Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3099: Mysterious transparent barrier

Chapter 3099 Mysterious Transparent Enchantment


The ancestor elder was furious, and the dragon's tail swung, and suddenly accelerated, extending the dragon's claws to grab the Snow Territory Lord and Mo Yaxi.

His dragon claws went out, but what he caught was a transparent barrier.

There was a muffled "bang".

The ancestor snorted, the dragon claw turned at an abnormal angle, and drips of blood immediately poured out.

The transparent barrier did not move, and bounced back the ancestor elder.

The ancestor elder could no longer maintain the real body of the black dragon, and turned into a human form again, falling into the mountain stream and stepping back several tens of meters before taking a look to stabilize his pace.

The arm that turned into a dragon claw just now was bent at an abnormal angle, and it was directly broken by the transparent barrier.

In the air, the transparent barrier remained untouched, unscathed.

"Elder Ancestor!"

The black dragons were shocked and came to the ancestor elder one after another.

This transparent enchantment that suddenly appeared could actually hurt the ancestor elder. What is this?

The Lord of Yan Territory gritted his teeth, unwilling to be robbed of the space ring by Xiao Haitang, and was about to continue the pursuit.

The ancestor elder shouted sharply: "Come back, that barrier is the power of Canaan's underground palace."

He used his intact hand to wave a vitality rope to tie it back.

The Yan Domain Master was so stopped and finally sober.

The power of the Canaan Underground Palace prevents them from facing opponents during the assessment. This is such a powerful energy that even the ancestor elders have suffered a fracture.

They can't catch these two little girls, it must be the power of the Canaanite Palace to protect them.

"Using children to carry out sneak attacks, you are so mean!"

These two little girls suddenly appeared. It must have been instigated by the Snow Territory Master and others. The Snow Territory Master successfully used this loophole to steal her spar. What a despicable method!

"Cut, what despicable, you rob us spar, it's not despicable? But all by means."

"A group of you adults, even our little princess can't guard against losing the spar. I'm ashamed to say it, I'm all ashamed for you!"

Lord Yinyue and Feng Yunqi responded unceremoniously.

"You wait! We must have more spars than you!"

The Lord of the Flame Region was so angry that his chest was constantly rising and falling, and he looked at the ancestor elder beside him.

"Elder Ancestor, your cooperation with me is not counted."

Elder Ancestor stretched out his hand and broke his broken arm just right, "Of course it counts, not only counts, all the beast crystals that our Black Dragon clan obtained in this cooperation will be given to the flame domain master."

The two little thieves successfully angered him.

If Yan Domain Master is not allowed to win this competition, his face will be completely unable to earn it back.

"Hmph, wait and see."

The flame domain master suppressed the joy on his face, the ancestor elder gave everyone a cool look, and the two teams turned and left.

After they left, the transparent barrier floating in the air finally dissipated.

"Aunt Xue, this is my sister and I who took back all the spars!"

Xiao Haitang put the space ring for fetching from the air into the hands of the master of the snow domain.

Fortunately, although he was almost caught by the bad guys, the process was surprising and risky, and Xiao Haitang felt full of accomplishment.

At least the two groups of bad guys never dared to grab everyone's spar.

"Little princess, you not only learned how to get things from the boss, but also how to teleport?"

Feng Yunqi leaned over with an unbelievable expression.

"No, I only use the technique of fetching things from the air. The distance is very short. I have to thank Sister Xiao Ke for help."

"I didn't know what was going on with the teleportation just now. At that time, I wanted to go to Uncle Feng and everyone immediately, and then I found out that I was holding Miss Ke to everyone."

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Lei Wushuang ° for your reward.

I felt sick tonight, so I resisted writing two chapters. I will go to the hospital tomorrow. I won’t post at noon. It’s all at night, right?

(End of this chapter)

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