In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 689: Evil King Quesaz

Under the angry, unwilling and helpless eyes of the evil king of Senosogris, Ji Haotian collected all the resources and treasures in the national treasury of the Guangming Universe into the Tiandao Pagoda and the Heavenly Dao Realm, and then used the talent avenue, supernatural power, and great nihilism to lead the regent Tiandao Together with the assistant government four heavenly gods, they went away in stealth.

Soon, the news that Ji Haotian, the emperor of the kingdom of heaven, ransacked the national treasury of the Guangming universe country, shocked and sensationalized the entire universe of saints.

In a primitive mountain range shrouded in mist in the Bright World, Ji Haotian and the others stood together in a deep valley.

At this time, Ji Haotian said with a gloomy expression: "The commander of the twelve elements sent me a distress message with a cosmic crystal ball. They were turned into crystals by the evil king Quesaz, one of the thirty-six evil kings of the universe. Brought to the dark cosmic mountain in the dark world! The evil king of Quesaz is using his innate avenue supernatural power, the big solid art, and only my power of heaven can dissolve his big solid art. We need to go to the dark world immediately Rescue the twelve elemental gods!"

Ning Ze Tianjun, Minister of State, said with a gloomy face: "It seems that the thirty-six evil kings of the universe have started to attack the high-level officials of our heavenly kingdom. Let's rescue the twelve elemental gods immediately!"

Hedi said, "The Imperial Palace of the Dark Universe Kingdom is located in the Dark Universe Mountain, and there is a wormhole leading to the Dark Universe Mountain in the Bright Universe Mountain. Let's go to the Bright Universe Mountain now, and go to the Dark World through the wormhole! "...

The Great Dark World ranks eighth among the 3,000 Great Worlds, and it is the Dark Cosmic Country, one of the five super-cosmic countries, that dominates the world.

Dark Universe Mountain, the largest super mountain range in the Dark World, and the location of the Dark Universe Kingdom Palace.

In the dark cosmic mountain surrounded by mountains and mist, there is a peak that reaches the sky. There is a beautiful crystal cave in the mountain peak, and there is a mysterious and terrifying monster in the dense forest outside the crystal cave.

This monster is a cluster of huge crystals with long sharp crystal tendrils growing on it. There are countless crystal tentacles growing on the crystal monster's body. Any creature touched by these crystal tentacles will be transformed into a solid mineral structure.

This huge crystal monster is the evil king Quesaz, one of the thirty-six evil kings in the universe.

The thirty-six evil kings of the universe, also known as the thirty-six congenital immortal evil spirits, are the thirty-six super disciples of the seven evil emperors of chaos among the seventy-two demon gods of chaos. They are all extremely ancient innate alien creatures in the multiverse , born in the Minggu period at the beginning of the universe, they devoured the innate immortal ancestral energy at the beginning of the universe at the beginning of their birth, and they all have immortal bodies. They are all extremely mysterious, powerful, ancient and terrifying, and they all possess twin emperor-level innate supernatural powers, one of which is the great immortality technique, and the other is their respective innate original supernatural powers. The thirty-six evil spirits in the universe The kings are:

1. The evil king of Amtsaba, the star devourer, looks like a huge mass of dark matter with many slender tentacles growing on it, and it captures and devours the planet through these tentacles. The twin talents have great powers, great immortality and great devouring.

2. Bagshas Evil King, Drowned, Space Filler, in the form of a gelatinous creature with numerous eyes and mouths. Twin Talents Dao Supernatural Power Immortal Art and Great Filling Art.

3. The evil king of Ketayate, the king of black water, symbolizes one of the existences of "water". His body is an existence that is difficult for ordinary people to understand, usually in the form of a huge water element aggregate. This evil spirit is said to be the ruler of all aquatic life and can appear wherever water exists. The twin talents are Dao supernatural powers, great immortality and great black water.

4. The evil king of Weibull, his appearance resembles a huge giant rat, with black hair on the surface, three clover-shaped red eyes on his head, and some tentacles on his body. The twins are gifted with great supernatural powers, great immortality and great soul devouring.

5. Curse Xie Kunxie King, known as the "Dark and Silent One", whose image is pure darkness. He lives in the deep and invisible underground, and everything he goes will be involved in his deep and invisible darkness. middle.

As long as he appears, all life, all sounds, and all actions will come to an end. Therefore, his arrival is often accompanied by strong earthquakes, and people or animals close to him will have the urge to gouge out their eyes. The twin talents have great powers, great immortality and great silence.

6. The evil king of Iod, also known as "Soul Hunter", has an image of a complex made of animals, plants and minerals, with a huge compound eye. The twin talents have great powers, great immortality and great soul.

