Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2449: Follow the priest

Chapter 2449 Follow the priest

Even the trauma healed at a perceptible speed.

"Gosh, my injury... my injury is healed!"

A spiritual minister got up. Soon, he was not only shocked that he recovered from his injury, but also surprised that he could get up, stand, and walk without any problems.

"Gosh, me too, so fast!"

"Thank you...thank you, priest, for his life-saving grace!"

The spirit ministers all got up and thanked Jun Mohuang sincerely.

They took a lot of pills from the white-clothed girl and Luo Chen, but none of them had any significant effect.

The speed of the Emperor Mohuang Pill is really amazing.

"I advise you not to continue following Luo Chen, find a corner in the holy pond, and leave after the holy pond reopens. Otherwise you will regret it."

Jun Mohuang gave these spirit races a piece of advice, and took the initiative to hold Emperor Lingtian's hand.

"Ling Tian, ​​let's go."

Di Lingtian took her in his arms, and the golden talisman took the two to fly away.

"Hey, girl, wait for me."

Seeing Emperor Lingtian abandon it, the Golden Swallowing Beast yelled immediately.

When Di Lingtian heard the sound of the Golden Swallowing Beast, his heart moved, and the golden dragon under his feet flew faster.

This gold swallowing beast is a male, and he does not allow any male mosquito to disturb the two-person world, let alone a male gold swallowing beast.

"This man is so powerful, why is he so small-minded!"

The Golden Swallowing Beast chased the two people panting, sticking their tongues out, and finally had to give up, silently complaining about Emperor Lingtian in his heart.

The spiritual ministers watched the two go away, but Emperor Lingtian did not kill them, nor did he prevent Jun Mohuang from saving them, which made their mood very complicated.

The thought of Luo Chen's recent defiance of their life and death behavior made it even more uncomfortable in his heart.

"Brother Yuan, what does the priest do not want us to go back to you?"

"Yeah, Brother Yuan, what do you think of the words of the monarch priest."

"Brother Yuan, would it be the monarch priest who meant to let us follow her, after all, our wife said before entering the holy pond that we should stand on the side of the monarch priest."

The spirit races couldn't understand Jun Mohuang's words, so they had to ask the Yuan chief.

"Maybe, maybe the priest is afraid that we will return to the king, and finally become cannon fodder. You know, alchemists are very concerned about the lives of the people they save. Under normal circumstances, they are not allowed to be saved. People waste their lives."

"But the king is our god, there is no reason for us not to follow him."

"Everyone, let's go back to the Lord. If next time we are abandoned by the Lord and we can survive, we will listen to the ladies and follow the priest."

The patriarch of Yuan thought about it, and finally thought of a compromise.

They had been Luo Chen's subordinates for many years, and they left Luo Chen like this, and everyone couldn't do it.

Leaving Luo Chen and following Jun Mohuang is tantamount to turning his back on the Heavenly Spirit Realm and standing on the side of the Nine Nether Realm.

Not everyone has the courage of Moxie.

But the people of the Spirit Race are naturally arrogant, and they can't tolerate Luo Chen's ignorance of them, using them as cannon fodder again and again.

Other spirit races also felt that this method was the best at the moment, and they started looking for Luo Chen in a company.


These spiritual ministers recovered physically, and Luo Chen's situation was not so good.

Luo Chen flew hundreds of kilometers with the girl in white clothes and the high priest, and stopped by a river.

Luo Chen put away his wings and came to the river. He couldn't pay attention to the girl in white clothes. He spit out a mouthful of blood and dyed the clear river water red.

(End of this chapter)

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