Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 854: Exciting 3

Chapter 854

"Hahaha, it's better to be a school girl, it's good to think of the startled and scared expressions of everyone in the medicine family just now!"

"Hahaha, the medicine family is still at a loss, why is the combat effectiveness of our group of wastes so fierce!"

Everyone was sitting in the flying monster, discussing the matter happily.

"Hey, Patriarch of the Pharmacist family, your pharmacist was so bullish before that he wanted to kill us and annex the Thousand Fantasy Academy. How did Feng Shui turn around? Isn’t it cool? Hahaha.”

Someone who is more good, ran to Yao Bu Ting, kicked him several times, and asked kindly without doubt.

Needless to say, there is anyone besides Feng Yunqi in this good deed.

He had heard from Jun Jianren earlier that the loss of Jun Mohuang's talent and strength had something to do with the medicine family, and he had long listed all medicine family members as the number one enemy in his heart.

He was polite just to kick the medicine.

The family of the largest family in the Southern Territory became a prisoner and was kicked by Feng Yunqi. Yao Buting's face was gloomy and extremely angry.

This feeling is of course very uncomfortable.

Yao Bu Ting was about to yell at him, and suddenly he was lifted up in the air and fell onto another flying monster.

He just raised his head reflexively and bumped into a pair of blood-red eyes.

There was a vast and boundless sea of ​​blood in those eyes, and the waves in the sea of ​​blood roared and swallowed Yao Bu Ting's mind in an instant.

Yao Buting's eyes lost focus and his expression became demented.

"What did the medicine family move on Jun Mohuang's body back then?"

Jun Mohuang stepped forward, looked at Yao Buting indifferently, and took the man back. She just wanted to ask about what happened back then.

If you want to come to Yao Buting as the pharmacist's paternal master, he is of high authority, second only to the old patriarch Yao Shangtian, he must know this.

Yao Buting looked at Jun Mohuang in confusion: "What's the matter, what Jun Mohuang, my family master doesn't know."

"Four years and five months ago, the pharmacist went to the house of the Emperor of Fantasy Cloud and brought back a girl named Jun Mohuang, which is me. What did you do to me, which destroyed my talent and strength? Lost."

If it weren't for Yao Bu Ting's pupil technique of Emperor Lingtian, and now he is telling the truth, Jun Mohuang would have to praise his acting skills.

"Think about my master, you let my master think about..."

Yao Buting made an appearance of thinking hard, and then suddenly realized.

" are the little girl! The owner of the family... The owner of the family does not know what happened to you. The father is solely responsible for this matter. He did not even let the owner of the family intervene, only that he had this Little girl, our pharmacist must be developed and strong, and no one in the Southern Region will be our pharmacist's opponent in the future."

Yao Buting had only a few bystanders' impressions of this incident, he didn't even know who Jun Mohuang was or where he came from.

"The owner of the Patriarch didn't know where your father took you. It didn't take long for the family to have a lot of training resources. Even the strength of the father was raised from the early stage of the ninth stage of the casting spirit to the ninth rank Consummation. My father also told me that this matter is a secret of the pharmacist's greatness and must not be leaked out."

When Yao Bu Ting said this, his face was still dazed and demented, and he didn't realize that he had already told the big secret of Yao Jia.

Yao Buting said a lot, but there was basically no useful information.

Jun Mohuang asked a few more questions, but no further useful information was obtained.

(End of this chapter)

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