Gosuke Shigure, Kyoraku Shunsui, Jūshirō Ukitake are certainly not stupid people.

After hearing one of Shihouin Kongchan's words, he praised the ancestor of Shihouin Kongchan's family.

Even if the other party is praising their own ancestors, but in Shihouin Kongchan's ears, they are praising their own Shihouin family.

"Several captains, I have prepared drinks, let's go and drink while chatting."

Shihouin Kongchan didn't seem to have any pretensions and was extremely approachable.

He greeted the three of them.

Although there are only a few people.

But for such a few people, the portion is enough.

Perhaps at the moment when Gotei 13 was first established, the captain was nothing.

But after Shinigami won the battle 800 years ago, Gotei 13 became an official organization and settled in Seireitei to protect the balance of the world. , the great aristocrats are going to decline a little bit.

It is precisely because of the ebb and flow that the Kuchiki family became the sixth team, and the Shiba family became the tenth team, making the sixth and the two major teams successively become the exclusive teams of these two families and passed down from generation to generation.

In all fairness, Shihouin Kongchan looked down on these two families.

These two teams just saw how strong Gotei 13 is, so they couldn't wait to control one of the teams.

But their Shihouin family is different.

When Gotei 13 was first established, when those big nobles looked down on Gotei 13, his ancestors had already joined it.

It can be said that the current Second Fan Team was established by their ancestors and passed down from generation to generation until now.

The Kuchiki family of the 6th division and the Shiba family of the 10th division are just latecomers.

With the three captains, Shihouin Kongchan stepped into the hall of Shihouin's house.

In the hall, he had already ordered someone to put away the drinks.

The wines are all collected by Shihouin's family, and there are even several altars of fine wines that have been stored for hundreds of years.

Although it is a pity to drink such wine directly.

But it also depends on who you drink it for. If you drink it for friends, it doesn't look like a pity at all.

But when Shihouin Kongchan's eyes fell on one of the jars of wine, his brows raised again.

The altar of wine was touched.

Although the opponent conceals it well, you must know that the team controlled by Shihouin's family is called "Secret Maneuver". As the captain of the second team, Shihouin Kongchan seems to be carefree and has a straightforward personality, but in fact he is thoughtful.

He discovered the problem immediately.

While I was out, someone sneaked in here and drank the wine here.

After thinking for a while, Shihouin Kongchan quickly identified the suspect.


Some angry voices came from Shihouin Kongchan's mouth.

As he spoke, he looked towards the corner of the room.

A black cat flickered out from the corner of the room, about to escape the hall with an extremely swift movement.

However, just when the black cat moved.

Someone moves faster.

It was Gosuke Shigure, who used Shunpo. He appeared on the black cat's escape route in an instant, and then grabbed the black cat by the back of the neck when the black cat couldn't dodge it.

It also captured the fate of the black cat.

Shihouin Kongchan, Kyoraku Shunsui, and Jūshirō Ukitake all looked at Gosuke Shigure in surprise.

Kyoraku Shunsui and Jūshirō Ukitake know the true identity of the black cat very well because they often come to Shihouin's house as guests.

And Shihouin Kuchan was amazed by Gosuke Shigure's accomplishments over Shunpo.

The Shihouin family, because they have been in charge of secret maneuvers for generations, their clan members have extremely high attainments in Shunpo and White Hits.

For the so-called Zhan Quan Zou Gui, they only learn White Hits and Shunpo. For them, it doesn't matter whether they know Kidō or not, and whether they have powerful Zanpakutō.

As long as you have learned White Hits and Shunpo to a certain extent, even if the opponent has a powerful Zanpakutō, you can still win the battle.

And here is Shihouin Kongchan.

He even innovated on the basis of Shunpo, and created a new technique. The new technique is ordered by his name, called "Kongchan", which is a more advanced Shunpo.

Being able to outplay ordinary Shunpo shows just how strong Shihouin Kongchan's Shunpo is.

It was because of his strength that Shihouin's eyes lit up when he saw Gosuke Shigure use Shunpo, and all his attention fell on Gosuke Shigure.

Then also ignore Gosuke Shigure grabbing the black cat by the scruff of the neck.

It wasn't until Gosuke Shigure spoke that he came back to his senses......

Gosuke Shigure asked curiously: "Is this black cat called Yoruichi? What a unique name."

Shihouin Kochan reacted, and quickly said to Gosuke Shigure: "Captain Gosuke, please put it down."

Gosuke Shigure was "perplexed", and just before he was about to put down the black cat, the black cat spoke, and it said to Gosuke Shigure angrily: "That's right [let go of me quickly.

Gosuke Shigure originally planned to put down the black cat, but because he spoke, he was "surprised" "Black cat, are you talking?"

"Are you a monster?"

He curiously asked the black cat in his hand.

"You are the monster!" Hearing this, the black cat was a little annoyed, why did he become a monster?

Of course Gosuke Shigure knew the true identity of the black cat, but it was a meeting after all, and he couldn't express many things, so he pretended to be curious, after hearing what the black cat said

I became more and more puzzled.

Of course, Gosuke Shigure put down the black cat because of Shihouin Kochan's opening.

The black cat landed on the ground and immediately prepared to escape from here.

However, Shihouin Kongchan's words came out of its mouth first, "Change your clothes and come here later, if you don't come, you should know the consequences.

The black cat's body froze instantly.

Then, the cat left here anyway.

Shihouin Kochan no longer had the serious look before, and a smile reappeared on his face. He invited Gosuke Shigure, Kyoraku Shunsui, and Jūshirō Ukitake to drink.

Among them, Gosuke Shigure still had the meaning of "curious" on his face, obviously the black cat earlier aroused his interest.

But Shihouin Kongchan didn't mean to explain.

The Kyoraku Shunsui and Jūshirō Ukitake next to it also have no meaning of explanation.

After a while, a crisp voice sounded at the door, "I understand!"

Shihouin Kongchan didn't look back, and said coldly, "Come in."

A girl with purple hair, ponytails, and tight clothes walked in.

The girl is slender and good-looking, and at the same time, she also has the characteristic of Shihouin's family - black skin.

Her skin is blackened, and because of her blackened skin, she doesn't look thin and thin, on the contrary, she looks a bit more fit. .

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