7. The evil king Saigeya, also known as "the darkest one" and "the eye of destruction". It appears as a large, glowing green eye with numerous tentacles growing from the edge of the eye. Twin Talents Dao of Supernatural Powers Great Immortality and Great Darkness.

8. The evil king of Otuig, the last walker, whose image is a huge eyeball with a large group of tentacles. Twin Talents Dao of Supernatural Powers Undead and Great Termination.

9. The evil king of Mnagara, whose full name is "Eternal Mnagara", is also known as "the cancer of the earth" and "the one who exhausts all things". Its image is a large group of internal organs and eyeballs, with many tentacles growing on it .Twin talent Dao supernatural powers great immortality and great exhaustion.

10. The evil king Chaugnar Fagern, the terror in the mountains, is imaged as a blood-sucking giant with an elephant head. The nicknames are "God of Elephant" and "Terror on the Mountain". Twin Talents Dao of Supernatural Powers Great Immortality and Great Blood Sucking.

11. The evil king of Cthugya, the one who detonates and lives in the flames, symbolizes one of the existences of "fire". The image is a huge, high-heat fireball or plasma block, surrounded by thousands of small light balls, a huge figure that is constantly deforming like a living flame, and sometimes even described as a sun on the ground. Twin Talents Dao Shentong Great Undead Art and Great Deflagration Art.

12. The evil king of Yafumza, the master of the polar circle of ice flames, although he is of the fire attribute, his nature is completely different from the usual flames - he is a huge, cold, gray flame, Instead of burning objects, it freezes objects that touch him. The twin talents have great powers, great immortality and great freezing.

Thirteen. Queen Kasogossa, also known as Leviathan's Disease, looks like a mass of tentacles, curly tentacles that can extend to incredible lengths, ensuring that her prey have no chance to escape or hide. Kasogesa is also known as Leviathan's disease. The place where she lives is often barren of grass, and will spread various harmful substances to poison the local creatures. Often considered an ancient being, Kasogossa is said to be particularly violent as a testament to her power. The twins are gifted with great supernatural powers, great immortality and great disease.

Fourteenth, the evil king of Gatanothoya, he appears as a huge shapeless mass of flesh, with many tentacles and a huge mouth, and his body is covered with wrinkles and scales. He can petrify the creatures that witness him. People who enter this state will not die completely, and their brains will live forever in the petrified body, becoming "living statues". Twin Talents Dao of Supernatural Powers Immortality and Great Petrification.

Fifteen, Isogda Evil King, known as the "Lord of the Abyss", Isogda's body is very huge, his head has thick hair and tentacles, he has only one eye, and the eyes are also long Filled with tentacles, his body also has some deep diver traits, such as webbed palms. In addition, he can also affect the human mind through dreams. The twin talents are Dao supernatural powers, great immortality and great abyss.

Sixteen, Zoss Omog evil king, he has a conical body and a lizard-like head, with four thick tentacle-shaped arms with suction cups on his neck, like a starfish when unfolded, on his head It also has tentacles. The twin talents have great supernatural powers, great immortality and great star absorption.

Seventeen, Queen Keshira, she has an octopus-like body, a pair of retractable wings and tentacles with grooved claws. She has the ability to change her body shape at will. Twin Talents Dao Supernatural Power Immortal Art and Great Transformation Art.

18. Queen Enketosa, in the image of a huge octopus-shaped creature with a shell, has eight segmented legs and six long arms, with claws on the top of the long arms. The twin talents of Dao supernatural powers, great immortality and great tearing.

Nineteen, Ithaqua Evil King, Windwalker, King of Frozen Death, one of the symbols of the existence of "wind". Among the several shapes of Itakuya, the most typical one is a webbed toe, A huge, bony human form with fiery red eyes. Its face is distorted and terrifying, like a human face that has been stretched and deformed, full of pain; it also often flashes in the strong wind, and its long, haggard hair will sway in the wind like a ghost with its body. Another common appearance of Itakua is a hairy humanoid with huge horns, claws as sharp as knives, vicious fangs in its mouth, and fiery eyes. It will exhale a cloud of mist from its mouth, and snowflakes will surround it strangely. The twin talents are Dao supernatural powers, great immortality and great wind.

20. The evil king of Mordiggian, the king of gloomy and cold bones, and the king of ghouls. Appears as a large shapeless mass of darkness, sometimes appearing as a terrifying giant with no eyes on its head and no feet on its body. He appeared with a terrible fog, and once he was swallowed by the fog, he would lose all his vitality and become a dry bone. The twin talents are Dao supernatural powers, great immortality and great cloud and fog.

