Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2972: Why is it so slow

Chapter 2972 ​​Why is it so slow?

"Not long ago, the junior received a message from two juniors confirming that they were heading to the canyon."

Since there is no so-called cooling time for using Tianlingdi Treasure, as long as the inventory of Tianlingdi Treasure is sufficient, then even treasure hunters can advance and retreat in God's Domain.

And in God's Domain, the most indispensable are all kinds of heaven, spirit and earth treasures.

The two treasure hunters, Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian, had no shortcomings at all.

"There is no cooling's no wonder that the two of them would make Minghui Shenzong like this."

The Sect Master Yunyin was completely interested in Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian, but his eyes were full of mockery of the big brother.

"My lord, the two are here."

The big brother pursed his lips and did not respond, clenching his fists hidden in his sleeves.

Shenzong Yunyin did have a relationship with Minghui Shenzhong, but it hadn't reached the point where the other party could accept him.

If it were not for the information about the emperor and the monarch in his hands, the Sect Master Yunyin wouldn't even look at him, let alone take it in.

Even so, the senior brother and the other two Minghui Shenzong disciples still suffered from the cold words and cold words of the Yunyin Shenzong disciples.

Shenzong Yunyin is one of the three great sects after all, so of course he would not look down upon the three bereaved dogs who came to get involved.

The big brother stared at Emperor Mohuang Emperor Lingtian who entered from the mouth of the canyon, his eyes bursting with hatred.

These two strangers, wait for him.

He will spread all the anger he received in Yunyin Divine Sect on these two people.

"It's these two people, very good, this suzerain is waiting for them to choose the five-star entrance."

The Sect Master Yunyin cast his gaze on Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian, and the color of greed in his eyes flashed away.

These two people use the cooldown time of the battle of the Heavenly Spirit and Earth Treasure, so they will definitely choose the five-star entrance.

All treasure hunters will only chase heaven, spirit and earth. This is their nature.

"Congratulations, Lord Sovereign, for obtaining two treasure hunters, congratulations to Shenzong Yunyin's dominance of the mainland after a thousand years." The senior brother looked respectful and flattering.

"Hahaha! You are right. When my Divine Yunyin Sect dominates the mainland, this suzerain will help you rebuild Minghui Divine Sect."

The Sect Master Yunyin couldn't help laughing out loud.

As long as Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian enter the God's Domain from the five-star entrance, he can immediately capture the two of them, allowing them to only serve the Yunyin Divine Sect.

Holding these two treasure hunters in their hands, what they want in the realm of God, leaving from the realm of God for a thousand years, they will definitely be able to dominate the mainland.

"Thank you, Lord Sovereign!"

The big brother was overjoyed, and when he got this promise, his eyes were also worth this month.

Those surnamed Jun and Emperor, just wait, I will be able to trample you under your feet soon!

Canyon entrance.

Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian walked in hand in hand, and the two walked slowly, as if they were strolling in a garden enjoying flowers, without a trace of tension.

"Boss, why are we walking so slowly."

The two were not in a hurry, but Feng Yunqi and others found it very strange.

Just now when they left, they were fast, but suddenly slowed down in the middle. Everyone couldn't understand what kind of calculations Jun Mohuang was making.

"You'll find out later."

A touch of cunning flashed in Jun Mohuang's eyes.

Don't walk slowly, and walk in front of the eavesdroppers that the two had just hidden in the distance.

A group of people walked into the canyon and merged into the flow of people in the canyon. Emperor Mohuang Emperor Ling Tian and the others randomly found a place in the canyon and waited for the competition to start.

(End of this chapter)

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