In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 208 Should be erased

Gladios, the God of Truth, said with a smile: "It's time for the kingdom of heaven to be tempered. I am looking forward to the appearance of our enemies. They will be our whetstones and stepping stones!"

Ji Haotian nodded and said: "Only through training and fighting can you grow better and faster. The Kingdom of Heaven is too comfortable, and it's time for training! The Super Primitive Eighth Patriarch told me before leaving, let me be very careful." Two people, these twelve people are the Eight Great Patriarchs of the Eight Great Guilds in Chaos Continent and the Four Great Patriarchs of the Four Great Hermit Ancient Clans in the Central Sea! These twelve people will be the enemies of me and the Kingdom of Heaven, and they need to be wiped out!"

Florimond, the God of Enlightenment, asked: "I have heard of the Eight Patriarchs of the Great Desolation, but this is the first time I have heard of the Four Great Hermits and the Four Ancient Patriarchs of the Central Sea. Who are they and why are they attacking us? Because of the super-primitive Eighth Patriarch?"

Ji Haotian said: "The four ancient ancestors of the four great hidden ancient clans in the Central Sea are all powerful sub-god Dzogchen experts, and they are all of Caucasian race. The ancient ancestors of the Molas family, the ancient ancestors of the Higaras family, and the ancient ancestors of the Campolis family. The four ancient hermits were not hermits tens of thousands of years ago, but called It is one of the four ancient clans in the Central Sea. At that time, there was a powerful Tianlu clan in the Central Sea, which belonged to a different race of beasts, and its strength was not inferior to the four ancient clans. In order to get the secret treasure of Tianlu, the four ancient ancestors formed an alliance and led the armies of the four ancient clans to destroy tens of millions of Tianlu clan, causing the Tianlu clan to be exterminated!"

Gladios, the God of Truth, frowned and said, "The Four Great Ancient Patriarchs are really cruel. For a secret treasure, a race was wiped out! Tens of millions of souls have been wiped out. Aren't they afraid of being judged by heaven?"

Ji Haotian said: "If the Four Great Ancient Ancestors alone wiped out the Heavenly Donkey Clan, they would definitely be judged by the Dao of Heaven, but their Four Great Ancient Ancestors only wiped out thousands of strong men of the Heavenly Donkey Clan, and the rest of the Heavenly Donkey Clan were all killed The army of the four ancient clans killed them. Although the culprits were the four ancient ancestors, because they did not personally exterminate the clan, they did not attract the judgment of heaven! Among the eight super-primitive ancestors, the three super ancestors, the Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian They happened to pass by, and when they found out about this, they were very indignant, so they approached the four ancient clans, claiming that if the law of heaven did not punish the four ancient clans, they would punish the four ancient clans. The ancestors all became the donkey heads of the Tiandonkey Clan, let them show the donkey heads forever, and asked the four ancient donkey-head ancestors and the four ancient clans to retire. Not to be born!"

Zuo Tianzai Ji Weilong sighed: "It turns out that the four ancient ancestors will always show the public with donkey heads and become the four ancient ancestors with donkey heads. This is also a great humiliation to them! Now the super primitive eight ancestors have left the Dafan universe. The Big Donkey Head Ancient Ancestor and the Four Great Ancient Clans are about to be born, and they dare not take revenge on the Super Primitive Eighth Ancestor, but they will definitely vent their hatred on our heavenly kingdom! Since they are enemies, they need to be wiped out!"

Youtian Zai Xiao Zhantian nodded and said: "That's right, the four ancient donkey-headed ancestors and the four ancient clans who committed serious crimes should not survive in the world, they should be eradicated!"

The God of Enlightenment Florimond asked thoughtfully: "Boss, I am curious about one thing. Aurora changed the name of the Heavenly Kingdom Academy to the Heavenly Kingdom Beyond Academy. On the same day, the Pangu Continent Transcendence Academy was renamed the Creation Academy. Laura and Hermamene are good friends, and they both changed the names of their colleges on the same day, is there any reason for this?"

Ji Haotian smiled and said: "Transcendent geniuses are above creation geniuses. In the future, the Transcendent Academy of Heaven will be the first academy in the universe, and the Creation Academy will be the second academy in the universe. These two colleges will stand side by side in the land of Heaven in the future. It was calculated by Taishang Chaozu and told Aurora and Hemamene that the name change of the two colleges at the same time was suggested by Taishang Chaozu. Nirvana, her name has the same name as a powerful being, which is a taboo. So Hermamene has now changed her name to Andromeda."

Everyone nodded.

Frontinus, the god of origin, smiled and said, "Boss, we have one more thing to do when we come here, that is, we want to ask you to go out with us, Boss."

Ji Haotian asked in surprise, "Go out? Where are you going?"

The God of the End, Theodorakis, said with a smile: "We just got the news that the ancient Temple of Aphaloyus in the Chaos Sea has appeared, and the news has spread throughout the Great World of Origin, and countless people and forces have rushed there!"

There are countless sea areas in the world of origin, among which there are five largest sea areas, called the five seas, namely: Central Sea, Endless Sea, Chaos Sea, Pontos Sea, and Thalassa Sea.

Gladios, the God of Truth, said excitedly: "It is said that the Temple of Aphaloyus was one of the ten super overlords in the origin world in ancient times. There is a true god in the temple, with a long heritage, rich heritage, and extremely powerful ! Now that the ancient Temple of Aphaloyus is in the world, there must be a great opportunity for good fortune, and the opportunity must not be missed!"

Ji Haotian took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "The appearance of the Temple of Aphaloyus has caused a commotion in the entire origin world. The heroes of the world have gathered, and the Chaos Sea is now lively! Let's go, let's join in the fun!"

At that moment, Ji Haotian informed several wives, and then took the left and right Tianzai and the four great heavenly masters together on the good fortune jade saucer that turned into a space flying saucer, left the kingdom of heaven, and flew away through the sky.

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