Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1571: Let's wash her mouth

Chapter 1571 Let's wash her mouth

Chu Tang was angry and annoyed. She was actually intercepted by a seventh-rank Yuanzun who was weaker than her.

What made her even more unbelievable was that Jun Mohuang's hand was like an iron hand, which made her wrist hurt, and she couldn't break free.

Chu Tang was annoyed, and directly raised his left hand to make up the slap that hadn't been beaten.

Then, without surprise, her left hand was raised in the air, and Jun Mohuang was also firmly grasped.

Chu Tang stared at Jun Mohuang angrily: "Bitch, presumptuous, let go of this lady quickly!"

Annoyed, Chu Tang didn't realize that she was not only restrained by her hands and wrists.

The gold element in Jun Mohuang's body followed into her body, temporarily locking her aura.

Chu Tang couldn't use his whole body's aura within five minutes.

"Bitch? This woman has a dirty mouth. Come on, let's wash her mouth."

The corner of Jun Mohuang's lips lightly twitched, looking at Mo Xi and Mo Yaxi.

The two sisters immediately understood what she meant. Mo Xi removed Chu Tang's chin and stuffed half of a fist-sized barbecue into Chu Tang's mouth.

She deliberately chose the barbecue with a thousand flavors that is most popular among dragons.

She also tasted a strand of shredded pork just now, and it tasted like a fire, not to mention sour.

Just take a big mouthful, and some of her suffer.

Sure enough, Chu Tang tasted the barbecue that was stuffed into his mouth, and his first reaction was nausea.

Mo Yaxi stepped forward and pressed a certain acupuncture point on her stomach.

Chu Tang couldn't help swallowing, and ate the barbecue.

In an instant, her stomach felt like it was about to explode, with more than a thousand flavors churning in her stomach, many of which were extremely irritating.

Chu Tang's face was pale, he coughed and retched, but he couldn't vomit anything.

"Remember, don't be mean when you see others, otherwise you will learn more than just asking you to eat a piece of meat next time."

Jun Mohuang then let go of her wrist and clapped her hands.


"Miss, are you all right."

The Chu family originally thought they would see a scene where Jun Mohuang was beaten horribly, but instead of opening Chu Tang, Jun Mohuang took a meal.

The Chu family hurried forward and helped Chu Tanger up.

"You... bitch, how dare you treat this lady like this, do you know who this lady is!"

Chu Tang shook off the support of the Chu family and looked at Jun Mohuang viciously.

Jun Mohuang smiled indifferently: "If you know what, what if you don't know, if you dare to run over to clean up, I will dare to clean up you.

"You! Very good, bitch, this lady is from the four largest families in the Bafang Profound Realm, the Chu family is the eldest daughter!"

"My lady orders you to kneel down and beg for mercy, this lady will let you suffer less!"

Chu Han'er resisted the stomach discomfort, stood up straight, and glanced at Jun Mohuang.

"Jun Mohuang, hurry up and kneel and beg for mercy!"

Upon seeing this, Yuan Wei immediately leaned forward, and the fox shouted.

Jun Mohuang's beautiful eyes flashed a hint of enlightenment, and he smiled without speaking.

She also said who was the crazy woman who was about to beat her when she came up, it turned out to be the Chu family.

As for the reason she didn't speak, it was because Jin Ying'er next to her was almost finished eating the piece of meat in her hand.

"Hmph, don't speak, be afraid, bitch, hurry up and kneel down to this lady for mercy!"

When Chu Tang saw her silent, he thought she was guilty, and felt even more proud.

No matter how arrogant this woman is, she is not afraid of the status of one of the four wealthy families in the Chu family's Bafang Profound Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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