In Act 2, I Became Kenpachi From Normal Shinigami

Chapter 86: Recruiting A Son-In-Law

Although Zaraki seems strange to have adopted a little girl for a man with such a fierce appearance, although he is really not good at raising children.

But with the consent of Gosuke Shigure.

Kusajishi Yachiru finally settled down in the 11th team.

Regarding the fact that Kusajishi Yachiru lived in the 11th team, a group of Shinigami from the 11th team seemed to warmly welcome them.

Although they are all reckless.

But for cute little girls, it is still welcome.

Especially some uninhibited female Shinigami even said in front of Zaraki that Zaraki would not bring up children, so it is better to let them adopt Kusajishi Yachiru.

For this matter, Zaraki of course refused.

Although clumsy, Zaraki really took care of Kusajishi Yachiru.

Of course, this is also the reason why she is not a baby. If it is a baby and needs to be fed, it is not so easy to take care of her.

And Kusajishi Yachiru, not long after staying in the 11th team, is also completely integrated here.

From then on, the entire 11th team 29 also had a lot of smiles and smiles.

I don't know if it's because of revenge for Zaraki's delay in hearing her call and knowing Zanpakutō's real name. Kusajishi Yachiru has a bad habit of giving people nicknames.

In the original book, the nickname she gave Zaraki was "Ajian", because at that time Zaraki succeeded Kenpachi, named Zaraki Kenpachi, but in this time period, Kenpachi was Gosuke Shigure, and Zaraki's name was just Simple Zaraki, so Kusajishi Yachiru gave Zaraki the nickname "Amu", and the rest, such as Gomisawa Yumi, is called "Ami" 1, what small print is there, anyway, these nicknames are in the rough and barbaric style of painting The eleventh team is extraordinarily weird.

Even, after getting acquainted with Gosuke Shigure, Kusajishi Yachiru also gave Gosuke Shigure a nickname.

It's called "hour", originally it was called Xiaoyu, Gosuke Shigure thought this nickname was too girly, so Kusajishi Yachiru changed it to "hour", to be honest, Gosuke Shigure heard this nickname After that, I was very speechless, feeling similar to Xiaoyu or something.

hour? what time is he still?

It sounds like you are doing part-time work.

In the end, though, he didn't reject the idea of ​​Kusajishi Yachiru giving him a nickname.

Although I know the real identity of Kusajishi Yachiru, she is indeed a cute little girl on the outside. Even Gosuke Shigure can't bear to hurt such a little girl's heart.


move on.

Shinigami's lifespan is so long that Gosuke Shigure is a little numb.

Sometimes, as soon as you open your eyes and close them, months or even years pass without you realizing it.

The most important point is that there is too little entertainment in Soul Society.

This is something that makes people extremely speechless.

No wonder these guys in the 11th team like fighting so much, it's really because, apart from fighting and drinking, they can't find any fun to speak of.

Sometimes, Gosuke Shigure feels too comfortable and seems a bit boring.

He no longer hid in the back to deal with team affairs. When Youxu crossed the border and came to Soul Society, he chose to take action himself, beheading Qunxu vigorously and resolutely.

This caused a burst of surprise from many members of the 11th team.

I don't understand why the captain who hasn't made a move for a long time suddenly makes a move?

After Hiruzen killed Oniwajo, Gosuke Shigure had already proved his strength, so, in other words, Gosuke Shigure had already rewritten his image in the minds of those young players, and there was no need for it at all.

But Gosuke Shigure didn't say much.

Did he say that it was because he had been staying in the house and felt that his body was going to rust, so he forcibly shot it?

However, there was one person who was very dissatisfied with what he did.

That is Zaraki.

Originally, there was only one combat mission every so long, and Zaraki himself didn’t enjoy playing very happily, but Gosuke Shigure came to snatch his work, which made him very unhappy and felt that he had nothing to do.

The consequence of this is that the death of the entire eleventh team was abused by Zaraki in the name of sparring.

But even so, Zaraki did not challenge Gosuke Shigure.

Perhaps it was the first battle in Rukongai, Gosuke Shigure left Zaraki with a very deep memory.

This prompted Zaraki to not really want to challenge Gosuke Shigure for a while.

this day.

Gosuke Shigure received an invitation letter.

The object of the invitation is the Kuchiki family.

After the Shiba family was expelled, there are still four nobles in the existing Seireitei, namely Kuchiki, Tsunayashiro, Shihouin, and Ise. The declining posture became more and more low-key.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the iron will fall completely.

If it is said that the decline of the Shiba family was due to the joint efforts of several major nobles to expel him from the ranks of the great nobles, then the decline of the Ise family is probably due to its own decline.

Among the few existing great nobles, Kuchiki is the well-deserved head of the great nobles.

This invitation letter was issued by Kuchiki Yinling, the head of the Kuchiki family, and Kuchiki Yinling is also the captain of the contemporary No. 6 team.

He sent this invitation letter because the Kuchiki family is about to hold a grand 177 banquet, and at the banquet, he will choose a husband-in-law for his daughter.

There is no doubt that those who can receive the invitation letter from Kuchiki Yinling are all well-deserved big shots.

However, this does not mean that you have to go to the banquet.

You can also choose not to go.

In the final analysis, the reason why Kuchiki Silver Ridge made such a big battle was just to show the status of the Kuchiki family, and at the same time, it also showed that it valued this matter.

So, are you going?

Gosuke Shigure's eyes flickered.

In the end, he went anyway.

He has been relatively free lately, and he has already been to Shihouin's house, and he has also walked around the Ise Shrine in the Ise family, Tsunayashiro's house, and he is too familiar with it in his previous life.

He hasn't been to the Kuchiki's house, which is also a great nobleman.

You can go for a stroll, and it should be quite interesting if you have a banquet.

The Kuchiki family is located at one end of Noble Street, and their mansion looks solemn and solemn, although the area is not as large as that of Shihouin's house, and there are not as many nobles attached to it as Shihouin's house.

But for hundreds of years, the Kuchiki family has produced strong men from generation to generation, and they are the well-deserved head of the nobility.

It is worth mentioning that if you go down this street and go to the other end, you will be the Tsunayashiro family. .

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