Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 898: Strange Dreamland 3

Chapter 898 Strange Dreamland 3

But Xiaojun Mohuang didn't have the heart to appreciate all this, she just ate the buns in her hands.

Suddenly, Xixi Suosuo's footsteps sounded in front of him, and Jun Mohuang saw a skirt corner and embroidered shoes studded with bright jewels.

She looked up along the corner of the embroidered shoe skirt, a lovely girl with pink makeup and jade snow was looking at her with a smile.

The little girl has fair skin, delicate features, and her eyes are like autumn water.

There is half a golden Huang Yu on her fair forehead, which adds to her beauty.

It was in sharp contrast with the thin, thin and shriveled Xiaojun Mohuang.

This is the little girl who is the same size as Xiaojun Mohuang, but often bullies her.

According to this woman's temperament, she will definitely come to bully her again.

Jun Mohuang urged the little Jun Mohuang in the dream to leave this place quickly, but she in the dream did not react at all.

"Mo Huang, Brother Chen made me new clothes again today, you see, this clothes is not beautiful."

The little girl raised her arms and wandered in front of Xiaojun Mohuang, showing off her new clothes.


Xiaojun Mohuang saw that the new dress she was wearing was as smooth as water, as soft as smoke, and as elegant as clouds.

The whole body is white, but under the natural light, countless golden light spots are reflected.

The golden light spot is only the size of a needle tip, and the light is soft, like stars in the night sky.

On this dress, countless phoenix feathers were embroidered with silk threads of the same material as this fabric, which complemented the golden phoenix feathers on her forehead.

When Xiaojun Mohuang saw this beautiful new dress of her, he even forgot to eat the bun in his hand, suddenly envy rose in his heart.

"Hmph, you only know how to be beautiful, and what you know. There is a plane in the middle realm called Jiu Nether World, where the devilish energy is so high, but there is a kind of monster called Yunni Silkworm, which can spit out golden silk threads in white. This dress was made by Brother Chen Gothic for me to venture into the Nine Nether Realm and bring back cloudy neon silk, so that it can be woven by the best embroidered ladies in the heavenly spirit world.

The little girl with half a piece of golden Huang Yu on her forehead talked about the origin of this dress, her face full of pride.

"You know, the devilish energy of the ghost place in the Nine Nether Realm is the most controversial to our people in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Brother Chen, with a body of a demigod, can't resist for long, but he braved it for one of my clothes. Big danger, Brother Chen is really kind to me."

The little girl finished speaking proudly, and glanced at the old clothes on Xiaojun Mohuang again with disgust, her expression of mockery was self-evident.

But Xiaojun Mohuang had no idea about the Nine Nether World, the devilish energy, and the body of a demigod in his mind.

She just looked at the beautiful new clothes of the little girl in front of her enviously, and then said sadly: "Yes, Brother Chen is really good to you, but he is not good to me at all."

"Hmph, what are you, but a trash, you dare to compare with me."

When the little girl heard these words and heard footsteps coming from behind her, she deliberately lowered her voice and gave a cold smile.

She suddenly stretched out her hand to knock down the steamed bun in Xiaojun Mohuang's hand, grasped her wrist, and pulled it in her direction.

Xiaojun Mohuang was as thin as a bean sprout, not as powerful as this little girl.

Being pulled, his hands touched her waist.

Suddenly, two very conspicuous black handprints were printed on the little girl's new snow-white dress with golden spots.

The little girl lifted up a successful smile, let go of her wrist, and tore her back with force.

The update is complete today!

Thank you Di Sheng ° for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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