In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 10 It was Akikawa who killed his own mother, right?

"My sister is a sophomore in college and she is about the same age as me. Does that mean I am around 20 years old now?"

"It's really surprising. I thought the original owner was just a high school student."

Akikawa Kosuke listened to Nakajima Takuto telling him about his sister, while also sorting out the information captured in the other party's words in his mind.

"He repeatedly confirmed with me whether I have any insomnia problems. In other words, the doctor detected the ingredients of sleeping pills in my body last night."

"That's why they decided that I was suicidal."

When Akikawa Kosuke was in the bathroom just now, he was still not sure whether the ingredients of poison or sleeping pills were detected in his body.

Although this is somewhat inaccurate, sleeping pills can turn into poison if taken in sufficient quantities.

What Akikawa Kyusuke mainly cares about is the method the original owner chose to commit suicide.

The half-life of decreasing concentrations in the human body also varies depending on the drug type.

As long as the concentration of the poison in the body is detected, the time it takes to take the poison can be calculated.

Akikawa Kosuke was still lucky that he was not the murderer, so he couldn't help but think about the minuscule possibility that the original owner was really innocent.

"The police have also concluded that I took sleeping pills after the woman died. There seems to be no point in continuing to think about this issue."

Just when Akikawa Kyusuke felt funny in his heart for his naive thoughts.

The words of Takuto Nakajima next to him once again caught Akikawa Kusuke's attention.

"By the way, my younger sister is really annoying. She has liked to contradict her mother since she was in junior high school. I thought it was due to adolescence, but at this age she still often has conflicts with her mother."

" like this..."

Akikawa Kyusuke looked like he didn't know how to answer the question and stammered.

"After talking about my sister's insomnia, we started talking about the relationship between my sister and my mother?"

"So, the woman who died in the car was really the mother of the original owner?"

After Akikawa Kyusuke concluded that the original owner was most likely abused by the woman in the car and was placed under house arrest, he made a guess.

Unexpectedly, it was actually the mother of the original owner.

"Then the original owner, who has been under house arrest by his mother since he was a child, prepared sleeping pills and daggers in advance, and planned to kill his mother and then commit suicide on the day he was traveling with his mother?"

"Everything I can think of, the detectives must have thought of it too. But they haven't come to arrest people directly, which shows that the evidence is not conclusive yet..."

"Apart from the fact that my fingerprints were not on the murder weapon, they weren't able to get a definite answer from the witnesses, either?"

"Because I unlocked the car, it created the possibility for a third party to commit a crime."

"As long as this possibility is not ruled out, they have no way to convict."

"Since the original owner took sleeping pills after his mother died, he should have witnessed this non-existent 'third party'."

"To convince detectives and police officers, the scenario I compiled of my mother's assassination had to be reasonable."

"If my description of the third person is inconsistent with the details of the original crime scene, the detectives will immediately notice that I am lying..."

"But when I woke up yesterday, my head was so foggy. How could I notice so many details?"

There is no way to go back to yesterday and observe the crime scene again.

Akikawa Kongsuke judged that there was only one way left for him to obtain information——

That was the detective in front of him, who was complaining endlessly about the relationship between his sister and his mother.


Nakajima Takuto complained to Akikawa Kyusuke for a while about the bad relationship between his sister and his mother.

Then he looked at Akikawa Kongsuke and asked curiously:

"Although it's a bit presumptuous to ask this now that your father is in trouble, I wonder what's the relationship between Akikawa-kun and your mother?"

"This has nothing to do with Mr. Nakajima, right?"

"I'm just curious."

"Well, the relationship is pretty good..."

Akikawa Kyusuke avoided Nakajima Takuto's gaze with evasive eyes.

Naturally, it was impossible for Takuto Nakajima to miss this scene.

Rather, for a detective who is better at observing words and emotions than ordinary people, Akikawa Kousuke's lying skills are simply obvious.

"However, Akikawa-kun didn't seem to show any sadness after his father was killed."

"If we really have a good relationship, this shouldn't be the reaction, right?"

Nakajima Takuto's attitude was no longer gentle and kind at the beginning, but his tone gradually became more serious.

At the same time, he also moved closer to Akikawa Kousuke, staring closely at Akikawa Kousuke's eyes that did not dare to meet his gaze, and continued to exert pressure.

"Nothing. It's just a little too sudden. I don't know."

Akikawa Kongsuke's words gradually became a little incoherent.

Nakajima Takuto could tell at a glance that Akikawa Kyusuke was trying his best to make excuses, but he was unable to form complete and smooth words due to excessive nervousness.

"Akikawa-kun, please stop lying. Your lying skills are really bad."

"Just a little bit. The relationship is not good."

Akikawa Kosuke said softly, then raised his eyes and secretly looked at Nakajima Takuto, whose attitude suddenly became terrifying.

As if he wanted to see if the nurse in front of him, who suddenly became scary, believed his words.


Takuto Nakajima sighed deeply.

"I want to do my best to help Akikawa-kun."


Akikawa Sosuke's eyes widened, revealing a shocked and puzzled expression.

"It was Akikawa-kun who killed his mother, right?"

Takuto Nakajima said in a deep voice.


As if someone had stabbed him in the back with a knife, Akikawa Sosuke screamed and shrank away from Nakajima Takuto.

But how could Takuto Nakajima give Akikawa Sosuke a chance to breathe? He immediately stood up, stretched out his hand to support himself on the small table with the dinner plate, and leaned over to look at the pale Akikawa Sosuke.

"Answer my question."

"No, I didn't. Mom, didn't she die in a car accident?"

"Mom was driving... and accidentally hit the guardrail. So she died."

"That's not right? Ms. Ryoko was rear-ended after braking suddenly, and that's why she hit the guardrail!"

Nakajima Takuto looked at Akikawa Sosuke's brain, which was deprived of oxygen and panting heavily due to extreme tension and pressure, and made a judgment in his heart.

From the moment Akikawa Sosuke began to make up the cause of Akikawa Ryoko's death, he was sure that it was Akikawa Sosuke who killed Akikawa Ryoko.

It was because Akikawa Sosuke caused this car accident that he wanted to cover up the cause of the car accident.

"What a pathetic child, he didn't even know that the police could completely determine what happened to the car before the car accident by looking at the tire marks on the ground."

"The dagger was still stuck in his mother's body, but he still said that his mother died in a car accident."

"What a clumsy lie."

Nakajima Takuto reached a hand into his pocket and quietly turned on the recording button of the recorder.

Although recordings without the consent of the other party have no legal effect.

But recordings of the criminal's confession can be a strong piece of evidence.

"You still want to lie to me? Ms. Ryoko was still alive after the car accident. Stop pretending. You killed Ms. Ryoko, right?"

Nakajima Takuto once again emphasized his tone and repeated his question.

In addition to continuing to put pressure on Akikawa Sosuke, who was on the verge of collapse, it was also to allow the recorder to clearly record his questions.

"You, you have to speak with evidence. I clearly saw that my mother was in a car accident..."

Nakajima Takuto looked at Akikawa Sosuke's red eyes, as if he was about to collapse and cry,

and knew that Akikawa Sosuke had reached his limit.

He stretched out his hand and tore off Akikawa Sosuke's hospital gown, revealing his thin shoulders with clear bones.

Nakajima Takuto pointed at Akikawa Sosuke's shoulder without any scars and sneered:

"You want evidence, right? Here is the evidence!"

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