Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 861: Di Lingtian: I am sweet

Chapter 861 Di Lingtian: I am sweet

Everyone was shocked, and they did not expect this person to survive this offensive.

The three elders stopped the flying beasts, and everyone jumped off the flying beasts to check.

One of them was a beautiful, gorgeously dressed girl who jumped out of the flying beast, carrying a long skirt, and looking curiously.

"Miss, you are delicate and weak. Slow down, don't stumble."

When the three elders saw her eagerly stepping forward, they were all panicked.

It seemed that there was a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead, or as long as she took a step forward, someone would suddenly appear and kill her.

"Three elders, I will be fine."

Ye Xueman didn't look back. She saw that this person was covered in blood, his clothes had been ripped into strips, and the skin on the exposed skin was open with flesh, and nothing was intact.

If it wasn't for this person's body to twist slightly, everyone would think he was dead.

Ye Xueman had never seen such a severely injured person, and the sympathizers rose up for a while.

Quickly stepped forward, stripping away the man's hair, a pale and handsome face was printed in the eyes, eyelashes were as long as a crow fan, the bridge of the nose was tall, and the thin lips were sexy.

Ye Xueman had never been in contact with a strange man so close, blushing and heartbeat, quite uncomfortable.

She was about to take her hand back, got up and left, and let the three elders and others take care of it.

This person's eyelashes that were as long as a fan of crows shook suddenly, and Ye Xueman suddenly faced a pair of deep black eyes. There was a strong will to survive in those black eyes, like a huge whirlpool, as if to inhale her soul.

The little hand she was about to withdraw was held vigorously at the same time.

"help me!"


Cangyuan Continent is divided into the southern region, northern Xinjiang, eastern mulberry, and western famine according to the four directions of southeast and northwest.

Star City, located at the intersection of the four realms, is the center of the entire Cangyuan continent.

The area in the Star City is five times larger than the City of Thousand Fantasy.

The streets in the city are crisscrossed and lined with tall buildings, which is more prosperous than the city of a thousand fantasy.

Except for the two elders who led the team and Yun Lan, all the people in the Thousand Fantasy Academy came to Star City for the first time.

Everyone looked curiously at the prosperity of the Star City below, whispering and discussing excitedly.

"Everyone wears this on the collar. This is a sign of Samsung's power."

The great elder controlled the flying monster, and when he was about to reach the Star City, he took out several exquisitely crafted embroidery belts from the space ring.

The embroidery belt is made of fine cloud silk, with a three-star golden hexagram embroidered with gold thread.

The Star City will arrange the treatment of each power in the city according to the star rating of each power that comes to participate in the star power ranking competition.

The higher the star rating, the better the treatment.

In other words, the three six-pointed stars on this embroidered belt are signs of identity.

Everyone took them one by one and put them on. As soon as they were put on the collar, the embroidery tape automatically melted into everyone's collar. The three golden hexagrams looked like embroidered on the collar.

Jun Mo Huang had two items. He originally wanted to put them on Di Lingtian himself, but after another thought, he wears a symbol of the three-star power in the Cangyuan Continent, which reduces his status too much.

But Di Lingtian didn't care, stretched out his hand to hug her, took the embroidered belt from her hand, put it on Jun Mohuang first, and then put it on himself.

"Tsk tusk, Ling Tian, ​​you are actually willing to wear the symbol of the low-level mainland three-star power in Cangyuan Continent."

Jun Mohuang has known him for more than a year, and he knows Di Lingtian's character very well.

(End of this chapter)

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