Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2546: Goddess's token

Chapter 2546 Goddess Lord's token

The area of ​​this room is too big. This last finger of the goddess greatly saves her time to scan other walls.

In this case, time becomes especially precious.

Even if it is only a moment, it may be the distance between life and death.

Jun Mohuang immediately turned on his penetrating ability, looking at the front wall.

A wall of golden pearls and gems disappeared, and a black space appeared.

In the black space, a white jade box was quietly placed.

This black space completely isolates the white energy lines that fill the entire room.

With the emergence of the black space, the huge white spar on the top of the hall suddenly burst out with scorching light, and the entire meteorite was shaking slightly.

The power of the white energy lines in the room soared, and the three people made an overwhelmed sound in the barrier thinner than paper, and thin and dense cracks appeared in the ending.

The enchantment will break at any time.

The blood-colored tornado greatly increased its power, and the distance completely wrapped the three people, leaving only a centimeter gap.

Jun Mohuang made seals on both hands, raising his hand speed to the extreme, using the technique of fetching objects from the air.

She still couldn't see the **** tornado, but she could sense that the three of them were now in a very dangerous situation.

Jun Mohuang took the white jade box in the black space with the fastest speed.

She had just put the white jade box into the space ring, and there was a crisp "bang", and the defense barriers of the three broke at the same time.

Countless white energy lines rushed to the four people, and the blood-colored tornado finally appeared completely.

Enveloping the three people, the scarlet energy raged wildly and surged, trying to swallow and tear the three people, and take the powerful energy in the three people as their own.

The retreat was completely sealed, and the three of them were about to have nowhere to go.

At this critical moment, red light, golden light, colorful halo, ink flame, purple light, the five energies suddenly exploded.

When the blood-colored tornado was about to close, with the help of only one millimeter remaining, five majestic energies tore the blood-colored tornado into a big opening.

Red light, golden light, all belong to Emperor Lingtian.

He used his own spiritual attack, coupled with a double offensive rune.

The colorful halo and ink flames naturally belong to Jun Mohuang.

Ziguang belongs to Zishuilan.

Di Lingtian took Jun Mohuang, and Zi Shuilan rushed out of it.

The three of them did not hesitate at all. The first moment they came out, they once again launched the strongest attack on the Scarlet Tornado.

With a loud "boom", two rounds of blood moons, nine golden phoenix phantoms, majestic ink flames, and a huge and incomparable purple cloud phantom collided with the **** storm.


The prey not only escaped, but counterattacked. The Scarlet Dragon Yuanjuan uttered a scream similar to the human voice, unavoidable, and was torn into countless blood threads.

After these blood-colored threads were scattered, they immediately gathered together, and more than one hundred blood people appeared in the air.

The strong blood and fierce aura filled the entire space.

The hall was flooded with colored energy light, and the light suddenly dimmed.

The floor of the hall cracked, and a blood pool with a diameter of more than a thousand meters rose from the ground.

The blood pool was boiling and surging, and the surging was not blood at all, but a blood man who was struggling to crawl out of the blood pool.

The **** breath lingers in the entire space.

The land of the true gods that the protoss are proud of immediately becomes the **** of Shura.

The smell of blood is so strong that people like Jun Mohuang who had received strict **** scene tolerance training in his youth wanted to vomit.

Jun Mohuang's eyes shrunk slightly, what on earth is this, it can be torn to form a human form again.

At night, have you been scared by the goddess Jun's corpse?

It's a lot of brainstorming to write this kind of plot, and the rest will be made up tomorrow morning.

A little spoiler, the follow-up plot has both shocks and surprises.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you God of War, Bai Qi, JK-N6, your cat, Old Time City, Allure Smile and other babies for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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