Twenty-one, Lantigos evil king, king of ivory jade throne. Six-legged, long body, with claw-like forelimbs, although it looks like a crab, it can suck creatures through the tentacles in its mouth, its digestive system is extremely powerful, if it does not eat, it will start to digest itself, until it falls into a kind of until hibernation. The twins are gifted with great supernatural powers, great immortality and great digestion.

22. Evil King Lulim Shakoros. It looks like a huge white worm with a porous stomach; its eyeballs seem to be composed of small drops of blood that are constantly dripping. The twins are gifted with great powers, great immortality and great assimilation.

23. The evil king Shudemel has a huge body and the most evil personality. It is a gray strange insect with a huge body that is several miles long. From time to time, strange acid oozes out of its mouth, and at the same time it oozes out a strange acidic liquid. Twin Talents Dao of Supernatural Powers Great Immortality and Great Corrosion.

24. The evil king of Satogua, the sleeper of Ngai, and the god of toads. Its image is a humanoid with black fur and a toad-like belly, and it can change into other forms from time to time. When he was hungry, no matter whether it was human beings or other creatures, even invisible baby spirits, he would not refuse anyone. The twins are gifted with great supernatural powers, great immortality and great sleep.

Twenty-five, the evil king Zvir Bogwa, the demon of the sky. Appears as an armless, winged, bipedal toad with a long, twisted neck and a face completely covered by tentacles. The twin talents have great powers, great immortality and great sky.

Twenty-six. The evil king of Eihuote, whose shape is a bulging, almost oval-shaped giant, resting on countless legs without flesh; eyes constantly emerge from its oval-shaped jelly-like body. Twin Talents Dao Supernatural Powers Great Immortality and Great Illusion.

27. Glaaki Evil King, in the shape of a huge slug-like creature, covered with metal spikes all over his body. These spikes seem to be inorganic, but they actually have an organic structure and can grow. There are also a pair of tentacles with eyeballs on the top of his body. Twin Talents Dao of Supernatural Powers Immortality and Great Destruction.

Twenty-eight, the evil king of Kuaqiu Taosi, also known as "the dust treader". Its body was not much bigger than a child, shriveled and wrinkled like a thousand-year-old mummy. The neck as thin as a skeleton supported the hairless head, and both the head and its featureless face were covered with countless tiny cracks. That way, it looks like a shriveled stillborn that died without taking a breath in the mother's body; at the end of its thin arms, there are scrawny claws, which stretch forward stiffly, as if they are always groping for something Same. The twin talent Dao supernatural powers, great immortality and big cracks.

29. Gadamon Evil King, it looks like a large amoeba swarm, its body is composed of a kind of blue-brown mucus, blisters and scars are constantly formed on its body surface, and cracks periodically Open, spraying disgusting toxin; it can change its shape at will to move. In addition, deformed heads are constantly produced in its body, and they are quickly absorbed by the mother; these heads seem to briefly observe the surrounding environment before disappearing. The twin talents have great powers, great immortality and great poison.

30. The evil king of Quesaz, whose image is a cluster of huge crystals, with long sharp crystal tendrils growing on it, any creature touched by these crystal tentacles will be transformed into a solid mineral structure. The twins are gifted with great supernatural powers, great immortality and great solidity.

Thirty-one, the evil king Samanus, the dark walker, and the lord of the night. The image is a tall and thin man with gray skin, no mouth, and tentacles on his abdomen. The twin talents are Dao supernatural powers, great immortality and great dark night.

Thirty-two, Sati Xie Wang, is a pig-like horror, with a bloated, corpse-like body covered with thick, wrinkled, rhinoceros-like hide. It had twelve or more hoofed legs, a small black eye on its head, and three mouths full of boar tusks and teeth beneath its snout. The twins are gifted with great supernatural powers, great immortality and great collision.

Thirty-three, the evil king of Senosogris, also known as "the king of funerals" and "the embalmer". It appears as a shapeless pile, resembling a gigantic wriggling piece of shit, with an arm-like appendage. Twin Talents Dao of Supernatural Powers Undead Art and Great Zombie Art.

Thirty-four, Rex Regasseros, the evil king, looks like a huge bat-shaped creature with thousands of deformed eyes and a strangely shaped throat. Twin Talents Dao of Supernatural Powers Immortality and Great Plague.

Thirty-five, Kituhanai Evil King, nicknamed "The Destroyer of the King of Atna. He is a destructive entity, manifested as a hungry unknown force field, he builds his body by absorbing metal elements, Smash it into a highly destructive swirling metal vortex.Twin talent avenue supernatural powers great immortality and great vortex.

Thirty-six, the evil king of Ustragon, whose image is a slug-like monster with countless eyes. Twin Talents Dao Supernatural Powers Undead Art and Great Ghost Art.

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