After the decline of the Shiba family, on the way to Rukongai, the Tsunayashiro family sent killers to wipe out the Shiba family. In the end, this was stopped by the Shihouin family. Afterwards, the other nobles should also contribute in the middle. This prevented the Shiba family from being completely destroyed, and some members remained.

Thinking about it carefully, it's not surprising that the other major nobles would make a move.

After all, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

Today, the Shiba family can be destroyed because they are expelled from the ranks of the great nobles, so tomorrow, this matter may also fall on their heads.

Although several great nobles are trying their best to avoid the decline of the family and want to continue the family in various ways so that the glory of the family will continue to shine, but some emergencies are inevitable.

For example, what happened earlier in the Ise family.

Although it has never been said what it is.

But according to Gosuke Shigure's knowledge of the plot, it should be the loss of "Eight Mirror Sword".

The Eight Mirror Swords are the inheritance of the Ise family, and they are also the Zanpakutō that their family has passed down from generation to generation. They are the source of their strength. If the Eight Mirror Swords are lost, the decline of the Ise family is inevitable. So because of this incident, the Ise family chose to keep a low profile.

I'm afraid that in a few years, this great nobleman will become less known.

"The leak of the disappearance of the Ise family's eight mirror swords should be due to revenge from the Tsunayashiro family."

Gosuke Shigure is extremely determined.

The Tsunayashiro family is a group of Lion Majesty, it can be said that they must take revenge.

Finally, there was an opportunity to completely destroy the Shiba family and make the surname Shiba disappear from the world, but because of the reasons of the other great nobles, they had to give up.

How can the Tsunayashiro family let it go?

Ever since, after this incident, the Dai family retaliated against the remaining nobles.

Logically speaking, it was Shihouin Kongchan who stopped the group of killers in the first place, and he should take revenge on Shihouin's family first.

But the Tsunayashiro family did not.

"Because even the Tsunayashiro family has to admit that the current Shihouin family has no flaws at all. Originally, after Shihouin's empty cicada, they fell into a situation of being out of control, but Yoruichi's growth has made up for it very well. everything.."

"Since we can't target Shihouin's family, we should target the rest."

"And during this process, you can't come forward in person, because if you do so in person, it is very likely to attract a group of people to attack."

"So, because of the existence of the Ise family, it was revealed.

"The Tsunayashiro family is in charge of the Great Soul Book Corridor, and there are some things that can be easily known."

"The Ise family, for the sake of the family's face, had to execute the members who made mistakes, and then chose to hide.

"After the Ise family, the next target is... the Kuchiki family."

"The Kuchiki family fell into the same predicament as the Shihouin family. The men of the next generation are not qualified enough to become strong and difficult to take on the great cause. The difference is that the next generation of Shihouin's Yoruichi is very qualified, while the Kuchiki family, Well, although Kuchiki Aojun married a wife, but the child was just born, and it is not sure whether his qualifications are good or bad for the time being.

"Kuchiki Yinling didn't dare to gamble on the illusory future, so she had to choose another way, which was to find a powerful husband-in-law for her daughter, and her adopted son-in-law was also a son."

"His idea is good, but he ignores the character of Kuchiki Hibiki, which makes outsiders see an opportunity."

"Kuchiki Xianghe abides by the law and offends so many nobles. Because of the Kuchiki family's reputation, those nobles dare not provoke Kuchiki Xianghe, but if one day, Kuchiki Xianghe is in trouble, no matter how big the Kuchiki family is , Under the circumstances of these nobles, it is not so easy for Kuchiki Yinling to exonerate Kuchiki Xianghe."

"The head of the four nobles, the example of the nobles, sometimes it is an honor, but it is also a kind of bondage."

"Since Kuchiki Kazukawa was so impartial and impartial when dealing with those nobles, then similarly, when Kuchiki Kazukawa committed a felony, the Kuchiki family "must also be impartial and impartial."

"Who told Kuchiki Yinling not to stop him when Kuchiki Hibiki did those things, and let him do that?"

After Gosuke Shigure figured out all the reasons for the incident.

Basically, it is certain that the next target of the Tsunayashiro family is the Kuchiki family, to be precise, the Kuchiki Hibiki.

Because there is such a plot in the original book.

After Kuchiki Xianghe served as the captain of the first team of special forces, he was imprisoned because of being involved in factional disputes.

Under normal circumstances, Kuchiki Xianghe, as the son-in-law of the Kuchiki family, those small and medium-sized nobles would not dare to frame him.

But he ended up in jail.

Moreover, Kuchiki Yinling, as the head of the Kuchiki family, the head of the four great nobles, was so powerless in the face of Kuchiki Xianghe's imprisonment. He could only let him stay quietly in the confession palace first, and then he thought of a way Go and clear the name of Kuchiki Hibiki.

This point shows that Kuchiki Yinling at that time was actually a little powerless.

The reason why Kuchiki Ginling is so powerless is probably the Tsunayashiro family.

The great noble made a move.

In the first years, Tsunayashiro was the head of the great nobles. Later, due to the decline, the position of the head of the great nobles fell to the head of the Kuchiki family, but even so, the Tsunayashiro family still has a great history. Area.

This power lies in the fact that many small and medium nobles are driven by it.

The reason is that they are in charge of the corridor of the Great Spirit Book and know many secrets of the Soul Society, and that they can influence the decisions of Central 46.

""||So, in the end, it was because Byakuya Kuchiki was born too late. "

"If he was the same age as Yoruichi, (Qian Zhao) would never have these things."

Gosuke Shigure finally came to such a conclusion.

Byakuya Kuchiki's qualifications are of course strong, and he will be a well-deserved strong in the future.

But he was born a little late.

This made Kuchiki Yinling have to recruit Kuchiki Xianghe as his son-in-law for the sake of Kuchiki's family.

As a result, the Tsunayashiro family found the Kuchiki family's flaws and dealt a heavy blow to the Kuchiki family.

However, even the Tsunayashiro family would not think of it.

After they plotted against Kuchiki Xianghe, made Kuchiki Silver Ridge exterminate his relatives, sealed Kuchiki Xianghe, and the Kuchiki family lost a strong man.

But it didn't decline because of it.

Although the death of Kuchiki Aojun also happened during this period, in the future, after all, there will be another strong person, making the Kuchiki family continue.

It is still far away for the Tsunayashiro family to become the head of the great nobles again. .

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