Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 841: Love Rival No. 2 2

Chapter 841 Love Rival No. 2 2

When he was cooking two kinds of food, his movements were smooth and familiar, as if he had done it thousands of times.

Even the trivial matters in these kitchens did not compromise his kingship.

After half an hour, Di Lingtian was carrying a bowl of fragrant, milky white fish soup.

He took a spoon of soup with a spoon, first tried the temperature by himself, and then fed Jun Mohuang a bite.

"how about it."

"Delicious, Ling Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to cook."

Jun Mohuang swallowed the fish soup, it was delicious and sweet, without the slightest smell, it was really delicious, much better than what she made herself.

He can cook, which really surprised her.

"It's delicious, just drink more. I will often make it for you in the future."

Di Lingtian took another spoon and put it to her lips.

In fact, he is more than just cooking.

Thanks to her, Emperor Lingtian is well versed in housework decathlon.

He fed Jun Mohuang a bowl of fish soup, then cut the barbecue into small pieces and fed them piece by piece.


It has become a habit for Jun Mohuang to be fed by him, and Di Lingtian's cooking skills really surprised her today.

For a while, I also forgot that now it's better than privately, eating directly with Di Lingtian's hand.

The sweet dog abuse behavior of the two suffered a lot of students in Qianhuan Academy.

Seeing the two people show their affection and sprinkle dog food like no one here, everyone single dog students jealous with envy.

The female students present were extremely envious, 嘤夘嘤, they are really more popular than others.

Look at the partner of another school girl, who has good looks and super strength, domineering when he should be domineering, and gentle when he is still gentle.

Can actually cook!

Do ordinary people like them live?

As for the two elders, they looked at each other a long time ago and smiled, sneaking away to settle the dinner by themselves.

Well, young people are talking about love, old guys like them are better not to participate.

Among the crowd, only Zi Shuilan was full of bitterness.

While he was in a daze, the little fox lying on Zi Shuilan's shoulders took advantage of his loss, slipped to the ground and dived into the dense forest.

Di Lingtian fed Jun Mohuang something, noticed the expressions of everyone and Zi Shuilan, a successful smile in his **** eyes flashed away.

Humph, this male vixen wants to pursue Huang'er, don't even think about it.

There are also male students from Thousand Fantasy Academy, who have always respected Jun Mohuang very much. It is normal for this kind of reverence to produce a relationship between men and women.

Today he will show his hand in public and declare sovereignty.

They also let these people know that, compared with his Emperor Lingtian, they are not even scum, and they are even less qualified to pursue Jun Mohuang.

Among the crowd, apart from Feng Yunqi, Jun Jianlin and other friends of Jun Mohuang, only Yun Lan remained sober.

He turned his gaze back and forth on the faces of Di Lingtian and Zi Shuilan, and a faint light burst into his cold eyes.

It turned out that this is the case.

Di Lingtian noticed the look in his eyes, his **** eyes were like swords, and he shot directly at Yun Lan, warning and declaring sovereignty quite obvious.

This man was silent all the way, watching his demeanor and appearance, it was not simple.

The threat level was even higher than that of Zi Shuilan, and he could rise to the second love enemy. Huang'er must be kept away from this person in the future.

Yun Lan smiled faintly when she saw this, and looked away.

This man has a strong aura, but he is so stingy that he really protects his wife like food.

But I have to admit that Jun Mohuang's gaze in choosing a man is really good.

Between the gazes, the two of them made an evaluation of each other in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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