Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 2977: Back Pot Man

Chapter 2977 Back Pot Man

Well, it seems to be a bit difficult to get the Yunling divine fruit, but well, none of this is a problem.

Because Back Pot Man is coming.

At this time, the space nearby was distorted and energy fluctuated abnormally.

The people of Shenzong Yunyin are coming soon.

The corner of Jun Mohuang's lips twitched, and the sly light flickered in his eyes.

Before she could move, Di Lingtian put his big hand on her back, and several golden runes entered Jun Mohuang's body.

The strength of Jun Mohuang instantly fell to the seventh stage of the Yuanhuang Realm.

Not only her, but the strength of Emperor Lingtian also fell to the seventh stage of the Yuanhuang Realm.

"Ling Tian, ​​you still understand me."

Jun Mohuang pursed his lips and smiled, charmingly.

"Huang'er, you naughty girl."

Di Lingtian said in his mouth, his **** eyes were deep, full of indulgence.

Feng Yunqi and others automatically ignored the friendship between the two men's eyebrows and began to gloat.

The two have suppressed their strength, and some people will be out of luck, haha!

Jun Mohuang slowly walked towards Yunling Divine Fruit.


Just when her hand was about to touch the Yunling divine fruit, she was snapped off.

The energy fluctuation suddenly became violent, and the people of the Yunyin Divine Sect were sent into the land of Canaan.

Sect Master Yunyin didn't have time to look at the surrounding environment, nor did he notice that his direct strength was instantly suppressed to the ninth level of Yuanhuang Realm.

In his eyes, only Jun Mohuang and the Yunling divine fruit that Jun Mohuang was about to pick.

"Get this fruit quickly and give it to this suzerain. This suzerain will provide protection for both of you in the next thousand years and guarantee your lives without any worries!"

Sect Master was ecstatic in his heart, and he followed these two treasure hunters, and there was nothing wrong with it.

All kinds of red fruits are fragrant. They must be the red fruits that the only surviving cultivator took tens of thousands of years ago. They can resist the suppression of power by the Land of Death to a certain extent.

The cultivator only got one by chance, and now he has three in front of him, as well as two treasure hunters, Jun Mohuang and Di Lingtian.

Getting more red fruits is not difficult at all.

As long as there are enough red fruits, you can completely restore your strength and successfully get the treasure of the dead.

"Okay, we can't beat you together anyway, you can take it."

Maybe Jun Mohuang was really frightened, but this time he was out of compliance.

With a wave of his small hand, three red Yunling divine fruits fell off the cracks in the stone and flew towards the Sect Master Yunyin.

Sect Master Yun Yin was overjoyed and hurriedly caught it with both hands.

The three cloud spirit gods are as bright as cinnabar, and they are particularly conspicuous in these old hands like bark.

That's great, great, these two people finally bowed their heads to reality and surrendered to him.

From then on, he will have countless treasures of heaven and earth!

Senior Brother Minghui Shenzong followed with Sect Master Yunyin, and his face also showed unconcealed joy.

Only Jun Mohuang's companions couldn't figure out why she suddenly surrendered and threw the Yunling divine fruit to give in.

In ecstasy, Sect Master Yun Yin was about to swallow three Yunling divine fruits in one bite.

The ground was shaking, and the pile of monsters and bones came back to life under the eyes of everyone beside the place where Yunling's divine fruit grew.

The white bones scattered all over the place were reorganized to become a complete monster skeleton.

The Bone Beast, like a mountain, with two gray flames burning in its hollow eye sockets.

It has no flesh, no fur, and the pressure it exudes is still heart palpitating.

"How dare you steal this sage's divine fruit, **** it! This sage wants to hunt down to the end of the world, until you die!"

(End of this chapter)

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