Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2664: Strength cheating

Chapter 2664

"Well, Huang'er, let's continue."

Di Lingtian moved his arms and the two returned to their original positions.


Only after Jun Mohuang's protest was heard, it was blocked again.

Di Lingtian is really tireless and persevering.

Three seconds later, Jun Mohuang began to feel nauseous and retching again.

As a result, Di Lingtian had no choice but to stop, holding Jun Mohuang together, using the power of the source to reduce her physical discomfort.

A quarter of an hour later, Jun Mohuang's body returned to normal.

Emperor Ling Tian continued perseveringly.

The results were no different from the first two times, and so was the third time.

Di Ling's face was very ugly.

No matter how stupid he was, he could guess that this was for him.

The culprit was his unborn daughter.

Di Lingtian took out the Phoenix Crystal from the Phoenix Jade Space.

At this time, Huang Jing was different from the appearance of Di Ling Genius who had cut it from the original crystal.

There is a soft colorful halo on the surface, and a life has begun to be bred inside.

"Ling Tian, ​​what are you doing."

Jun Mohuang became vigilant and wanted to **** Huang Jing back.

"Throw her away, let's try again."

How could Di Lingtian let her grab it.

Huang Jing disappeared directly from his hand, and was moved to a safe place far away with his spiritual energy.

"Ling Tian, ​​what are you doing!"

Jun Mohuang was in a sudden panic, and a strong sense of nausea rose from her heart again, and she couldn't control the retching after another.

Seeing this, Emperor Lingtian moved his fingertips lightly, and Huang Jing reappeared.

Jun Mohuang's nausea was immediately reduced, and Huang Jing snatched Huang Jing into his arms and held it tightly.

Jun Mohuang stood up and quickly backed away a few steps.

How could Di Lingtian be like this? This is their child. He just threw the unborn child away for his own selfish desires.


Di Ling stepped forward to the sky, trying to pull her to explain.

He didn't mean anything else, but just wanted to determine whether Jun Mohuang's nausea was related to his unborn daughter.

As soon as Di Lingtian's hand approached Jun Mohuang, before touching her, a strong feeling of nausea spread in Jun Mohuang's heart.

Jun Mohuang covered his lips and began to retching again.

"Don't come here, let me slow down."

Jun Mohuang held Huang Jing and leaned on the soft collapse, nauseous and retching from time to time.

Every time Di Lingtian approached her, her nausea became more severe.

Di Lingtian had no choice but to feel distressed, so he had to back up and distanced himself from Jun Mohuang.

This time, he couldn't even hold her in his arms and use the power of the source to nourish and ease her physical condition.

Di Lingtian stared at the Phoenix Crystal that Jun Mohuang was holding. The initiator of all this was his unborn daughter.

It was because he took her away from Jun Mohuang just now, which made her unhappy.

Just by making Jun Mohuang uncomfortable, he was prohibited from approaching.

This little girl has been so troubled before she was born, how will she be born later.

Once he really wanted to have a baby with her.

Now, Di Lingtian began to regret it, how could he have such an idea at the beginning.

After half an hour, Jun Mohuang's nausea finally disappeared.

Di Lingtian approached cautiously, and found that she had no more signs of guilty of nausea, and then approached Jun Mohuang, stretched out his hand to embrace her, and leaned on the couch together.

"What exactly is going on."

Jun Mohuang habitually leaned back in Emperor Lingtian's arms.

"It's not that ghost girl is making a ghost, she probably doesn't want me to touch you."

Di Lingtian looked down at Huang Jing, feeling very complicated.

Silence for Di Lingtian for one second, then laugh for another five minutes, who makes you always sprinkle dog food, huh

(End of this chapter)

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