Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2945: Thank you, Senior Black Dragon

Chapter 2945 Thank you for the smart plan of the senior Black Dragon

"You are responsible for attacking Jun Mohuang, and this dragon is responsible for attacking Emperor Lingtian."

"Okay, senior."

Luo Chen and Black Dragon finished their division of labor, and two soul balls, one black and one white, were suspended in front of them.

A group of colorful flames emerged on the soul-like Luo Chen. Luo Chen's soul began to twist, rapidly becoming smaller and transparent, and the colorful flames were burning and becoming more and more prosperous.

Luo Chen's strongest attack was a full element attack.

Combining the power of the eight major elements in the world, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and ice, is a full element attack.

This group of colorful fire is the specific form displayed when all elements attack.

Luo Chen held back the pain of the burning soul, and when his thoughts moved, the colorful fire condensed into a fireball and flew towards Jun Mohuang.

On the other side, the black dragon also began to burn his soul.

A group of black flames of weird colors suddenly rose, and the black flames were black with gold, little gold dazzling and dazzling, with a strong sun.

This is the strongest attack of the black dragon, the fire of the dragon soul.

While Luo Chen offered all elemental attacks, the black dragon's dragon soul fire flew towards Emperor Lingtian.

The two attacked at the cost of burning their souls, infinitely approaching Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian.

Jun Mohuang and Emperor Ling Tian didn't even know that the danger was coming, and all their attention was focused on the refining heaven and earth vitality air flow.

"Boom!" "Boom!" Two soft sounds, the fire of all elements and the dragon soul hit the eyebrows of the two, and the colorful and black flames instantly spread to both of them.

Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian directly turned into two fireballs.


It succeeded, he succeeded!

Heilong didn't have any scruples anymore, and began to look up to the sky and laugh wildly.

If he was exposed to his dragon soul fire in an unsuspecting state, even if Di Lingtian reacted immediately, he could not reduce the damage caused by the dragon soul fire to him.

Because of the burning of the soul, Luo Chen's soul state has all become transparent, and a gust of wind can blow him away.

But Luo Chen completely ignored his weakness at the moment, his eyes gleamed, and he fixedly looked at Jun Mohuang.

Emperor Lingtian couldn't resist the fire of the dragon soul, neither could Emperor Mohuang resist his all-element attacks.

These two people were really successfully attacked jointly by them.

Their freedom is just around the corner!

"Thank you, Senior Black Dragon for the trick!"

If only he is alone, it is completely impossible to hurt the emperor and Jun to such a degree.

"Well, then we will go back to the little girl and wait for the two injured to drop sharply."

Heilong laughed again, and Luo Chen was about to leave when a soft female voice sounded.

"It's all here. Don't stay longer and leave. It's better to stay longer."

This female voice was extremely sweet, but in the ears of Heilong and Luo Chen, it was no different from thunder on the ground.

The two followed their prestige, and Jun Mohuang slowly opened his eyes in the colorful flames.

Those golden eyes became more dazzling and dazzling in the colorful flames.

The corners of the ruddy and plump lips lightly hooked, evoking a hint of mockery.

Jun Mohuang's complexion was as usual, and there was a half-injured appearance.

"You... Jun Mohuang, you are not injured, this is impossible! This is impossible!"

Luo Chen was shocked, but also hit hard.

Why, why the strongest attack he launched by burning his soul is useless, Jun Mo Phoenix is ​​already so strong?

Heilong's astonishment was no less than Luo Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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