Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 833: The hunt begins 4

Chapter 833 Hunting begins 4

Dare to ask any old strong man in this world, who doesn't want to rejuvenate.

Yao Shangtian was overjoyed immediately and immediately ordered Yao Xuan:

"Xuan'er, hurry up and take people there. In any case, you must prevent the group of people from killing Jun Mohuang. You must tie Jun Mohuang this girl to your grandfather unscathed!"

Then Yao Shangtian laughed and stepped out of the study, and summoned a twelve-winged fiery lion from the space ring, and his old body jumped straight up.

"Grandfather is waiting for your good news from Xuan'er in the Tianji Valley not far from Star City."

The Celestial Valley is an extremely special place in the Cangyuan Continent, and the valley has its own strong defense.

Any movement in the valley will not be transmitted to the outside of the valley, and will not be noticed by the higher-level people.

Taking out the phoenix crystal in Jun Mohuang's body and refining it will cause a big disturbance, and even alarm the people in the upper realm, so Yao Shangtian must find an absolutely hidden and safe place to do this.

Like the group of small trash fish in Thousand Fantasy Academy, he didn't need to do anything at all.

After Yao Shangtian finished speaking, he didn't give any explanation at all. After leaving this sentence, he drove the twelve-winged fire lion under his feet and flew straight into the air, and soon there was only a small black spot on the horizon.

Yao Xuan is unknown, but I had to do it.

He immediately summoned his flying beast, and was about to set foot on to chase the vanguard of the medicine family.

Lin Yan suddenly rushed out from the side and grabbed Yao Xuan, Yao Bilian and Ye Mingzhu both followed her.

She heard that Jun Mohuang was still alive, and immediately stated that she would also go.

Even if Yao Shangtian had orders that he couldn't kill Jun Mohuang, catch her dozens of slaps, and beat her severely, it would be good to scratch her face.

Yao Xuan had no choice but to bring three younger sisters.

After Yaoxuan took the flying monster to leave the Pharmacy, the remaining forty elites of the younger generation who participated in the Star Power Contest were also led by a dedicated person to leave for the Star City.


On this day, in the clear sky, the students of Qianhuan students sat on the ten-winged flame wind eagle of the Great Elder, looking around curiously, hoping that the Yao family would appear soon.

"We have all set off for three hours, isn't the Yao family very awesome and arrogant? Why haven't we shown up after so long."

Feng Yun looked at the scenery below and couldn't help muttering.

God knows, he was impatient to wait for the medicine family to show up.

The other students are in the same mood as Feng Yunqi. Everyone is looking forward to the Yao family's appearance soon, so that they will slap their faces severely, and then go to Jun Mohuang to receive the Silver Moon Immortal.

Speaking of Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Feng Yunqi just said it in a few seconds, and a huge flying monster flew over from the horizon and stopped in front of the people in Qianhuan Academy.

Standing above the ten medicine family and the ten elders who took the lead this time, they were the pioneers of the medicine family.

Before they set off, they learned that the cultivation level of these students had greatly regressed, and they still couldn't believe it. They didn't expect it to be so.

Seeing that the opponent was only a weak chicken of the first and second tiers of the Spirit Realm, but his side was a strong person of the third and fourth tiers of the Spirit Realm, the Yao family felt a sense of pride.

Except for Jun Jianren, four of them were all students who abandoned the Thousand Fantasy Academy and chose to go to Pharmacists. At this time, it was even more proud to see the current strength of the group of students who stuck to the Academy.

"Tsk tusk, a group of food dogs, with such a little strength, they are embarrassed to participate in the star power ranking competition."

(End of this chapter)

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