Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2422: Couple pupil color

Chapter 2422

One day later, Jun Mohuang's eyes and consciousness finally no longer hurt.

The slender and thick eyelashes are like butterfly wings, and a pair of **** jade-like transparent eyes slowly unfold between lightly shaking.

Jun Mohuang found that the color of her eyes had become exactly the same as that of Emperor Lingtian, and even the golden phoenix feather mark on her forehead had become extremely red.

Jun Mohuang picked up the mirror, couldn't help blinking, and then glanced at Di Lingtian.

What was the change, she and Di Lingtian had a couple pupil?

"Don't worry, it's just that the bleeding is too much, causing the pupils of the eye to be congested, and the forehead imprint is connected to the eye, so it is the same."

Di Ling Tianruyu's long fingers stroked her eyes, their eyes deep.

The blood-colored pupils made Jun Mohuang even more charming and enchanting.

The waves of his eyes were fatal to him.

When Di Lingtian thought that he hadn't been alone with her for a long time, his breathing gradually tightened.

Jun Mohuang had no time to pay attention to his changes, and her attention shifted to the sea of ​​knowledge.

The sea of ​​consciousness has all returned to normal, the area has expanded more than three times than before, and the divine consciousness and spiritual power have skyrocketed, and a piece of golden matter is floating in the sea of ​​consciousness.

With a movement of Jun Mohuang's heart, a golden lotus petal automatically freed from the sea of ​​consciousness and appeared in her palm.

The golden light was so brilliant that the edges of her **** eyes glowed with a faint golden luster.


The deepest part of the holy pond.

A golden nine-petal lotus grows in the pale golden pool water.

In the golden lotus, the golden origin crystal exudes a golden halo, which is extremely holy.

The white-clothed man was bathed in the crystal of the origin, emitting golden light, and closed his eyes by the pool to meditate.

His features are beautiful, and his face is exquisite and perfect.

In the pale golden pool water, the golden lotus swayed slightly, and one of the petals slowly turned black.

The white-clothed man slowly opened his eyes and saw the lotus petals that had turned black. The smile on his lips quickly turned into a disdainful sneer.

Black represents Jun Mohuang.

The petals turned black, indicating that she had obtained a lotus petal.

That woman is really useless.

In vain, he helped her cheat and gave her enough hints that she could not even match Jun Mohuang and was led by others.

Facts have proved that Jun Mohuang deserves to be the woman he and Di Lingtian were both fond of.

As for that idiot... Forget it, don't mention it, only luo Chen like a lucrative person will be deceived by her.

If the idiot is still unable to support the wall with such mud, he can only show up in person.

Now, he still needs to watch the changes, he is not strong enough.

I am afraid that there will be flaws in disguising Emperor Lingtian in front of Jun Mohuang for a long time.

The white-clothed man glanced at the black petal for the last time, and a look of anticipation emerged in his golden eyes.

I don't know what it will be like to be with her.

He can't imagine the specific, but it will definitely be very beautiful.


In the cave.

Jun Mohuang carefully observed the golden lotus petals in his hand.

She can be sure that this is the phantom of the golden lotus petal that entered the sea of ​​her knowledge, and was refined into a substantial petal by her during the time of turmoil.

"This petal is very useful, Di Lingtian, what do you think."

Jun Mohuang gently whimpered the lotus petals in his hands. The lotus petals showed a metallic texture, extremely smooth, and had soft tentacles, no different from real lotus petals.

A sacred breath constantly radiated from the lotus petals.

"This is the key."

Di Lingtian didn't care to correct her name, and took advantage of her little hand.

(End of this chapter)

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