In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 138: Four Holes in the Universe

The family of five happily chatted together for a while.

Ji Taihao said with a smile: "Let's go back to the Kingdom of Heaven now. The Queen Mother Sheng Tianji and the Eldest Princess Ji Muxue will return, and the Heavenly Council will celebrate with great joy and excitement!"

Sheng Tianji and Ji Muxue nodded with joy.

Daoist Taiyuan said with a smile: "You go back to the kingdom of heaven first, I still have things to do, I will go back after a while."

Ji Haotian looked at the imperial grandmother Taiyuan Daomu, and said with a smile: "Our family of five has a powerful Chaos Supreme Treasure, which is not what it used to be. We can help you! This is also our own family's business. To save the emperor's grandfather, We have a responsibility, and the family should face it together!"

Daoist Taiyuan glared at Ji Haotian, and said angrily: "As long as you talk a lot, you, the master of heaven, really know everything and can't hide anything from you!"

Ji Taihao asked anxiously: "Mother, where is my father? Why have you been refusing to tell me where my father Taixu Daozu is? Has he encountered any crisis? I must go to save him! "

Daoist Taiyuan sighed and said: "Taihao, I didn't tell you, just because I was afraid that you would overreach your efforts to save your father. If you go, you will be like your father, and I'm afraid you will never come back again." , so every time you ask about your father's whereabouts these years, I refuse to tell you!"

Ji Haotian sighed and said, "Let me tell you! The endless sea between the Pangu Continent and the Chaos Continent is called the Central Sea, and in the endless Central Sea there is a mysterious and strange giant island called the Immortal Island. The country in the Immortal Island is called the Immortal Kingdom. This Immortal Kingdom is extremely mysterious and strange, and it can only enter but not exit. Once a creature enters the Immortal Kingdom, it cannot come out again! Legend has it that the Immortal Kingdom is one of the thirty-six overseas countries. The people are called the Immortal People, with the surname Ah, and their dark skin, long life and immortality, the Immortal People will live forever in the Immortal Kingdom, and they will never be able to leave the Immortal Kingdom.”

Ji Taihao said in surprise: "My father entered the Immortal Kingdom? He was trapped in the Immortal Kingdom? No, I must go to save him, and I must take him out of the Immortal Kingdom!"

Daoist Taiyuan sighed and said, "Finally, I'll let you know! I'll just go on an adventure alone. I don't want our family to be in trouble. If our family is all trapped in the Immortal Kingdom, the Heavenly Kingdom and our What should countless relatives and friends do?!"

Ji Haotian smiled and said: "Grandmother, don't worry, our family is all lucky, and each of us has a powerful treasure of chaos, absolutely invincible. I am the master of heaven, in charge of heaven, surpassing everything, controlling everything, and ignoring everything. How can a mere undead country block my way?!"

Sheng Tianji nodded and said: "That's it. We are a family, and we should face difficulties together! Our family of five has a powerful Chaos Supreme Treasure, and five powerful Chaos Supreme Treasures can definitely bring the whole world together." The Immortal Kingdom has been razed to the ground! Queen Mother, we will accompany you to the Immortal Kingdom, rescue Father and Empress, and our family will return to the Kingdom of Heaven together.”

Ji Muxue also nodded again and again, resolutely going to rescue the emperor's grandfather together.

Ji Taihao asked: "Empress Mother, why did Emperor Father enter the forbidden land of the Immortal Kingdom?"

Daoist Taiyuan said: "Your father, Taixu Daozu, fought fiercely with several old opponents in the sky above the Immortal Kingdom, and several of them were accidentally sucked into the Immortal Kingdom by the terrifying swallowing barrier of the Immortal Kingdom, and there has been no news since then! "...

With everyone's insistence, Daoist Taiyuan finally nodded and agreed that everyone would go to the Immortal Kingdom together. Ji Haotian released the best treasure of chaos, the jade dish of good fortune, which rose against the wind and turned into a huge cosmic flying saucer as large as a mountain. The family of five entered the huge good fortune together. The jade plate broke through the air and went away.

The Central Sea is magnificent, boundless and vast.

Undead Island, located in the southern part of the Central Sea, is a huge island.

The entire giant island is covered by a layer of gray-black mysterious barrier, like a giant bowl reaching upside down.

The mysterious gray-black enchantment is misty and deep,

It is like an endless abyss, making it impossible for people outside to see what is inside the island. The strange and huge barrier also exudes a huge devouring power, just like a giant beast opening its mouth to swallow the world. Mysterious, spooky, ancient and eerie.

Ji Haotian's family of five hovered in the air above the undead island, investigating the undead island.

Ji Haotian looked down at the mysterious and terrifying undead island below, frowned and said, "This enchantment of the immortal country is a natural black hole enchantment. There are four kinds of strange holes in the vast universe, called the four holes of the universe, which are black holes, white holes, and worm holes. Holes and gray holes, and the natural black hole barrier of this immortal country is like a black hole, one of the four holes in the universe. It has huge devouring power and tearing power. Once ordinary profound practitioners are swallowed by the black hole barrier, they will die undoubtedly!"

The four holes in the universe are black holes, white holes, wormholes, and gray holes:

black hole:

A black hole is a celestial body capable of extremely bending space-time with extremely high mass, high density, small size, and infinite thermal energy. It is the late destination of a massive star and can swallow any matter that enters its event horizon. , from which not even light can escape.

White hole:

White holes, the exact opposite of black holes, are capable of ejecting matter and energy into outer regions of space, but almost never absorbing any matter or energy. There is also a horizon range, which is also a super-strong gravitational source, but it can only attract matter to the boundary of the horizon range, but cannot suck matter into the horizon. When the high-speed particulate matter ejected from the white hole collides with the matter accreted from outside the event horizon to the event horizon boundary, a huge amount of radiant energy will be generated.

The nature of a white hole is the opposite of that of a black hole, and it is a celestial body that can only exit but not enter. If black holes can extremely distort space-time, then the existence of white holes can reverse the extremely distorted space-time. So, when an object accidentally disappears into a black hole, maybe it will re-emerge through a white hole.


Wormholes, also known as "space-time holes". As the name suggests, a wormhole is a connection tunnel between space and time in the universe. A wormhole can connect two distant time and space, and through a wormhole, instantaneous space transfer and time travel can be done. Wormholes are also space-time tunnels connecting black holes and white holes.

Gray Hole:

Gray holes are also called "reincarnation holes". Stars become black holes only after being compressed to a certain value. Everything may be abandoned halfway along the way, so it is not necessary for stars to be compressed halfway and take a rest, so they have not yet reached the standard of black holes. , so it is called a gray hole. The gray hole is like a reincarnation hole, energy and matter will be sucked into it, and then twisted out of it, entering and exiting, just like reincarnation.

1. The white hole ejects energy and matter, only exiting but not entering;

2. Black holes devour energy and matter, only entering and exiting;

3. Wormholes are channels connecting different spaces and times;

4. The gray hole is like a samsara hole, with entry and exit;

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