Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2934: Killing skill, sword of falling wood

Chapter 2934 must kill the technique, the sword of falling wood

Of course, it's not that they are slow to react, but that the sudden and brainless behavior of Zhao Wuling is really beyond the expectation of normal people.

Among all the people onlookers, the Sect Master without Star God was the first to react.

He took a step forward and stretched out his hand to protect Zhao Wuling behind him, but his movements were too slow, Zhao Wuling had turned into a cloud of blood when he shot, and all he caught was a wisp of breeze.

"Ling'er, Ling'er!"

Unbelievable, anger, pain and other emotions quickly flashed on the face of the sovereign, and suddenly lost his beloved daughter. The starless **** sect's eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at Di Lingtian angrily.

"The emperor, we have treated each other with courtesy without the Star God Sect, how can we offend you!"

Di Lingtian not only asked him to kill his daughter, but even more so without saying a word, he would be cruel.

"What a wife who treats each other with courtesy, insults and slanders the dignity, in your opinion, it is not an offense. Sect Master, your family is indeed a good tutor. No wonder you can teach such a daughter."

"That's right, Sovereign, don't feel pain, sorrow, or resentment. Our emperor is helping you to eradicate the scourge of the Starless God Sect. This woman is full of tofu and dregs in her mind. She speaks without barriers. After entering God's Domain, she offended the Black Dragon and Jiuyu. For the Yan Phoenix clan, your Starless Divine Sect is the fate of being destroyed by the group."

"Now our emperor will kill you in advance and save your lives. Sect Master, you should thank the emperor."

Chi Chi and Feng Yunqi sang a peace, and succeeded in causing the black cloud to whisper on the face of the Sect Master of the Godless Sect, so gloomy that it was about to drip.

"You! You... deceive people too much, too much!"

The Sect Master of the Non-Star God Sect was short of breath, and his eyes were red and bloody.

"Repay my daughter's life!"

In anger, the sect master of the Starless God sect directly lost his mind, ignoring that Emperor Lingtian was stronger than him, his hands were sealed, and a towering giant tree composed of wood elements appeared behind the sect master.

"Father, no!"

According to Wuxing, his sanity is still there, and he knows very well what he will send out if the Sect Master insists on transcending God.

Zhao Wuxing was about to persuade, a violent color flashed across the face of the godless sect.

"Shut up! Are you the son of this suzerain or the son of a man surnamed Emperor!"

In the anger of Wuxing Shenzong, he stretched out his hand and patted Zhao Wuxing's heart.


Zhao Wuxing's chest collapsed, groaning painfully, and his clothes were covered in blood.

With a close blow, Zhao Wuxing could no longer hold it, and fell from the sky.

According to the people near Wuxing, no one came to hold him.

Zhao Wuying even added to the flames, pushing Zhao Wuxing a palm to make him fall faster.

On the black flying boat, Jun Mohuang sighed lightly, flicking his slender fingers, no one could see it, she flicked the line of regulation that belonged to Zhao Wuxing.

A roll of the line of rules, Zhao Wuxing landed smoothly into Luancheng.

No one cared how Zhao Wuxing fell, and their attention was focused on the back of the Sect Master of Wuxing God.

The giant tree has a huge crown and luxuriant branches and leaves, instantly covering the sky above Luan City, and the entire city's sunlight is immediately blocked and plunged into a huge shadow.

"This...this is the ultimate skill of the Sect Master Without Star God, and it is also the strongest attack, the sword of falling wood!"

Under the shadow of the giant tree, someone exclaimed.

"If so, we can feast our eyes now!"

Below, the onlookers looked at it and their eyes lit up instantly.

This is not something that you can see every day for the nirvana issued by the seventh-order master of the Yuanshen realm.

(End of this chapter)

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