Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3111: First disappointment

Chapter 3111 First Disappointment

The ancestor elder was indifferent, lacking in interest, and not interested at all.

Haha, just step back fifty miles, thinking you are sending beggars.

Not to mention stepping back fifty miles, even one hundred thousand miles back is not as important as getting a message from the Venerable.

Venerable Black Dragon is extremely powerful, even if Jun Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian get both the Most Yin Cyclone and the Most Yang Cyclone, they are not his opponents.

After all, these two people were too shallow to compare with the Venerable Black Dragon.


The girl in white was hit hard, she bit her lip and felt cruel in her heart.

"One hundred thousand li is one hundred thousand li, but the ancestor elder must ensure that the next assessment will be on the side of the monarch and help the monarch to obtain points."

It's not too much to go back one hundred thousand miles.

What is the belief and dignity of the Nine Feathered Flame Phoenix Clan, nothing is more important than her successfully obtaining the Yin Cyclone, being the goddess of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix Clan.

"Good, deal."

Elder Ancestor's eyes flickered, and after a glance at Xiao Haitang, he suddenly changed his mind.

A drop of blood popped out of the ancestor elder's fingertips, and the girl in white was afraid that he would repent, so she broke her fingertips and popped a drop of blood.

The essence and blood of the two met in the air and turned into **** runes. The translation of these **** runes was the agreement reached between the two.

The scarlet rune appeared within two seconds, and quickly dissipated between the sky and the earth.

It means that the two people's agreement has been testified by heaven and earth and has become part of the rules of heaven and earth, and no one can go back.


At this time, not only the people of the tribe were shocked, but even the master of the flame domain looked at the girl in white in disbelief.

One hundred thousand miles... One hundred thousand miles!

They desperately guarded the land, so the white-clothed girl confessed in a big mouth. The two also signed a blood oath that could not be repented, and the host of the flame domain was shaking.

She is very small in mind, cannot tolerate the Lord of the Snow Region, and has a bad temper, but it does not mean that the Lord of the Flame Region is a person without a sense of mission.

Her biggest wish is to wait for the return of the goddess, and follow the goddess to unify the divine realm, instead of watching her goddess cede land to the black dragon clan.

For the first time, the host of Yan domain was disappointed with the girl in white.

"This is the goddess you chose, so how, are you satisfied?"

Seeing the silence of the other party, Feng Yunqi couldn't help but sneer.

He has no sympathy for the group of Yanyu masters at all. The white-clothed girl is chosen by themselves and cannot blame others.

"If you are dissatisfied with her, please join our team as soon as possible. The treatment is good, the treatment is good!"

Lord Yinyue watched the excitement and wasn't afraid of it, so he immediately yelled.

Old tortoise slapped his forehead fiercely, and really wanted to punch Lord Yinyue right now.

The treatment of **** is favorable, does this dead loach think it is a mover!

Can you say something reliable on such a serious occasion?

I don't know if Lord Yinyue's words really worked, or whether the white-clothed girl's move was unpopular.

There were actually twelve members of the clansmen who walked from the team of Yanyu Master to their team.


The twelve clansmen walked up to Jun Mohuang, knelt down on their knees, bowed to her, and said nothing at the end of the team.

"That's right. You don't want your territory to be ceded. You all come to my boss, let that woman not be a goddess, and the land will be cut off. This matter will not be resolved."

Wu Qianyong didn't understand what the opposite group of people was struggling with.

As long as the girl in white is not the goddess, she is not qualified to deal with the territory of the Nine Feather Flame Phoenix clan. How can these people not understand such a simple truth.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Lei Wushuang ° for your reward.

There are still two chapters, I will add them tomorrow, huh?

(End of this chapter)

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