In Act 2, I Became Kenpachi From Normal Shinigami

Chapter 49 Those Who Try To Break The Balance!

"Gosuke, how are you doing these days?"

"Jushiro, aren't you recovering from your illness? You're here too."

"Captain Hikko is getting more and more beautiful."

"Long time no see, Captain Shihouin!"


Before the captain's meeting, the captains of Gotei 13 certainly wouldn't just wait without saying a word. After all, they are all colleagues, and their purpose is to protect Seireitei, maintain the order of the Soul Society, and protect the balance of the Three Realms.

After the captains met, they inevitably greeted each other.

Although they are both in the Seireitei, in the past, there were not many opportunities for all the captains to gather and meet each other like this.

After everyone met, they exchanged a few pleasantries one after another.

Among them, Kyoraku Shunsui, who is a social butterfly, can chat with anyone.

In addition to his long time as captain, there is also his status as a nobleman.

As an aristocrat, he can naturally talk to the captains born of great nobles such as Shihouin and Kuchiki, and he is easy-going, never complacent about his status as a nobleman, and he is also very popular among the captains born in the common people.

Small talk all the way.

Go through the long corridor.

Finally, they came to the spacious team head room.

This is the conference room where captain meetings are usually held.

Since Gosuke Shigure took over as the captain of the 11th team, it was the first time to participate in the captain's meeting, which inevitably seemed a bit novel.

After coming here.

The twelve captains stood up one after another, and their respective vice-captains stood behind the captain.

Gosuke Shigure is alone because he has no vice-captain.

After waiting for a while.

Captain Yamamoto came here with heavy steps, and the crutch in his hand tapped lightly on the wooden floor.


A dull voice sounded.

All the captains became serious.

Based on what the captain said when he summoned many captains to hold a captain's meeting, today's captain's meeting may not be as simple as a routine meeting.

"Captain Yizhou, tell me!"

Leaning on crutches, Captain Yamamoto's eyes fell on Hikifune Kiryu, motioning for Hikifune Kiryu to come and tell.

Hikifune Kiryu stepped forward, and the two groups in front of him swayed, bringing a wave, which was extremely eye-catching. As a normal man, many captains in the field couldn't help but glanced a few times.

Gosuke Shigure also glanced at it, and couldn't help but think of the scene when Hikifune Kiryu first appeared in the original book.

At that time, she had been promoted to Team Zero for more than a hundred years.

She has also changed from a beautiful woman with a strong figure to a tank with an even stronger figure.

Press "F" to enter tank mode.

Of course, she will turn into a tank when she has to, in order to accumulate Reiatsu to meet the consumption of cooking that contains soul essence.

Although there is a reason, but just because she did not hesitate to destroy her perfect figure for this matter, Gosuke Shigure respects Hikishu Kiryu as a talent!

Hikifune Kiryu naturally didn't know Gosuke Shigure's wild thoughts, she stepped forward and told everyone the reason of the incident, "Through my twelfth team's monitoring of Hueco Mundo, the present world, and Soul Society, I found that recently in the present world The number of ghosts that appear is getting smaller and smaller, no, not only in this world, but even the number of ghosts that were newly born in Hueco Mundo recently is getting smaller and smaller."

As soon as this remark came out, several veteran captains immediately frowned. They obviously knew the seriousness of the matter.

As for some younger captains, they expressed doubts.

Hirako Shinji, the new captain of the 5th division immediately asked curiously: "Miss Kiryu, the number of ghosts has decreased, isn't it a good thing?"

"Hoid devours souls and destroys the stability of the world. One of the duties of our Shinigami is to get rid of Hollow."

Behind Hirako Shinji, Aizen was also very curious after hearing Hikifune Kiryu's words.

At this moment, Aizen, although he is also very strong, has not reached the level of the future after all. Similarly, he is completely ignorant of many secrets, but he is still very smart.

After hearing Hirako Shinji's words, Hikifune Kiryu sighed, "Hirako, before answering your question, I have to correct you a little bit. Shinigami's duty is not to get rid of the void, but to purify the void."

"Xu is a fallen soul, and the Xu killed by Zanpakutō will be purified and turned back to the original soul. Some weak Xu will turn into souls and come to Rukongai and become one of the residents of Rukongai One, and the powerful Xu, after purification, because his spiritual power is too strong, his soul will go to...hell."

"And on this issue, I have to talk about the relationship between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo."

"I know, in the eyes of many of you, Hueco Mundo is a place of chaos and disorder, and the Hollows in it are extremely evil existences. They are always threatening the Soul Society, the world, and there are many Shinigami and Hollow died in the battle, but since the establishment of Gotei 13, we have only been purifying those transboundary voids, but never thought of completely destroying Hueco Mundo, all this is for... balance!"


Hirako Shinji was puzzled.

The vice-captain Aizen behind him stared.

He consciously heard a very crucial clue.

If you can figure out the reason, maybe you can get one step closer to the truth of the world.

"Miss Kiryu, I don't understand, what is balance?" Hirako Shinji became more and more curious.

Hikifune Kiryu still needs to explain.


There was another dull sound of crutches hitting the ground, and Captain Yamamoto's words echoed in Hikifune Kiryu's ears, "Captain Hikifune!"

Hikifune Kiryu heard Captain Yamamoto's reminder, and immediately understood that he couldn't say anything further.

If you explain to everyone what balance is, then it is inevitable that you will talk about the reason for balance, and then trace back to the origin of this world. Talking about the king of spirits is undoubtedly an active violation of taboos.

If it's just in front of the captain, it's fine. Although the existence of Team Zero is a secret, many captains still know about it.

But in today's captain meeting, many vice-captains were called over. These secrets are not for the vice-captains to know.

Hence, Hikifune Kiryu resolutely closed his mouth.

Captain Yamamoto took Hikifune Kiryu's words and continued: "Captain Hikifune said earlier that when we Shinigami kill Xu, it is actually a purification of Xu. Those who are profoundly empty will be thrown into hell."

"You don't need to know the reason for all this, but you just need to know that we Shinigami are maintaining the order and balance of this world."

"However, recently, through the monitoring of the 12th Division, it was found that some remnants tried to break the balance!"

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