Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2589: Trident Scepter

Chapter 2589 Trident Scepter

Luo Chen's lightning ball would fall within five seconds. If he didn't run away immediately, he would go to Mo Xiu and Jun Liyuan to die.

Baili Patriarch and his wife exchanged glances and made a decision in their hearts.

The two of them stepped forward, supported the girl in white with the fastest speed, followed behind the small part of the spirit race, and mingled with Mo Yan and Jun Liyuan.

When most of the spirit races fled in panic, the intense purple light dyed everyone's eyes purple, and the purple lightning ball was already on their heads.

Everyone's scalp and back are numb, and almost all their hair is about to stand up.

"Daddy, mother, I'm afraid."

Mo Xiaoke saw such a terrible attack for the first time, his pink face was already wrinkled, and his eyes were full of fear.

She buried her head on Feng Yehan's neck and firmly grasped Mo Yaxi with one hand.

At this time, only her father and mother can bring her enough sense of security.

"Hey, Xiao Ke, don't, grandfather has a way to deal with bad guys, we will have nothing to do."

Feng Yehan stretched out his hand and patted her back, and took Mo Yaxi's hand.

Mo Yaxi looked at him and did not break free.

Mo Xi and Jun Liyuan ignored the powerful pressure brought by the lightning ball, and they exchanged glances.

Mo Yan took out a yellow trident scepter from his arms, and together with Jun Liyuan, dropped a drop of blood on it.

The trident scepter emits a soft yellow luster.

Mo Shao pierced the trident scepter fiercely into the ground, and the trident scepter, which was only a foot long, suddenly soared to dozens of times.

The trident burst out a yellow energy beam, automatically forming a defensive enchantment, protecting all the people standing next to Mo Shaojun Liyuan.

The barrier had just been formed, and a huge lightning ball arrived.

With a loud bang, the lightning ball collided with the trident defense barrier, and the entire barrier was shaking violently, showing no signs of breaking.

Everyone who was protected by the defensive barrier did not feel any discomfort.

Those spirit races who didn't listen to the words of Moxie and Jun Liyuan had no such good luck.

The shock wave of energy produced by the collision between the lightning ball and the defensive enchantment came quickly, and their speed could not be compared with the shock wave.

A series of screams sounded, and a large amount of blood on the ground increased rapidly.

"It was blocked!"

One blow failed, Luo Chen's eyes were full of ice.

He is preparing to launch the strongest blow again. This time, his lightning ball must be larger in diameter and more powerful than last time.

Luo Chen had just flashed this idea in his mind, and he had not had time to implement it.

The spiritual energy exploded in the holy pool, and everyone threw the holy pool, including Luo Chen.

In front of this palace, peace was restored.

Even any blood stains and corpses were automatically cleaned up, and everything for everyone before seemed to have never happened.


Jun Mohuang took the initiative to fall into the abyss, following Emperor Ling Tian.

Falling into the abyss is equivalent to falling into darkness completely, and she can't see any line of rule.

If it were not for the faint golden halo around Di Lingtian's body, she would not be able to see him at all.

Even so, she was very far away from Emperor Lingtian.

In the abyss, she could not use supernatural powers, she could only approach him by accelerating the fall.

No matter how she swung the Phoenix Wing to accelerate, the distance between her and him seemed to have never been closer.

No, you must never leave people behind, faster, faster!

(End of this chapter)

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