Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2598: How much did you watch

How much did you read in Chapter 2598?

Unfortunately, Emperor Wuming changed the color of all the other clothes, just the same, he did not change.

She therefore began to doubt.

Who would change the bottom ku for oneself at the juncture of life and death crisis, and this leisurely love.

Reminiscent of Di Lingtian told her earlier that he would only wear black, Jun Mohuang was even more suspicious.

Second, of course, there are always nuances when her power spells are applied to everyone.

This difference did not change because Emperor Wuming had exactly the same face as Emperor Lingtian and wore the same outer robe.

Combining the two, Jun Mohuang can judge that this one is a fake.

If she didn't have the first point to alert her, and the second point, such a very subtle flaw, she would not be able to detect it when she was worried about Di Lingtian at the time.

Jun Mohuang was about to talk about the second flaw. As soon as Emperor Lingtian used his long arm, Jun Mohuang was placed on the crystal of origin.

"White? Huang'er, how much did you see that kid?"

Di Lingtian's **** eyes narrowed slightly, looking down at her, the light of danger gleamed in his **** eyes, as if looking at his prey.

"Ling Tian, ​​what are you doing, your injury..."

When Jun Mohuang said this, he suddenly realized that during the conversation between the two, his injuries had all been healed by the Crystal of Origin.

The golden origin crystal loses energy and turns white.

"I only saw that."

The villain in Jun Mohuang's heart couldn't help but roll her eyes. After discovering something was wrong, she immediately put away her vision function.

She didn't mean to watch it.

Emperor Wuming possessed the blood of the runeman that Emperor Lingtian forced out of his body, because she would only see it.

She is also innocent, well, this is also jealous.

"How is it, does he look good."

Di Lingtian supported her with one hand, and with the other hand summoned the **** long sword, turning the **** long sword into a dagger.

Use this dagger to start cutting the original crystal above Jun Mohuang's head.

There, there is the only part that is still golden.

Jun Mohuang couldn't see what he was doing. He only heard the sound of sharp blade cutting the spar continuously, and couldn't help his brain opening.

What Di Lingtian is going to do, is it because she answered incorrectly, he will kill her with a single knife, and then use the crystal of the source to make her a coffin board and bury her here?

Jun Mohuang laughed dryly, "...Of course you still look good at Ling Tian."

Except for the color of the pupils, the two people look exactly the same, and there is no difference between good-looking and bad-looking.

It's just that she likes Di Lingtian, so Di Lingtian is the best-looking man in the world.

The crystal of the origin turned white, the golden light in the cave was dim, the light was dim, only a little golden light on her head.

In the dim light, Emperor Lingtian's handsome face added a demon and evil charm.

He looked at her condescendingly, her tall figure closing her in the shadows.

Jun Mohuang was slightly lost, and couldn't help but stretch out his hand and touch his face lightly.


This action of Jun Mohuang obviously pleased Di Lingtian.

His other hand finally stopped cutting the crystal of origin, and stuffed a bunch of golden things into her hands.

The texture is hard, slightly cool to the touch, and smooth. Jun Mohuang lifted his eyes slightly to see that it was an egg-like crystal of origin.

This is Di Lingtian just cut off her head with a blood-colored dagger, and quickly polished it with aura.

The golden light in this original crystal was shining, and there was no loss of energy. Di Lingtian purposely left a piece of it to be useless.

Jun Mohuang held this crystal of origin, his small face suddenly became hot and his color changed to pink.

(End of this chapter)

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