Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 996: Zoo Director 4

Chapter 996 Zoo Director 4

A human who has just stepped into the Spiritual Transformation Realm... how is this possible!

It hasn't been able to break away from these chains over the years, how could she, a tiny human being, have a way.

The giant tortoise was kept in the cave for too long, thinking that the Cangyuan Continent was still full of powerhouses in the spiritual realm as before.

Therefore, it somewhat disagrees with the strength of Jun Mohuang.

But the gold swallowing beast stood in front of it alive, and the giant tortoise could not but believe the facts before him.


"Beautiful master, please accept the old turtle as a battle pet!"

The giant tortoise changed his attitude just now, and his two peasy eyes looked at Jun Mohuang in kind and flattering.

In order to show sincerity, and stretched his neck to take the initiative to carry down the three Phoenix phantom attacks.

Although these three attacks did not even scratch the skin on its head.


Jun Mohuang has been unable to complain.

Does this tortoise have no ears or ears? Didn't you hear her saying that it is her father-killing enemy?

Killing someone else, and then coming to recognize someone else's daughter as the master, is there something wrong with it? !

"Beautiful and lovely owner, as long as you make a contract with the old turtle and become the owner of the old turtle, you will immediately get a Yuan Lingzhu that will increase lifespan by 100 years. This bead is where the longevity of the wood element essence in the old turtle is concentrated. As long as you take it, your life will be increased for a hundred years!"

Human cultivators care about their lifespan. Jun Mohuang is still young, but there are times when he gets old.

In order to be afraid of being insecure, the giant tortoise slapped his tortoise shell loudly, and began to sell himself in various ways.

"Beautiful, lovely and charming master, I can fight and fight against the old tortoise very well. This tortoise shell is full of defense and can definitely prop up a safe sky for the master."

"Old tortoise promises that you can walk sideways in Cangyuan Continent. Old tortoise promises to be loyal to your master and listen to everything! The master tells me to go east, and I will never go west, south, or north. Make sure to obey the master's words! "

At the end, the giant tortoise added, "If you don't believe me, the master can give orders now to test my loyalty."

Completing the instructions given by Jun Mohuang is simply a piece of cake.

For a little girl like Jun Mohuang, who hasn't been involved in the world, the most demanding request is to hate its tortoise shell, or other heavenly treasures.

As long as Jun Mohuang agrees, it can regain its freedom and leave this ghost place!

And there is such a strong pet that shows loyalty to her, she will definitely accept it.

In order to restore freedom, it is also fighting!

Jun Mohuang glanced at it indifferently, then shook his head slightly and said, "Don't waste this effort. You can't do it at my request."

"No, Master, please give Laogui this opportunity. Laogui always speaks for words, and he can do it. If I didn't do it, the master would not accept me!"

"...Since you have asked me sincerely, I will compassionately give instructions to test your loyalty."

Jun Mohuang made an unbearable look on his face, and reluctantly agreed, but he secretly smiled in his heart.

This is the tortoise digging a hole for himself to jump, no wonder she.

"Master, please tell me, old turtle, I promise to complete the task!"

The giant tortoise once again slapped the tortoise shell with his claws, and a pair of bean eyes looked at Jun Mohuang eagerly.

The giant tortoise was full of confidence, and he would definitely be able to take Jun Mohuang down.

But the fact is exactly what it expected, and it soon learned what it means to die without death.

(End of this chapter)

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