Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2537: Heart of Blood Fiend

Chapter 2537 Heart of Blood Fiend

The black-clothed head pulled the spirit energy away, and the spirit lotus and Nangong Liu fell into the dry well.

In the dry well, Linglian screamed and screamed.

Two jade charms rose from the dry well, and the leader in black handed the two jade pendants to Rong Yun.

"Yun'er, remember, we must get the Heart of Blood Fiend on this trip."

The barrier has been broken once. This time, the two sacrificed only need two jade pendants to enter it.

The Heart of Blood Fiend is very important to his man, the man in white.

The leader of the man in black is confident in the flight. Although Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan have joined forces for great, they are still no match for the master who has the key information.

What's more, if he sits in the battle himself, he is not afraid that Jun Mohuang and his party will be the first.

He must ensure that Rong Yun gets the Heart of Blood Fiend so that his flesh and blood can be reused by the man in white.

The three quickly returned to the enchantment and used four special jade charms to enter.


Somewhere in the holy pool.

Yun Lan, Mo Xi and Baili Yun Sheng galloped through the air.

"Big brother, where are we going. When the barrier was opened just now, we should have entered with the boss. Maybe there will be some adventures."

Baili Yun Sheng didn't understand why Yun Lan left with the three of them when Jun Mohuang opened the barrier.

Running so fast, it's like running for your life.

"That place must be very dangerous, so my sister sent us to collect cultivation resources in advance, but didn't want us to go. It's still an adventure, I'm afraid you will really go in by then, and you won't even be able to leave the whole body."

Mo Xi hit Baili Yunsheng unceremoniously.

"My sister-in-law, you don't have to hit me like this, can you give your little brother some face."

When Baili Yunsheng thought of his corpse in pieces, a chill surged from his back to his brain.

"Who is your sister-in-law, don't bark."

Mo Xi's small face suddenly turned pink, and he glared at Baili Yunsheng.

"Xiao Xi is right. The things inside are definitely not simple. We are going to Patriarch Feng and other companions to inform them to avoid Luo Chen."

Yun Lan lowered her eyes, caught Mo Xi's flushing face, smiled lightly, and soft colors flashed in the cold and quiet black eyes.

Luo Chen lacked two elemental spirit crystals and couldn't enter the enchantment, so he would definitely take it personally.

If Luo Chen encounters Feng Yehan, Feng Yunqi and others during the process of picking it up, the situation will be greatly unfavorable.

Feng Yehan will be directly killed by Luo Chen, and Feng Yunqi and others will become Luo Chen's bargaining chips to threaten Jun Mohuang.

In either case, it is very bad.

"Brother is still thoughtful."

Baili Yunsheng immediately thought about what might happen. Fortunately, Yun Lan was thoughtful and left the canyon in the first time.

Fortunately, they all know the location of all their companions.

Otherwise, the consequences of encountering Luo Chen would be unimaginable.

Mo Xi couldn't help but glance at Yun Lan, his thoughts were really thorough.

The three of them continued on their way, hurried to where Feng Yehan and Mo Yaxi were.

Nausicaa of the Wind is the closest, so find someone from the nearest.

After finding everyone, Yun Lan intends to bring everyone to the blessed land of cultivation.

This time Jun Mohuang not only killed them where the cultivation resources are, but also mentioned several cultivation blessed places in the holy pool.

Yun Lan always feels that major events will happen after the journey to the holy pond is over.

As Jun Mohuang's companions, they must maximize their strength to the strongest, and strive to help her as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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