Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2296: Wind Clan has fallen out of favor

Chapter 2296 The Wind Clan has fallen out of favor

"Yes, if it weren't for the queen of gods to get Youlanhua, they are still a group of hens who can't lay eggs, how can they be pregnant with children!" The voice of the high priest echoed.

"Grab all these women who don't know good or bad, and throw them into prison. You will be given a team of elite guards from the palace. You will immediately take this group of guards to defeat the Wind Race, and those who resist will kill you!"

"Be sure to grab that woman and bring her to the empress to the shrine immediately. Before the midnight, she must sacrifice the power of the light source to the empress. If someone slips away at that time, you will raise your head. After coming to Mamoto, do you understand it!"

A stern flash flashed in the white-clothed girl's eyes.

Mrs. Yuan, Feng Clan, right? If you dare to provoke her authority, you must pay the price of blood!

In the last two major battles, Luo Chen didn't have any intention to activate Feng Ye Han and Feng Clan.

The wind tribe is also the tribe that has recently entered the crystal pond among all tribes in the spiritual capital.

The wind clan has fallen out of favor.

The white-clothed girl, Dongfeng, has no fear.

Even if the wind clan Zhengde Luo Chen's favor, she is about to let the Heart of Origin recognize the Lord and completely replace Mo Phoenix.

She wants to move the Feng Clan, and Luo Chen can't say a word.

"Understood, the subordinates must remember the order of the Queen of God, and they will definitely get things done." The high priest came in a slightly flattering voice.

"It's good to know, otherwise don't blame the queen for being rude."

What the group of women think is second.

Most importantly, the priest of light named Jun, this woman robbed her of half of the power of the light source.

She must absorb all the power of her light source.

The white-clothed girl hung up the conversation with the high priest and began to use the sound transmission jade talisman to dispatch troops.

After arranging everything, the girl in white had bright eyes and couldn't restrain her excitement.

The wind clan only has ten first-order strong men in the Yuansheng realm, and the elite guards of the spiritual palace are all strong first-order Yuansheng realm.

There are hundreds of them, and if you take down the entire Feng Clan, you can't even catch that priest.

Tonight, she will surely let the Heart of Origin recognize the Lord successfully.

From then on, she was the real Mo Phoenix, no one could take away her identity, not even the real Mo Phoenix.

And Di Lingtian... After tonight, she can completely take him down and get pregnant with his child.

The taste of being intimate with him must be better than Luo Chen.

The white-clothed girl thought of this, her blood boiled, her tongue was hot, and her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

She suppressed the desire in her heart with all her willpower, and tried to make herself look cute and affectionate.

The white-clothed girl slowed down, divided the flowers and brushed the willows, moved the lotus step lightly, and walked to sit down opposite Di Lingtian.

"Busy working?"

Di Lingtian poured her a cup of tea.

His fingers are as long as jade and have distinct bones, making them very beautiful hands.


The white-clothed girl lowered her eyes slightly, deliberately letting Di Lingtian see the shadow cast by her thick eyelashes on the smooth jade-like face.

"Huang'er, I have worked hard for you. Luo Chen is not here, and the entire Celestial Spirit Realm needs you to fight it alone, but the deity cannot help you."

Di Lingtian's eyes were as fierce as since, and the meaning of love and pity was even greater.

"No, Brother Ling Tian, ​​you can actually help me too."

The girl in white moved her heart.

Anyway, she could completely take down Emperor Lingtian tomorrow and let him intervene in the affairs of the heavenly spirit world without any problems.

Because when Luo Chen didn't accept it, he had to accept it. If Luo Chen wanted to keep her, he had to accept Di Lingtian.

(End of this chapter)

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