Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2349: Nirvana, God of War

Chapter 2349 Nirvana, God of War Array

Fortunately, he was prepared before he came.

Shi Feng did his best to resist the pressure of Emperor Lingtian.

He didn't use his strength to avoid the **** aura blades flying, but reached out and touched out the sound transmission jade to light it up.

The sound transmission jade talisman had been inlaid with a shadow stone by him, and it was activated after he successfully entered the spiritual palace.

This shadow stone has already written down the performance of Di Lingtian just now, as long as he immediately sends it to Jun Mohuang, it can expose the true face of Di Lingtian.

Shi Feng was fast, and Di Lingtian was faster than him.

When he could successfully send this image in the next second, the Scarlet Flying Blade suddenly accelerated, smashing Shi Feng's sound transmission jade to pieces.

"Do not!"

When the sending failed, Shi Fengqing couldn't help shouting.

Then, there was a flash of blood in front of his eyes, and when Shi Feng returned to his senses, he had been locked in the dungeon.

The dungeon was dark and damp, and only weak light leaked from the fist-large opening at the door.

Di Lingtian didn't kill him, so he locked him here, ready to hand over to the girl in white.

Shi Feng thought of the sacrifice Jun Mohuang had made for Emperor Lingtian before, and his heart was angry.

He revealed the truth, but he was powerless, and he failed to even confuse Jun Mohuang.

He is too incompetent, Di Lingtian is too mean!

The arrival of the wind, like a key, opens the switch of this space.

The dirt on the walls of the dungeon quickly fell off, and everything changed completely when the light turned around.

The door of the dungeon disappeared, and Shifeng found himself standing in a small room.

Each of the top, bottom, left, and right sides is made of metal, except for the smooth floor where he stands. On the other five metal walls, there are dense spikes, exuding a cold golden luster in the dark.

These spikes are all made of gold crystals.

Just one stick can kill people, let alone a room full.

Shi Feng looked at the golden thorns all over the room, his scalp was numb, and the soles of his feet

What's even worse is that the five walls, left, right, front and back, are all moving towards him centered on him.

In half a minute, the size of this space has shrunk by one-fifth.

The woman must have done it.

The femme fatale obviously wanted to kill him by these spikes.

No, he can't die, he wants to live.

The boss is still in the dark, he wants to escape and tell her Di Lingtian's true face!

Shi Feng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and forced himself to calm down.


The boundary of the heavenly spirit world.

Luo Chen didn't panic in his heart when faced with a strong attack by the Beast Emperor and the Beast Army.

He planned to book it early in the morning, and this newly promoted Beast Emperor couldn't wait to come and die. He was too late to be happy, how could he panic.

Luo Chen emphasized many times that the Chief Yuan and others must guard the front line. They cannot be broken by the orc army within three days. The snow-white wings on the back spread out, and they flew to a valley behind and began to deploy their formations.

This formation is the formation taught to Luo Chen by the black shadow man leader. It is called the God of War formation and belongs to the Protoss.

The God of War Formation was born for the battlefield, with infinite power, surpassing any formation that Luo Chen knew.

The newly promoted Beast Emperor was unstable. Even if Luo Chen could only penetrate one third of them, he could only engrave one third of the formation, which was enough to kill the Beast Emperor.

To engrave this formation requires not only superb runes, but also a strong breath of battle soul, which can be used as a guide to successfully engrave this formation.

The Breath of Battle Soul can only be produced on the battlefield. It comes from the unyielding fighting spirit of both sides in the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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