Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 822: Great Harvest 1

Chapter 822 Harvest 1

The young man made this decision and ate up all the dishes on the tray with the wind.

The whole person turned into a silver snake and disappeared into the ninth layer of void.


The sixth floor of the nine-story Silver Moon Tower.

The silver moon fairy glaze on the sixth floor was the size of a peanut. On this floor, Jun Mohuang encountered Zi Shuilan, Jun Jianlin, and Feng Yunqi.

The arrival of Jun Mohuang made them very happy.

"Boss, look, I took two days to capture four of them. The combined volume of these four is exactly the size of a thumb, allowing me to directly advance to the first rank."

Especially Feng Yunqi hurriedly raised the four peanut-sized silver moon celestial glaze in his hand and ran to Jun Mohuang.

He is now in the fifth stage of the forging spirit realm, wouldn't it be the sixth stage of the forging spirit realm to advance to the next level?

Feng Yunqi thought that Emperor Mohuang would definitely praise his speed. He cultivated the Monkey Cheats, and his body was flexible, which was twice as fast as ordinary people collecting Silver Moon Immortal Glass.

"Tsk tusk, it took two days to do this, it's so pitiful."

Jun Mohuang glanced at the four pitiful silver moon celestial glazes in his hand, and directly took out an apple-sized silver moon celestial glaze and shook it in front of him.

"Boss, Boss, you are too good, for the sake of my poor brother, you can give this silver moon fairy glaze to others!"

Feng Yunqi was immediately attracted by the apple-sized silver moon celestial glaze in Jun Mohuang's hand, as if he was looking at a peerless beauty, and could no longer look away.

Think of the four peanuts the size of these four peanuts after two days of hard work. Compared with the one in front of me, it is almost weak.

This one in Jun Mohuang's hand must come from a higher level.

Shi Feng and Wu Qianyong were not as thick-skinned as Feng Yunqi, but they both looked at Jun Mohuang's hand enthusiastically, and their meaning was obvious.

"Okay, as long as you behave well on your way to Star City this time and kill three medicine family members each, I will give you each one."

Jun Mohuang smiled slightly, and deliberately turned the silver moon celestial glass in his hand around the three people's eyelids, making the three people's eyes more eager.

Feng Yunqi immediately slapped his chest: "What are the three pharmacists, boss, don't worry, I promise to complete the task this time!"

"Yes, that is, just three medicine family members!"

Wu Qianyong and Shi Feng also expressed their views immediately.

Killing three medicine family members to exchange such a large piece of Silver Moon Immortal Glass is simply not too cost-effective.

Jun Jianlin stood beside, but smiled and didn't talk.

Since he put on the thunder element beads polished by Jun Mohuang six months ago, his legs have been getting better every day.

During this period of time, Jun Mohuang separately refined a lot of pills to repair the leg meridians, and gave him injections from time to time. Now he has been able to get out of the wheelchair throughout the day.


When Jun Mohuang saw the three express his attitude, he turned his wrist and gave Jun Jianlin the silver moon fairy glaze in his hand.

"Seven sisters, it's better to treat them equally, if you give them in advance like this, do you look down on your second brother's combat effectiveness."

Jun Jianlin didn't answer, even though he said so, his face was still smiling.


Seeing that he didn't want it, Jun Mohuang directly collected the Silver Moon Immortal Glass.

That's right, Jun Jianlin is now at the sixth stage of the Forge Spirit Realm, and is no longer the sickly elder brother who needs her protection at all times.

Feng Yunqi and the three looked at Jun Jianlin with envy and jealousy, thinking,

"Mo Phoenix, what about me, can I also have this kind of reward."

Zi Shuilan looked at Jun Mohuang, a touch of tenderness hidden in the purple eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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