Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty

Chapter 642: The true face of Lushan

Chapter 642


The cavalry was ordered to fly out, rushed to Ma Chao not far away, and shouted loudly: "General Ma, the general has an order, order your troops to attack immediately, break through the encirclement of the enemy, and cope with the encirclement of Wenhou and Youzhou Army. ."


Ma Chao couldn't wait to yell, just sitting and watching the army fight, he has long been unable to restrain himself, and from time to time to look at Liu Ye's side, and even send people to ask for instructions, but Liu Ye has not allowed it. Ma Chao had to wait. Finally, he could send troops.

"Soldiers!" Ma Chao galloped out of the battle with excitement, and shouted aloud to Qiang Yue military training before the battle.

"Our army is named Ningyue Army, which was given by the general himself! Nyue, meaning that it can be done while carrying mountains. Our army is the pillar of the imperial court, wherever it goes, it is me. The braveest son in the Xiliang Army was selected as the Negative Yue Army."

"Now!" Ma Chao's golden gun pointed at Wuhuan cavalry's heavy encirclement: "You dare to conflict with the Ten Thousand Army, let these barbarians know that we bear the power of the Yue Army?"


"Kill Hu!"

"One Han is a Wuhu, let these barbarians know how powerful our Han family is!"

A thousand negative Yue Jun had no fear, but each expression was excited and excited, Ma Chao nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good, attack!"

Following the direction pointed by Tiger Head Zhan's golden spear, the thousand-negative Yue army that had long been ready to take off finally revealed the true face of Mount Lu, rushing out hard, the iron hoof banged on the ground, making a dull sound. If the Wuhuan Cavalry's sprint before was hitting the ground with drumsticks, then Negative Yue Jun was probably hitting the ground with an iron hammer.

The thousand-negative Yue army galloped on the ground in an unstoppable posture, like a moving city wall quickly advancing, like a beast showing its fangs.

But when Wuhuan soldiers and Yuan Jun were in the midst of fierce fighting, they were all surprised when they saw the appearance of Negative Yuejun. What kind of unit was this? Why is it unheard of, unseen?

I saw that the enemy’s 1,000 horsemen and horses were all wearing heavy armor, and the knight was holding eight horses, and his head was a sharp three-sided armor-piercing cone, which shone cold under the sunlight. The war horse was covered with horse armor all over its body, only two eyes were exposed, and it looked like a steel monster.

When this cavalry charge is not like ordinary cavalry, they are scattered into a group, but lined up in an orderly line. Although a whole group of cavalry dare not say that it is a line, they are vaguely at the same distance, and their steps are adjusted uniformly. It adds a bit of power.

This is the result of the closed training for more than ten days. It is important to know that all those who can be selected as Liangzhou cavalry are proficient in riding, no less than the Huns and Wuhuan who grew up on horseback, so they have been strengthened. After training, it is natural to be able to maintain uniformity.

It is actually necessary for cavalry to fight in an array. For example, the French cavalry was not ranked among the best in Europe, but during the Napoleonic period, even the elite Mamluk cavalry dared not be the front of the French cavalry. Why?

It's not that Napoleon's cavalry commanding skills are so superb, but because the French cavalry were not fighting separately, but fighting in formation. No matter how proficient you are in riding, I am just a platoon of cavalry rushing past, and the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves, who can resist?

Just like the iron statue of the Jin Dynasty, the iron harrier and the kidnapper horse of Xixia, the Song army could not be the forefront of the entire Southern Song history except for the Yue family army.

Today's 1,000-negative Yue army is equipped with armor and equipment, and the formation is neat and uniform, and it has a style of iron Buddha. In this dynasty where heavy cavalry has just emerged, it is absolutely invincible.

"What's the matter with the enemy? Why have they never seen such a soldier and horse?" Yan Liang and Wen Chou, who had been fighting for a long time, were all taken aback when they saw the armor.

Many of Yuan Jun's counsellors were equally surprised, looking at each other, without knowing what was going on.

Only three people showed incredible expressions.

Yuan Shao, Chun Yuqiong, Chen Lin.

Both Yuan Shao and Chun Yuqiong were one of the eight lieutenants of the Xiyuan Garden and served in the Luoyang Forbidden Army, while Chen Lin served in the General He Jin Shogunate.

In other words, all three of them had stayed in Luoyang, and they also had connections with top political figures.

Chen Lin muttered to herself: "Is it possible that Zaiping was optimistic that time? It doesn't make sense..."

Chunyuqiong frowned: "The number of enemy troops is about 1,000, so it should be correct."

"Yeah." Yuan Shao had a complicated expression, and said affirmatively: "These thousand people should be the thousand armor and riding equipment lined up in the exhibition when the first emperor was optimistic about the military parade in Ping."

"A certain person originally thought that since Dong Zhuo brought trouble to the capital, these thousand sets of armor and riding equipment should have disappeared, but they did not expect to be able to reproduce the sky today." Yuan Shao said with emotion.

"Lord." The judge said in confusion: "Since the lord has seen this armor and riding gear that day, how about telling me about it?"

Yuan Shao shook his head and said with a wry smile: "A certain had indeed seen it at first, but this thousand-armored riding gear did not move. Just standing in the battle, standing still like a mountain already made people shudder. I have seen this siege of armor and riding gear."

To be precise, this should be the first show of the heavy cavalry. Although Yuan Shao, Chun Yuqiong and others have seen the appearance of armor and riding equipment, they have never seen them rush into battle, so they are a little worried.

"It's okay." Feng Ji said, "It's just a thousand people, so what can it be? King Qin sweeps Liuhe, and the number of soldiers killed by the six kingdoms alone is not less than a million. Even the elite is like the military soldier of Wei. Tens of thousands of people can't resist Qin's soldiers. A thousand armors and equipment are nothing. Our army has a hundred thousand people."

Hearing Feng Ji's words, the civil and military officials beside Yuan Shao nodded and said yes.

"Mr. Yuantu is right. More than 100,000 troops are fighting here. What counts as a mere thousand people?"

"Yes, the enemy army is already surrounded by our army, and we will defeat the enemy in a battle later, even if we capture Liu Ye."

"Well, you can let Su Puyan Shanyu open a hole and put these more than a thousand people in, and then besiege them."

Hearing Wu Jin's words from his post, Yuan Shao nodded in relief: "Well, that's right. There are more than a thousand people, but a certain person is too careful."

Having said that, Yuan Shao rallied, pulled out the sword from his waist, and called out, "Order Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Su Puyan to join forces to completely wipe out the enemy Xiliang army. Then our army came out in one fell swoop. Eliminate Liu Ye."

"Destroy the enemy and destroy Liu Ye!"

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