In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 764: Brahma Immeasurable Calamity

In the eighty-first Chaos Era, Ji Haotian has reincarnated for 100 million lives, the most powerful of which are the first three lives. The first three lives stood at the pinnacle of the multiverse, and they all realized the supreme power of the way of heaven. Because the first three lives did not obtain the mastery of the way of heaven, they cannot be called the masters of the way of heaven, but can only be counted as masters of the way of heaven. The first three lives are:

The first life is Hongjun Daozu. The body is the innate nihilistic ancestral energy born in the original void source core.

The second life is Pan Gutian, whose main body is a super star giant as huge as a super galaxy born in the original primordial primordial core. It is the largest super giant in the multiverse and the strongest master of heaven in the middle of the ancient multiverse.

The third life is Xuhuangtian, the main body is the ancestor of the starry sky behemoth born in the original chaotic source core. It is as huge as a super galaxy. A strong master of heaven.

The ancient period is the prehistoric period of the multiverse, divided into the early period of the ancient period, the middle period of the ancient period, and the late period of the ancient period.

The ancient period of the multiverse is 10 million years ago, the ancient period is 600 million years ago, the archaic period is 10 billion years ago, the ancient period is 6 trillion years ago, and the ancient period is 100 billion years ago. The Yan period is 60 billion years, which is equivalent to the destruction and rebirth of the universe.

Ji Haotian looked at the evil king of Satogua, and asked, "Where is the source of the immeasurable calamity of the Great Brahma? I want to devour it and refine it to eliminate future troubles."

The evil king of Satogua said indifferently: "Why should I tell you? What does the destruction of the Tianyuan Great World have to do with me?"

Ji Haotian said coldly: "If you don't tell me, the ancestors of Yadsadag and Oxylos will beat you to death."

Satogua Xiewang said: "My innate talent is the Great Immortality, and I am immortal."

Ji Haotian said: "The two of them can suppress you to the ground, and then I will piss on you, squat on you and shit, give you to drink and eat shit, and then spread this matter to the universe to make you suffer Humiliation, loss of face, no face to see others, grief and indignation, life is worse than death!"

Yad Sadage Guzu said: "Boy Ji's method is very good. I agree. Suppress the evil king of Satogua and give it to drink urine and eat shit!"

The ancestor of Oxylos suddenly said excitedly: "I also agree, I also have excrement and urine, and I gave it to the evil king of Satogua to eat and drink, and feed it at once!"

Ji Haotian smiled and said: "Oxylos ancestor, your body is as huge as a super life planet, how big is your shit and urine? It's as big as the sea, right? You can't beat the evil king of Satogua Drowning?"

The ancestor of Oxylos laughed and said: "He is immortal and cannot be drowned, but he will be humiliated and distraught, life would be better than death!"

The evil king of Satogua hurriedly said: "Well, the source of the great Brahman's immeasurable kalpa is in the valley to the north, and there is an ancient cave under the cliff there, and the source of the great Brahman's infinite kalpa is in that cave. .”

After speaking, it suddenly turned into a black light, soaring into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the evil king of Satogua had already left, the ancestor of Oxylos laughed and said, "Ji Haotian, I'm leaving too, there will be a time later!"

After finishing the words, without waiting for Ji Haotian to speak, it suddenly turned into a ray of blue light and shot towards the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Ji Haotian looked at the ancient ancestor of Yad Sadag, who was surrounded by hundreds of millions of brilliant spheres in the vast clouds and mists of the void. He couldn't see through the ancient ancestors of Yad Sadag at all. The radiant sphere is his body, ethereal, erratic, mysterious, and extremely powerful!

However, he has a feeling that the ancestor of Yadsadag should be stronger than the ancestor of Oxylos and the evil king of Satogua. Not his opponent!

Although the ancient ancestor of Yad Sadag has a weird shape, he does not have an inherently evil aura like the thirty-six evil kings of the universe. His aura contains light, justice, beauty, friendliness, and hope, giving people a sense of comfort. and closeness.

He looked at the ancient ancestor Yadsadag in the vast clouds and mist, and said with a smile: "Ancestor Yadsadag, the twelve presidents of the Heavenly Old Society, the original twelve ancestors are the avatars of your original twelve ancestors, Now it has been taken back by you, and it no longer exists. Now the heavenly elders will have no leader, when will their original twelve ancient ancestors return to the heaven?"

The vast and melodious voice of the ancestor Yad Sadag laughed: "Our clone is the president of the Heavenly Elder Association, but our body is not. We are not from the Heavenly Kingdom. How can we return?"

Ji Haotian said: "Your avatars also represent your main bodies. I have appointed twelve of your avatars to serve as the twelve presidents of the Heavenly Elders Association. Now that you have taken back your avatars, your main bodies should take over. The responsibility of the avatar, your original twelve ancient ancestors are the twelve presidents of the Heavenly Elder Association. I am the way of heaven, and I appointed you in the name of the way of heaven. The Twelve Ancient Ancestors were destined to be people from the Kingdom of Heaven, and they were destined to accompany me, Ji Haotian, to travel through the heavens and worlds, conquer the ancient ruins of time and space, and rule the world!"

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