Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2430: Celestial continent

Chapter 2430 Celestial Continent

Ever since she went to Lingyuanzong, Jin Niang left Baiyu City to recompile the Gold Swallowing Book for her, she has lost the news.

Jinniang, like the dragon prince Jin Yu, was nowhere to be seen.

"I'll go, how do you know who I am!"

Jin Chan was taken aback for a moment and stopped struggling, but its voice raised louder, both eyes were swollen, looking at Jun Mohuang incredulously.

"How do you know, uncle, I am a behemoth that is unique to the Celestial Continent, how can you people in the middle plane recognize this uncle!"

After Jin Chan saw Jun Mohuang's **** eyes, he was even more shocked.

Even the demons can enter the sacred pool these days. What do those people from the spirit race do?

"The Celestial Continent? I have never heard of the name of this continent."

Jun Mohuang quickly looked around. The palace room was sealed, with no exit or entrance. The only danger was the gold swallowing beast she had captured.

She walked slowly to the gold swallowing beast, intending to get something useful from its mouth.

"Of course you people in the middle plane have never heard of it. This is the continent where the Protoss and our wild beasts live. Alas, it's a pity that countless pieces of the city have been broken..."

The gold swallowing beast spread its legs up into the sky in the net turned into a colorful halo, and generally slowly retracted its tongue, while answering in a somewhat proud tone, as if it was proud of living in the Celestial Continent.

Countless pieces...

"So, it seems that the holy pond is also a fragment of the Celestial Polar Continent."

Jun Mohuang's blood eyes flashed, his tone softened, and he spoke to this gold swallowing beast.

Not only the holy pond, but also the Heavenly Pole Valley.

The so-called ruins of the Protoss are probably all.


The gold swallowing beast sensed that Jun Mohuang was not malicious to it, and his vigilance immediately decreased, and it felt wrong when he waited for the words to be spoken.

"Hey, little girl, don't even think about trying to compose this uncle, this uncle's mouth is so strict that he won't tell you anything!"

The gold swallowing beast's tone immediately changed and looked at Jun Mohuang defensively.

Jun Mohuang smiled, this is called a strict mouth, then there is no big mouth in this world.

Jun Mohuang ignored it and began to observe this palace carefully.

The palace room is ten times larger than an ordinary secret room. The stone walls are smooth and completely sealed. There is no exit or entrance.

Jun Mohuang had checked it with amulets and induction power, but he hadn't found any entrances or exits, as if it was born like this.

"Little girl, don't waste your energy. You are transported here, and you are unlucky. This is my uncle's residence. I have lived here for tens of thousands of years. I know this well. I'm already stuck here. For two days, I haven't found any entrances or exits. You are a newcomer, how can you find it."

Seeing that Jun Mohuang no longer pays attention to it, the gold swallowing beast panicked and took the initiative to talk to her.

"You'd better not talk to me, lest I have to wait for a while and I will put out some useful information on you."

Jun Mohuang tapped the smooth stone wall with his finger, and the dots of golden substance in the stone wall immediately fled.

Apart from this, there is no change in Shek Pik.

The Gold Swallowing Beast did not expect Jun Mohuang to say that at all. It thought that she would find various opportunities to talk to it and derive useful information.

It hadn't spoken to anyone for tens of thousands of years, and finally saw someone, its mouth was itchy, and it was uncomfortable not to say a few words.

Jun Mohuang actually refused, his mouth itching even worse.

"Hey, little girl, how did you recognize me?"

(End of this chapter)

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