Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 965: Fishing, big fish 3

Chapter 965 Fishing, Fishing 3

" die this heart, the old man will not say it if he died!"

Yao Shangtian's face turned red and purple, and his breathing was extremely difficult.

He didn't have time to wonder how the emperor Ling Tian ignored the prohibition of the Tianji Valley and how he knew what happened back then, biting his teeth and reluctant to confide.

"Oh, isn't it."

Di Lingtian increased his strength.

Yao Shangtian's face had already turned purple.

His neck was squeezed by Emperor Ling Tian, ​​his eyes protruding, and the corners of his lips overflowed with wisps of blood, but his mouth was still stubborn.

Di Lingtian's eyes flashed with a bit of blood, and Yao Shangtian, who had resisted stubbornly, only felt that his brain was swept by the blood and became blank.

His eyes were dull, and he murmured: "My son-in-law led the head. He is a city lord of the Bafang Profound Realm."

"anything else."

"and also……"

Yao Shangtian racked his brains for two seconds, and said dullly: "I knew that the person on the connection was him, and I only knew the other **** forest, and I really didn't know the others."

The son-in-law in the mouth of Yao Shang Tian is Yao Jiaying's husband and Lin Yan's father.

The Bafang Profound Realm is one plane higher than the Cangyuan Continent and belongs to Luo Chen's jurisdiction.

The Bafang Profound Realm has its own rules, and it is impossible for a lower plane like the Cangyuan Continent to know the real name of a strong person from the Bafang Profound Realm.

So what Yao Shangtian said is true.

Of course, under Emperor Lingtian's spiritism, Yao Shangtian couldn't even lie.

Di Lingtian got the information he wanted, the blood in his eyes faded away, but he pinched Yao Shangtian tighter in his hand.

At this time, Yao Shangtian not only began to bleed from the corners of his lips, but even his eyes were bleeding.

He couldn't help but started yelling, looking very painful.

On the stone disc below, except for the corpses of the second elder of the Ye family, all the beasts and human corpses had been sucked into dry corpses, and all the blood had been absorbed by the huge stone disc.

On the stone disc, all the mysterious runes and patterns are filled with blood.

The blood line connecting the silver energy ball in the center of the disk is only one centimeter away from the silver energy ball. This mysterious formation is in a state that can be opened at any time.

The moment Yao Xuan saw Emperor Lingtian's appearance, his soul was frightened.

If Di Lingtian was seriously injured this time, it would be impossible for another Ye Xueman to rescue him.

Although he will not die, without a good healing environment and healing elixirs, he will be a waste of life.

So the only way out at the moment is to run away immediately.

But even if you want to escape, you must bring Yao Shangtian.

Yao Xuan calmed his mind in extreme panic and fear, and took out the dagger from the spatial ring at the fastest speed and cut his wrist.

A stream of blood rushed into the blood line of successive silver energy **** like a fountain.

With Yaoxuan's blood added, the blood line was only half a centimeter away from the silver energy ball in an instant.

Yao Xuan looked in the air bitterly, and looked at Jun Mohuang: "Jun Mohuang, tell your man to stop, otherwise this Young Master will immediately trigger the formation and let all of you die in the power of the formation! "

"You quote."

Di Lingtian's thin lips lightly hooked, and smiled contemptuously.

It was really whimsical that a mere psychic array wanted to threaten him.

"You! Very good, Jun Mohuang, you and your man, as well as the trash of Thousand Fantasy Academy, go to death!"

Yao Xuan saw that Yao Shangtian was about to be pinched to death by Emperor Lingtian, and the anger in his heart reached the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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