtian stuffed her a lot of good things like amethyst stone, puppet jade talisman and rune pen.

"Huang'er, do you want to"

Di Lingtian looked down at Jun Mohuang in his arms, and stretched out his hand to gently caress her little face.

Fortunately, she has the habit of wearing a disguise mask in the Eight-Faced Profound Realm, otherwise he would not dare to imagine the consequences when she met Luo Chen with her true appearance.

Luo Chen's unsuccessful mental branding shows that her physical instinct is very repulsive to Luo Chen.

These two points made Di Lingtian's mood much better.

"Huang'er, do you want to be the queen of the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

Di Lingtian stroked her face and suddenly said in a strange tone.

"The Heavenly Dragon Realm is the territory of the Dragon Race, it doesn't match my bloodline."

Jun Mohuang fiddled with Di Lingtian and dropped the hair on his chest.

This is a good idea. Take a group of dragons to fight wherever you go. Others walk the dog. She walks the dragon. Thinking about it, it feels cool.

It is a pity that this world, in addition to strength, also attaches great importance to blood.

Regardless of her pedigree or strength, she is not an opponent of the Dragon Clan of the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

"Huang'er, you too underestimate yourself."

A smile rose on Di Lingtian's lips, an emotion that was absolutely confident in her and deeply proud of her.

"Hey, wait here for a while, I'll arrange it, and I will leave for the Heavenly Dragon Realm in half an hour."

Di Lingtian placed her on the soft collapse and kissed her on the forehead.

Soon, there was only Jun Mohuang left in the garden, as well as her several animal pets and one plant pet.

"Beautiful master, quickly open the Phoenix Jade Space. Since Yinyue's dead mud loach ran in, it has blocked the Phoenix Jade Space. We can't even get in."

Old Turtle crawled to Jun Mohuang's feet with an angry look, and waved his paw to complain.

That coward, just an earthquake, was so scared.

Its old turtle expressed strong contempt in his heart.

After Jun Mohuang checked, it was indeed Lord Yinyue who blocked the Phoenix Jade space with the golden crystal.

She was about to take out the Golden Crystal, Lord Yinyue who was hiding in the Phoenix jade space immediately stopped it loudly.

"No, Master, don't take it out, or the dragon will die!"

The sound was like as long as Jun Mohuang took out the gold crystal, it would die immediately.

No, it's because of being killed or miserable!

"Yinyue, shouldn't it be the Celestial Dragon Realm that opened up, your enemies have come out from the Celestial Dragon Realm to chase you down."

Jun Mohuang only thought for a few seconds, and then figured out the key.


Lord Yinyue was wronged and unwilling to admit it.

"So Master, you must never remove the Golden Crystal!"

"Well, for the sake of your little life."

Jun Mohuang readily agreed, she moved the old tortoise and Xiaojin into the Phoenix Jade space by moving objects in the air.

Without taking the gold crystal, the Phoenix Jade Space can be used as usual.

However, Laogui Xiaojin and the others have to be troublesome, and they can't do as they like before.

After Di Lingtian left, he quickly arranged many matters.

Today's update is complete...

(End of this chapter)

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