Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2630: Slaughter

Chapter 2630

It is the second largest tribe in the Lingdu, the patriarch of the Ji clan, ranks one or two in the army, almost on the same level as the patriarch of the Yuan clan.

Luo Chen is now in the Primordial Divine Realm. With a kick, the minister's chest collapsed and blood was gushing. Before he had time to make any sound, his whole person was like a mass of soft flesh, collapsing on the ground, dead in anger.

"My lord... my lord!"

"My lord, I don't blame Patriarch Ji for this. Patriarch Ji didn't come to lead the spirit tribe army because his wife and the entire tribe were taken to the Nine Nether Realm!"

Some in the spirit tribe army thought that Luo Chen didn't know the inside story and immediately spoke for the dead Chief Ji.

"Yes, Lord, all the family wives of the other adults were captured by the demon. The adults bravely and fought deeply into the Nine Nether World, and finally rescued all the family members of the tribe from the hands of the demon."

There were even those in the army who were afraid that Luo Chen would blame other ministers, and began to excuse Yuan clan chief and other ministers.

These spirit races spoke well for the ministers, stationed at the border all year round, thinking that Luo Chen didn't know anything about it.

Luo Chen has always had strict rules in killing, he is not harsh to his subordinates, nor is he keen on killing.

Knowing all this, the ministers must not be blamed.

However, it turns out that they were very wrong.

After Luo Chen listened, a pair of golden eyes were quite oppressive, focusing on the families of the ministers who were kneeling respectfully.

If his gaze is substantive, press on the backs of these ministers and families, and these people put their backs lower.

The low pressure spread in the air, and they became cautious even breathing.

The Yuan patriarch's back was cold, and his heart suddenly jumped, and a bad premonition arose.

"Really, it is because of you that they can't even take care of the battle, delaying the monarch and delaying the business affairs of the heavenly spirit world."

Luo Chen looked at this group of about a thousand people, and suddenly sneered.

"Since your existence will make the monarch's subordinates fearful, even the overall situation. You are so in the way, there is no need for existence."

Luo Chen flicked his sleeves, and the void behind him tore apart, and a purple lightning ball with a diameter of several hundred fell from the sky.

There was a loud noise and the ground shook.

The dazzling purple light exploded, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

Thousands of spirit races did not even have time to scream, and they were instantly overwhelmed by the lightning ball.

It turned out that there was a big pit several tens of meters deep in the place where these people were. There was a scorched black color in the big pit, similar to the spread of the smell of burning things.

There was nothing in the pit except for a piece of ash.

Thousands of spirit races were instantly burned to ashes in Luo Chen's attack on this lightning ball.

Even the sixteen ministers’ wives are no exception.

The heads of the Yuan clan and other spiritual ministers had red eyes, a cold back, and their hearts were trembling.

They immediately jumped into the pit, desperately trying to find their relatives.

They looked around, but there were only piles of ashes.


"Father! Mother!"

"My boy! Ah!"

All the ministers of the spirit tribe held up a pile of ashes, their eyes were red, with tears in their eyes, and they let out a hissing roar.

The chief of the Yuan clan stood blankly beside the big pit, his body stiff, like a falling ice cellar.

His parents and all the people in the tribe were chopped into ashes by Luo Chen with a ball of lightning.

That was the case, no wonder Feng Xiaorou had a firm attitude, insisted on staying in the Nine Nether World, and refused to return to the Heavenly Spirit World.

(End of this chapter)

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