Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2570: Old guy dispatched

Chapter 2570 The old guy is dispatched

The best way is naturally to help Jun Mohuang and stop the girl in white.

Based on the understanding of the golden swallowing beasts of the gods, it is very difficult to obtain the last golden lotus flower, and the degree is definitely not comparable to the previous six times.

Luo Chen's staff are numerous and powerful, and maybe they will have the advantage at some point.

The gold swallowing beast can only help her by activating the only descendants of the wild beasts in the holy pool.

Determined that they could not be found, they slipped out of the blessed land of cultivation, and the hairy little ball behind the Golden Swallowing Beast turned into two children only seven or eight years old.

It is the spirit of little gold and earth.

In order to make himself more convincing when facing other wild monsters, Golden Swallowing Beast secretly told Xiaojin to go with it, and told her to keep it secret, because the wild beasts didn't like unrelated people to follow.

Earth Spirit and Xiaojin have always been inseparable, and he is even more worried that Xiaojin will follow the Gold Swallowing Beast alone, and also follow him together.

"Brother Golden Swallowing Beast, are you sure you can help the master to talk about those wild monsters?"

Xiao Jin was a little uncertain, whether he was doing the right thing to sneak out this time.

But when she thought that maybe those great beasts could help Jun Mohuang, especially the gold swallowing beasts, she made up her mind to go.

"Naturally, I am very popular among the behemoths of the prehistoric beasts, and I definitely echo them!"

The Golden Swallowing Beast patted his chest, and glanced at Xiaojin from the corner of his eyes.

Let alone the other giant beasts, there is Xiaojin, a human-shaped gold swallowing beast, and the gold swallowing beasts are absolutely willing to help.

Once the gold swallowing beasts are willing to help, it is much easier to find other wild beasts.

"Then let's go quickly."

It seems that this trip can really help the host, Xiao Jin has a sweet smile on his face.


The gold swallowing beast speeds up, Xiaojin and the earth spirits immediately follow.

Earth Spirit's yellow eyes flashed sharply, and he always felt that things would not be so simple.

No matter what, let's follow up first, if there is a change, he takes Xiaojin to escape immediately and flee to the bad woman.

The three gold swallowing beasts, Xiaojin, and the earth spirit have just left.

Mo Sie and Jun Liyuan quietly walked out of the blessed land of cultivation.

"Now, it's time for old guys like us to dispatch and do something for Mo Phoenix."

Mo Shao and the old man Jun Liyuan looked at each other and smiled, and immediately summoned their wings, hid their breath, and headed to the holy pond somewhere.


The black shadow man leader sent Rong Yun and Yao Xuan into the barrier, but did not follow.

His body hasn't fully recovered yet, and the energy radiation in the Land of True God is too strong, and his body simply can't stand this kind of damage.

After the black shadow man leader confirmed that the two had entered the realm of the true god, he immediately left the enchantment and went to a spiritual spring in the holy pond to soak and nourish the body.

This spiritual spring was pointed out by the white-clothed man and asked him to cultivate here.

Since entering the holy pond, he has often meditated in the spiritual spring.

Rong Yun had already sealed all the memory of the woman surnamed Jun. He had personally checked this and there was no problem.

Rong Yun couldn't remember her, so naturally he wouldn't help.

Yao Xuan and Rong Yun entered it, waiting for the opportunity, and they would definitely be able to get the Heart of Blood Fiend.

The black shadow man leader was quite confident about this, and once he left the enchantment, he immediately went to the spiritual spring to practice.

The aura in the spring was filled with aura, the black shadow leader sitting in the water with his eyes closed and meditating, suddenly his heart throbbed, his body shook, and the corners of his lips overflowed with blood.


The leader of the black shadow man stretched out his hand to cover his heart, and stood up from the spring with a brush, the expression on his face was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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