Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 891: Conscience price 1

Chapter 891 Jumping from the building conscience price 1

Jun Mohuang turned his head, found Lang Linlou's shopkeeper among the customers, and walked slowly in front of him.

As she took a step forward, the shopkeeper was scared to take three steps back.

After retreating to the corner of the wall, and after no retreat, he leaned on the corner and looked at Jun Mohuang in horror.

Jun Mohuang looked at him and said, "Thank you, the shopkeeper, to count the number of gems in your house, so as not to be stolen by our students from Thousand Fantasy Academy."

The shopkeeper of Linlang Pavilion only had the fourth-order of the casting spirit realm, and he was trembling with fear.

Because of his poor strength, he was assigned here to be the shopkeeper and manage business affairs.

He heard Jun Mohuang say this and hurriedly waved his hand and said:

", every glass cabinet in our Linlanglou has a mechanism installed, but every thief will sound an alarm and all exits will be closed automatically. A few people of good character will never come here to steal gems."

It's not so much that there is no chance.

But in order to please Jun Mohuang, he said so.

After hearing the words of the shopkeeper, everyone realized that there was such a delicate anti-theft mechanism in Linlanglou.

"Hmph, then why didn't you say that when these two people slandered!"

When Wu Qianyong heard the shopkeeper say this, he gave him a fierce look.

"This one……"

The treasurer could not speak.

He was watching people order food before, thinking about Jun Mohuang and Dou Zilin's waste of Thousand Fantasy Academy being wronged, what is his business.

Thousand Fantasy Academy is not a big power, so why should he help them get ahead and offend this big power like Ling Xiaozong.

Thousand Fantasy Academy has always been known for being poor, and will not benefit him.

But facing Jun Mohuang at this moment, can he say such things!

Once you tell the truth, your head doesn't even want it.

Jun Mohuang looked at the shopkeeper, with a mocking expression on his face: "If you can't tell, then I'll help you explain it. You see our Thousand Fantasy Academy is silent, and disdain to prove our innocence. After all, we Thousand Fantasy The college has always been famous for being poor. It proves our innocence, and Thousand Fantasy Academy will not give you any benefits."


The shopkeeper's heart was said, his face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He wanted to say that was not the case, but he didn't know how to start.

Jun Mohuang smiled lightly and waved his small snow-white hand.

Everyone felt a burst of purple light twinkling and dazzling.

Taking a closer look, beside Jun Mohuang, a purple hill as high as hers appeared out of thin air, emitting a faint purple light.

This is a huge amethyst stone.

"Wow, my god, I read it right, it's actually amethyst!"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, I have lived such a long time, I have never seen such a large amethyst."

"There are such a huge amount of amethyst stone, even if there are millions of them, the inventory in the city lord's mansion will not be able to come up with so much. The Ling Xiaozong actually said that the people in the Thousand Fantasy Academy are poor and sour..."

Everyone was amazed, if this is a poor ghost, aren't they all beggars and beggars.

Lin Langlou's shopkeeper stared at this huge amethyst stone, both shocked and eager.

"Originally, you had a chance to make a fortune. As long as you stand up and prove the innocence of me and a few senior sisters. I will not only reward you with such an amethyst stone, but I will still be here when I am happy. It’s just a pity to buy gems and jewels..."

Jun Mohuang smoothly dug an amethyst with a diameter of ten centimeters from the amethyst hill on his body, placed it on his small hand, and looked at the shopkeeper with regret.

(End of this chapter)

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