Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2618: Conferred

Chapter 2618 Conferred God

Luo Chen covered the entire chamber with white spar, artificially created a spar cave, and sat cross-legged during the period.

The white spar emits dense energy lines, surrounding Luo Chen.

As he continued to absorb the energy in the white spar, the white spar quickly dimmed.

There is a risk of failure if you use energy other than the crystal of the origin and the energy of the heaven and earth to impact the original spirit realm.

Luo Chen disagrees.

The white spar was dug out from the ruins of the true god's hometown. The protoss regarded it as a treasure, concealed it with an enchantment, and cultivated the palace to live in it. The energy of the white spar was absolutely no problem.

Facts have proved that Luo Chen's speculation is completely correct.

In less than fifteen days, he would have collected all the energy needed to break the Primordial Spirit Realm.

The majestic and massive spiritual energy turned into turbulent waves, constantly impacting the barrier between the Yuansheng realm and the Yuanshen realm.

Luo Chen went very smoothly, the energy in the white spar was too strong, less than fifty hits, and the solid barrier was finally completely broken.

There was a loud bang.

The tyrannical energy fluctuations gushing out of the Luochen Qi Sea and hitting the stone wall of the secret chamber, the stone wall shattered and directly collapsed into ruins.

Luo Chen flew out of the ruins and was dragged by a mysterious force to the sky above Lingdu.

Heaven and earth began to occur in the sky in the spiritual capital.

The golden auspicious clouds came from nowhere, and floated to the sky, dyeing the entire spirit sky golden.

Many clouds turned into various rare and exotic animals, flying up and down and dancing around the sky.

Nine golden dragons appeared, hovering above the palace, and the sound of dragons chanted throughout the world.

The vision of heaven and earth, the dancing of the Kowloon, will immediately attract the attention of the spirit race.

"This...this is..."

"My God, if I remember correctly, this is a miracle! Or a miracle of conferred gods!"

One of them, a well-informed, quite senior spirit clan pointed at the sky, his fingers trembling with excitement.

Someone in the spiritual capital was promoted to the Yuanshen Realm Conferred God, this person, except Luo Chen, could not have anyone else.

"It's the Lord, it must be the Lord!"

"Junshang Fengshen is promoted to the Primordial God Realm, long live yours!"

Many spirit races were stimulated by the news and immediately forgot all the shortcomings of Luo Chen and began to cheer for Luo Chen from the heart.

Luo Chen appeared in the air in the gazes of the spirit races who were extremely respected.

Nine Nine Dragon phantoms condensed by golden light, flying up and down around Luo Chen.

The nine golden dragons uttered the sound of dragon chants, one after another, into the Luochen Qi Sea.

When Kowloon entered the body, Luo Chen's momentum soared instantly.

A golden light beam with a diameter of 100 meters tore through the void, like a Changhong falling to the ground, shining on Luo Chen.

Luo Chen's sea of ​​qi was like a bottomless black hole at this moment, absorbing the energy in this golden beam crazily.

After a few seconds, all the energy in the golden beam was absorbed by Luo Chen.

Luo Chen's vigorous momentum is like a tide, and the sky is overwhelming.

As the weight of tens of thousands of catties is pressing on everyone's back, the spirit races can't afford any resistance at all, their legs are soft, they immediately kneel down, crawling and shivering on the ground.


Luo Chen felt the majestic energy in the sea of ​​qi, changed with himself, and began to raise his head and laugh wildly.

He finally succeeded! Luo Chen finally succeeded!

He finally successfully promoted to the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm and became the only **** in this world!

Even if his opponent Di Lingtian survived by chance, he was still lingering and unable to compete with him.

(End of this chapter)

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