Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 825: so bad

Chapter 825 is too bad

Now that she has a lot of this stuff, she doesn't feel distressed at all when she presents it to the students of the academy.

Her goal this time is to make Thousand Fantasy Academy a five-star force.

"School girl, you are so kind!"

"Senior girl, don't worry, we will definitely kill the Yao family by surprise this time, and we won't leave a piece of armor!"

As soon as the students heard Jun Mohuang's reward, their blood boiled with enthusiasm, staring at the thumb-sized silver moon fairy glaze in her hand.

This size is enough for them to advance to the next level.

Killing a family member can have it, which is really cost-effective.

Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong and Shi Feng exchanged glances secretly, secretly happy in their hearts.

Hahaha, other students can only get a big thumb by killing a medicine family member.

As long as they kill three people, they can get an apple the size of an apple. When the boss's little brother, the welfare is so good.

"But before we set off tomorrow, everyone will take this hidden **** pill. After taking this pill, you can hide your strength as you like. You want outsiders to see how many levels you are."

Jun Mohuang took out another bottle of pill.

"School girl, this, we have finally become so powerful under the destruction of the pharmacist. Tomorrow is the time to release our true strength and vigorously fight the family's face, so why hide our strength."

Most students were puzzled by Jun Mohuang's approach.

"Have you never heard of a saying called'Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, make a fortune in silence", what's the point of revealing your strength all at once."

Jun Mohuang smiled slightly, and a touch of evil flashed in his black jewel-like eyes.

"Yes, yes, let's suppress our strength first. Tomorrow we will let the Yao family feel that not only has our strength not improved, but has regressed. When they are triumphant, we will kill the Yao family by surprise!"

"Think of the time when the Yao family went from triumphant to panicked expression...hahahaha!"

"Oh, school girl, you are so bad!"

These students are not fools, and as soon as they saw Jun Mohuang smiling unkindly, they immediately understood what she meant.

All of them laughed and were extremely happy, and took a hidden **** pill from her as quickly as possible.

Within five minutes, all of the lowest strengths surpassed those of the third-tier academy of the Spirit Casting Realm, and the auras released out of them all became only the first and second-tier of the Spirit Casting Realm.

Yun Lan was even more ruthless, directly suppressing the strength of the middle eighth stage of the forging spirit realm to the middle stage of the third stage of the forging spirit realm.

Even if the Great Elder came, he couldn't see that he could hide his strength.


After distributing the medicine, Jun Mohuang returned to the villa.

In the past half month, she has rarely had time to rest. She will leave for Star City tomorrow. She will be on the road for a month. She must hurry up and take a good rest.

Before Jun Mohuang went to the bedroom, he felt that his eyes were dark, and then his body was hugged tightly, and his small head was pressed against a broad and familiar chest.

"Ling Tian, ​​when did you come...well..."

For the first time, Jun Mohuang recognized that this was the breath of Emperor Lingtian, and a burst of joy suddenly rose in his heart.

As soon as he raised his head, Di Ling Tian's handsome and innocent face came into view.

Jun Mohuang wanted to ask him when he arrived. Di Lingtian put his arms around her waist, lifted her minibus, and bowed his head to seal all her words.

After a long time, until Jun Mohuang's whole body became weak and almost couldn't breathe, Di Lingtian was still willing to let go of her.

The update is complete today!

Thanks for the branding, and can't touch the vicissitudes of life. Wait for the baby's reward.

(End of this chapter)

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