Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 24: Xiaojin 2

Chapter 24 Xiaojin 2

For safety, Jun Mohuang also covered himself with a protective barrier while teleporting.

"Hey, little master, you have finally come to Xiaojin."

Successfully passed through the mountains and rocks, before he had time to look at this space, a group of golden **** rushed towards him.

The ball didn't succeed in jumping into Jun Mohuang's arms, and hit the barrier with a "slap". It was so round that it spread out into a big pie, which was quite funny.

"Ah, it hurts."

Yuanqiu's two big eyes looked at Jun Mohuang pitifully. Its body and eyes are round, cute and cute.

"what are you?"

Jun Mohuang did not take away the enchantment because of its cute appearance.

"Little master, I am Xiaojin."

The little ball named Xiaojin tried her best to stare at her with two cute eyes, and began to sell cute.

"Talk about the point."

"Uh, yes, little master."

Seeing that it is useless to sell cute, Xiao Jin obediently talked about its origin.

In addition to inheriting the bloodline of the Gold Swallowing Beast, the Jun family also has a Gold Swallowing Tome uploaded by the ancestors. Xiao Jin is the spirit body that guards the Gold Tone.

The Tianjin Baodian records all the fire control tactics and refining materials in the world, and the refining techniques of various weapons.

Down to the magic weapon, up to the artifact, all have records.

As long as the master's refining level is sufficient and the raw materials can be gathered, it is not difficult to refine an artifact.

The Golden Swallowing Book is the supreme treasure of the emperor's family, but only those who have the purest bloodline of swallowing gold are the main ones.

With the passage of time, the monarch’s gold swallowing bloodline became weaker and weaker, and the gold swallowing treasure gradually became unknown.

Until now, even the lord of the Jun family, Jun Yang Feng, didn't know that there was such a treasure in his family.

Xiaojin's last master was Jun Mohuang's father, Jun Liyuan.

"Then why have I never seen you?"

Jun Liyuan loves Jun Mohuang very much, and he often brings her by his side when refining tools. She is fascinated by his reputation, but this little golden ball has never existed in Jun Mohuang's memory.

"Ah, that's because although the old master swallowing gold fire is pure, his power is not strong enough to wake up others."

"Little master, this is the treasure of swallowing gold."

Xiaojin led Jun Mohuang to the stone platform aside, where there was a heavy book.

The cover of the big book is dark gold, with mysterious and simple patterns densely covered, with the four characters "Swallowing Gold" written on the cover.

The moment he saw that book, Jun Moxue's blood flow accelerated, and there was a faint feeling of boiling.

The gold swallowing fire in the sea of ​​qi jumped more happily and almost broke out.

According to the body's reaction, Jun Mohuang determined that this golden ball was not lying.

Xiao Jin eagerly flew up and down around her: "Little Master, drop the blood on the book, and both Baodian and others will recognize the Lord."

Jun Mohuang pierced her fingertips, and a drop of bright red blood dripped into the cover. Then, there were two more connections in her spiritual consciousness, it was Xiaojin and Jinjin Baodian.

Putting away the enchantment, Xiao Jin immediately fell into her arms and rubbed affectionately.

It is this kind of scorching hot power, which has never been felt by more than ten previous masters.

She is the master it has been waiting for so many years.

Xiao Jin couldn't wait to know how tough the new owner was.

"Little master, they haven't absorbed the element of gold for three years, and they are a little weak. Master, can you immediately reveal your hand?"


Jun Mohuang also wanted to know whether the gold swallowing fire in his body was stronger than before after regenerating the meridians and sea of ​​qi.

In the next chapter, officially enter the intensive face-slap mode, pass by and collect one, don’t miss it

(End of this chapter)

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