Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2484: Here comes another one

Chapter 2484 has another one to fight for

"It will stay with you for a while, take care of it."

Earth Spirit put the small bowl on his head, rolled his eyes secretly, and muttered in a small voice, "Here is another one who is competing for favor."

Jun Mohuang raised his eyebrows, "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything."

Holding the small bowl, the earth spirit crawled back into the space ring again.

"Your reward."

The Jiuyuan Electric Eel problem was resolved smoothly, and Di Lingtian began to ask for rewards from the Gold Swallowing Beast.

"I don't have anything on me now, but I know there are several large spar veins nearby."

The Gold Swallowing Beast had already figured out what reward it would give Jun Mohuang.

"No need."

With Di Yize's map, Di Lingtian didn't need the reward offered by the Golden Swallowing Beast.


The gold swallowing beast was dumbfounded, this was a large spar vein in the holy pool, once belonged to the cultivator resource of the Celestial Continent.

It did not expect that Di Lingtian would refuse.

"Then what do you want."

Di Lingtian said lightly, "The deity needs to stay in place every time the holy pond is turned over."

The Gold Swallowing Beast has been living in the holy pond for so many years, and it is impossible that every time the holy pond turns over, it will go to another place again.

These behemoths must know this method.


Di Lingtian concluded that it was correct, and the Gold Swallowing Beast thought for a few seconds before telling them how to do it.

If this secret is revealed, there will be no adverse consequences.

"However, girl, why did you run into the Spirit Devouring Valley? In the Spirit Devouring Valley, you can only enter and not exit. No matter how many times the holy pond is turned over, you will be trapped and die here."

The Gold Swallowing Beast began to worry about the future of Jun Mohuang and others.

"We have found out how to get the aura back and a way out."

The icon taken from the coffin of Emperor Yize showed a secret path to leave.

After a while, Feng Yunqi's side will be similar, they can leave here and continue to collect golden lotus petals.

"What! What is the solution?"

The Gold Swallowing Beast screamed immediately, and Spirit Devouring Valley was the land of runemakers.

Spirit Devouring Valley has the characteristics of devouring aura, plus the heavy arrays arranged by the runes.

It has never heard of outsiders entering this place and going out.

Jun Mohuang smiled mysteriously, "You'll find out later."

The curiosity of the gold swallowing beast was completely aroused, and it began to wait.

Half a day later, just as the gold swallowing beast was itching, Feng Yunqi ran over with excitement.

"Boss, Emperor, everything is done, as long as we find a way out, we can set off!"

This white spar mine in Spirit Devouring Valley was originally very small. In the past half a day, they dug up all the white spar from the spar vein and also all the transparent spar.

Feng Yunqi had already stored all the stolen aura into all the transparent spar.

As long as you find a way out, you can start at any time.

"Let's go, Huang'er."

Di Lingtian held Jun Mohuang's hand.

"So, the emperor already knows how to leave Spirit Devouring Valley?"

Feng Yunqi was even more excited.

"Not bad."

After receiving Di Lingtian's answer, Feng Yunqi almost knelt down for him.

Sure enough, he was the husband chosen by the boss, and he could find a way out in such a short time.

The gold swallowing beast followed the group of people curiously.

Di Lingtian led the crowd to leave the Valley of Spirit Devouring through a secret road covered by amulets.

Everyone was relieved after leaving Spirit Devouring Valley, and one by one collapsed to the ground, with a surviving expression.

(End of this chapter)

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