Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2610: It seems that my level has dropped a lot

Chapter 2610 seems to be my level has dropped a lot

She hadn't finished her question completely yet, Di Lingtian bowed her head and blocked everything she hadn't finished.

Jun Mohuang suddenly understood what Emperor Lingtian wanted to do.

She just got a Phoenix Crystal, Di Lingtian naturally wanted to make the most of it immediately.

The problem was that her current strength was too low, and she couldn't stand the devastation of Emperor Lingtian at all.

Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand, trying to push Emperor Ling Tian away.

In this case, how could Di Lingtian easily let her push away.

More than ten minutes later, with the efforts of Jun Mohuang, Di Lingtian finally let go of her.

During this process, Jun Mohuang tried her best to demand freedom, but she didn't realize that since the two entered the lake full of gods, the gods were automatically absorbed by the two.

Shen Yuan was absorbed, and the surroundings of the two of them were thick and sticky, and the creamy Shen Yuan turned into normal water.

With the help of his own aura, Di Lingtian suspended the two of them in the water.

"Huang'er, at this time, you are still rationally rejecting it. It seems that my level has dropped a lot."

Di Lingtian's voice was low, his **** eyes drooping slightly, and he could not conceal the two burning flames.

Jun Mohuang's pink face became even more red. Faced with such a straightforward teasing, she didn't bother to pay attention to Di Lingtian and directly pushed Di Lingtian's hand away.

Di Lingtian let go of her imprisonment, and Jun Mohuang easily pushed away his arm.

Absorbing the energy in the gods can restore her strength.

During this period of time, she absolutely must stay far away from Emperor Lingtian, as far as she can go.

Jun Mohuang thought so, after leaving Emperor Ling Tian, ​​he was about to fly up.


With a soft thud, a few small splashes splashed on the water, and Jun Mohuang sank directly into the water.

The clear water submerged her whole person.

Di Lingtian's eyes were quick and he picked her up, took out a Jinpa to dry the water on her face, and the thin, perfectly-shaped lips made a smirk.

"Huang'er, it seems that I was wrong. My level has not dropped. My family Huang'er was completely indulged in it, and didn't even realize that the water around him had become clear water."

Shenyuan has great density, thick and sticky, and great buoyancy.

It is true that only a little bit of aura is needed to fly away, but Shimizu can't.

The same spiritual energy can leave in the divine essence, and in the clear water, it can only fall directly into the water like Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang bit his lip and said nothing.

Looking at Shimizu next to him, he didn't know what expression to make.

Black history, properly black history.

Forget it, she has had a nosebleed in front of Di Lingtian, this kind of thing is nothing at all.

In the end, Jun Mohuang decided to treat all this as having never happened.

"It's really worrying, let's go, Huang'er, I will send you to a safe place."

Di Ling's **** eyes appeared in favor, his long arms tightened, and he hugged the person in his arms.

Di Lingtian enveloped her with a defensive barrier and placed her on a raised rock in the lake.

Jun Mohuang currently only has the third level of the Naling Realm, and it is not much stronger when he meets the two in Cangyuan Continent, and belongs to the object that needs key protection.

"Huang'er, be careful, I'll be by your side."

"Recover your strength quickly."

Di Lingtian tenderly dropped a kiss on her forehead.

His voice was dull and low, and the flames burning in his **** moon-like eyes were more vigorous, indicating Di Lingtian's mood at this moment.


Jun Mohuang nodded lightly, and reached out to shook Di Lingtian's hand.

She and Di Lingtian will be very cute and cute.

(End of this chapter)

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