Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 3323: Wu Qianyong, why are you here!

Chapter 3323 Wu Qianyong, why are you here!

The five people walked together, and they were all stunned within a few steps after stepping out of the door, and their vigilance climbed into everyone's mind.

Less than fifty meters ahead, Feng Yunqi's room was located where there should be only a big hole left in the window.

The window lattice is broken, and the transparent glazed pieces inlaid on the window lattice appear to be self-defense scattered on the ground.

Everyone looked in the direction of the broken glass of the window lattice, the flower bushes swayed, and there were blood stains on the rockery behind the flowers.

There is an enemy attack!

The five exchanged glances, and they were a little nervous in their vigilance.

This is the Dragon and Phoenix Palace, what kind of enemy can get in.

And seeing the blood, they slept like a dead pig, without knowing anything.

No, there was a hole in the window of Feng Yunqi's room, and Feng Yunqi was in danger!

The five people rushed to the broken window at the fastest speed, and then, completely froze on the spot, their expressions mixed with shock, disbelief and embarrassment after breaking through this private matter, and a little bit of faint feeling that things should be the way they were .

The faces of the five are brilliant and complex.

"Oh, early in the morning, what are you looking at, why are your faces so strange, let me take a look."

The five of them froze before the broken window, and a dragon race opened the door, rubbed his head and walked out.

At first glance, he saw the five people showing their expressions, each of them was neat and uniform, and he thought that there was a rare excitement to see, so he hurried to check.

At first glance, this dragon clan also froze on the spot, showing exactly the same expression as the previous five.

Jin Yu Shifeng and other five people, plus the newly joined dragon clan, are six people.

The voices of the six people were not loud, but they were also quiet.

Or maybe it was because of being uncomfortable being stared at by six eyes, Feng Yunqi frowned in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes.

When Jin Yushifeng six people saw this, before Feng Yunqi opened his eyes, they immediately ran away without a trace.

However, all this is useless.

Feng Yunqi didn't notice that the six people had ever stood by the broken window and had a panoramic view of the house.

He slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw everything around him clearly, he rolled down and let out a loud roar.

"Wu Qianyong! Why are you here!"

"What's wrong, what's wrong, what happened, is there an enemy attack!"

Feng Yunqi's voice awakened everyone from their sleep at the same time.

Everyone didn't care about the headache, and even had no time to clean up their appearance, so they rushed to Feng Yunqi's window at the fastest speed.

Then, everyone froze on the spot, showing the same expression as the previous six.

Everyone was silent for two seconds, and everyone did a bird and beast dispersal, slipping away without a trace at the fastest speed.

"what happened."

Feng Yunqi was extremely shocked because it was too difficult to accept the facts in front of him. The roar was full of breath and extremely loud.

Even Mo Xi Yunlan, Mo Yaxi Feng Ye Han, Mo Dense Chen Jin Ying'er, who were some distance away from here, were attracted.

When the six people heard the news, Mo Xi, Mo Yaxi, and Jin Ying'er had not had time to see the scene in the broken window, but Yun Lanfeng Ye Han Mo Yanchen covered his eyes.

The three of them didn't say a word, and quickly left with their partners. Finally, only Feng Yunqi and Wu Qianyong were left on the scene.


The owner of the Snow Region has been very worried recently.

Since Feng Yunqi let out a cry that morning, Feng Yunqi moved directly to the most remote palace in Longhuang Palace and no one has been seen.

When Wu Qianyong was about to go, Feng Yunqi reacted even more intensely.

Only Xiao Haitang could go in and talk to him, but Xiao Haitang was still a small person and had no idea what had happened, and could not enlighten Feng Yunqi.

(End of this chapter)

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