Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2627: Absolutely not allowed

Chapter 2627 absolutely must not be used

Feng Xiaorou said calmly: "Since you can't live without your father, then you can tell the shortcomings of the Spirit Race army so that our family can be reunited."

", it's absolutely impossible."

Patriarch Yuan struggled for a few seconds, still shaking his head.

It was about the safety of the tens of millions of Spirit Race army and the entire Celestial Spirit World Spirit Race, he would never let the demons know this secret.

"Then you go."

Feng Xiaorou glanced at him one last time, and the disappointment deep in her eyes flashed away.

"what about you."

Feng Xiaorou looked at the remaining 22 wives of the spiritual minister.

The remaining 22 spiritual ministers and wives were not as determined as Feng Xiaorou and the six wives. They were all hesitating.

"Sister Feng, the identity of the priestess Tianhuang's daughter has not yet been determined. It's not good to do this."

"Yeah, let's not be arrogant now, sit down calmly and talk."

Several hesitant psychic men tried to suggest.

They don't want Husband, nor do they want to get froze with the Mozu.

The spiritual liquid in the spiritual spar that Feng Yunqi and others brought back from the holy pond was very good for them to have a baby, and they did not want to lose this benefit.

"Important?! Hmph, you found that your husband was carrying other women on your back, and you also concealed you, stuffed these women into the tribe, and let you take care of them. After you found out, you were furious and wrote down. After the book, I ran away from home."

"Excuse me, why did you take things carelessly and calm down? Even if you can't do it, I'm so embarrassed to let us calm down. Why!"

Wu Qianyong's eyes were full of anger, and he was extremely disgusted with the arguments of these spirit tribe ladies.

"What to do with so much nonsense to them, our boss is not uncommon for a messy daughter of Tianhuang. Since they are hesitant to the boss, let them go."

Feng Yunqi was not so polite.

It took their boss a lot of golden spiritual springs to save these spiritual ladies and the children in their womb. At a critical moment, these women actually said this.

Feng Yunqi definitely didn't yell at these women at home, he was already well cultivated.

Perhaps this group of spirit tribe ladies also felt that they were ignorant. Hearing what Wu and Feng said, they bowed their heads in shame.

Six ministers’ wives tilted their minds under the accusations of the two.

They were hesitant in their hearts, but it was difficult to make up their minds.

After all, Hugh, staying in the Nine Nether Realm from now on, betraying the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and following Jun Mohuang is a major event.

Now they will finally make up their minds.

They were originally dissatisfied with the birth of offspring by their husbands and other women in the tribe, and these spiritual ministers have never expressed their views.

That being the case, why do they have to live with this kind of man.

Their lives were saved by Jun Mohuang, and they wanted to stay in the Nine Nether World.

The six ministers’ wives threw the divorce notice to their husbands and stood behind Feng Xiaorou and others.

In spite of this, there are still 16 ministers’ wives who still did not express their views on the letter.

This is already an expression, indicating that they are not willing to stay in the Nine Nether World.

"In that case, everyone, sisters, you can do it yourself when you return to the Spirit Race, Luo Chen will not let you go."

Feng Xiaorou glanced at the sixteen ministers' wives, turned her head without hesitation, and entered the canyon.

The twelve wives who have already had Husband did not bother to look at their wife, carrying their skirts, holding their stomachs, and following Feng Xiaorou's pace.

(End of this chapter)

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