Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2414: Don't worry, I am here

Chapter 2414 Don't worry, I am here

According to the instructions of the information in the brain, the girl in white also learned to look like Jun Mohuang and began to collect the spirits of defensive weapons, allowing other spirit races to collect as much metal gravel under their feet as possible.

"Huang'er, don't collect defensive weapon souls, collect attack types."

The girls in white had only collected three, and Luo Chen immediately stopped.

The white-clothed girl lost the original crystal, and the holy pond was full of danger for them.

Before getting the Crystal of Origin, there are many similar dangers encountered.

Luo Chen needs more attacking weapon souls to be refined into golden sacred weapons to deal with future traps.

What's more, both Emperor Lingtian and Jun Mohuang had golden sacred weapons in their hands. Luo Chen was unwilling to fall behind them. He urgently needed to obtain a large amount of golden sacred weapons for himself and for his subordinates.


The girl in white was about to say something, but Luo Chen interrupted her.

"Hey, Huang'er, attacking weapon spirit is very important to us. Don't you want to have a golden sacred weapon like that woman?"

Luo Chen interrupted the girl in white directly.


Luo Chen used Jun Mohuang to compare with her. The girl in white did not hesitate for a second, and directly changed to collecting a large number of attack weapon souls.

Collecting defensive souls is not the real thought in her heart, but the thought that suddenly emerged in her mind.

The white-clothed girl couldn't figure out why she wanted to collect it. She saw that Jun Mohuang was collecting such souls, so she decided to follow suit.

Luo Chen's words greatly irritated her, she could not care about the thoughts in her head.

She wants to get her own golden sacred weapon, defeat the **** Mo Phoenix, and then shave her face!

Luo Chen received the help of the girl in white, and the speed at which he shot down the golden sacred weapon was only a little slower than Jun Mohuang's side.

Finally, ten minutes later, all the weapons were shot down by people on both sides.

The desert formed by the metal gravel finally returned to calm.

"it is finally over!"

The spirit races behind Luo Chen let out a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads with their sleeves.

Many of them thought they would die here this time. Fortunately, the white-clothed girl made them all survive.

After the spirit races wiped off their cold sweat, they continued to stuff the metal gravel under their feet into the space ring.

The girl in white had already told them that these gravel were all gold sacred raw materials, and Luo Chen just collected a large number of attack weapon souls, which means that they will get a gold sacred weapon in the near future.

They will of course have to grind the gravel frantically and collect enough raw materials for Luo Chen to help them refine it.

Luo Chen imprisoned the white-clothed girl, and began to talk sweetly to keep her from getting angry.

Jun Mohuang did not stop his movements.

After all the golden sacred weapons in the air disappeared, she glanced at Di Lingtian.

Di Lingtian slowly shook his head towards her, Jun Mohuang's eyes flickered, and he sighed slightly, hoping that nothing would happen until later.

"Relax, Huang'er, I am here."

Di Lingtian stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her hair.

This time, Jun Mohuang did not push him away.

To be precise, she has no time to pay attention to Di Lingtian now.

She is very busy and danger is approaching. She must seize every second of her time, responding that Di Lingtian is wasting time.

The Emperor Mohuang offered sacrifices to the Golden Swallowing Ding and put in a crystal bottle containing a defensive spirit.

The little hand hit the ground hard, the force of induction spread out quickly, and a large amount of metal gravel automatically jumped into the gold swallowing cauldron.

Today's update is complete...

The white-clothed emperor Lingtian didn't have that kind of relationship with the white-clothed girl. It was just the hallucinations of the white-clothed girl.

Thank you baby JK-N6 for rewarding 10,000 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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