Miwako Sato's words made Takuto Nakajima, who was hanging his head by the wall, suddenly raise his head.

Then, together with everyone else, he cast his gaze towards the three documents.

On the table are a compulsory liability insurance contract and two life insurance contracts.

The so-called compulsory liability insurance is equivalent to Japan’s compulsory traffic insurance.

It is a must-have insurance for everyone buying a car in Japan.

Life insurance is equivalent to life insurance. It is insurance that you need to apply to the insurance company yourself.

"Although this document is signed with Ryoko Akikawa's name, it is not necessarily the insurance that Ryoko Akikawa took out for herself."

"Because as long as you get the seal and insurance card, even your children or spouse can go to the insurance company to insure your family."

Hearing Miwako Sato say this,

Nakajima Takuto on the side seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and hurriedly said loudly with excitement:

"As long as Akikawa Ryoko dies, Akikawa Kyousuke will not only be free from his mother's abuse, but he will also receive a huge compensation that will make him worry-free for the rest of his life!"

“Although the death benefit is considered an inheritance, it will not be taxed by the government!”

"Akikawa Kyusuke is the biggest beneficiary of Akikawa Ryoko's death this time. He has full motive for killing!!"

"Sure enough, he had planned all this a long time ago, so he took out those two life insurance policies for his mother!"

Nakajima Takuto's speech once again aroused Sera Masumi's disgust. She looked at Nakajima Takuto and asked:

"If Akikawa Kousuke was just looking for the insurance money, why would he commit suicide after his mother's death?"

"But as far as the ending is concerned, didn't he die? He must have known that no matter how much sleeping pills he took, nothing would happen, just to hide the fact that he killed people for insurance money."

"No, Nakajima-kun, you are wrong about this."

Chiba Kazunobu suddenly spoke, making Nakajima Takuto stunned for a moment.

"The doctor detected a concentration of triazolam in Akikawa's body last night that seriously exceeded the standard, so it was determined that the amount of sleeping pills Akikawa Kyusuke took was enough to cause death."

"In other words, the fact that Akikawa is still alive is very strange."

"If it was really for the insurance money, it would be absolutely impossible for him to swallow a lethal dose of sleeping pills."

"That's it."

Nakajima Takuto was choked by Chiba Kazunobu's words.

After thinking for a moment, he hurriedly said:

"The insurance was taken out by Ryoko Akikawa for herself and has nothing to do with Akikawa Kyusuke. And Akikawa Kyusuke's purpose from the beginning was to kill his mother and then commit suicide!"

Just when Miwako Sato was about to speak, a knock on the door suddenly sounded in the room.

"Please come in."

Sato Miwako shouted, and then a young nurse walked in.

"Have you discovered anything?" Chiba Kazuno asked.

"Well, Mr. Akikawa is already receiving treatment for his fracture."

The little nurse showed some fear when facing the criminal police.

"Oh, that's it. Thank you."

Miwako Sato thanked the nurse, and then asked softly:

"Excuse me, is there anything else? It doesn't matter, just tell me."

Miwako Sato's intuition as a detective is very sharp.

She noticed that the little nurse seemed to be afraid of something, so she asked softly.

"Well, the doctor asked me to ask."

"Why do you let patients eat so much?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Sato Miwako was a little confused.

"Mr. Akikawa is a patient with liver dysfunction. He should not be able to eat too much."

"And even if you have to eat, you should take it together with liver protectants and anti-nausea drugs such as ondansetron or domperidone."

"But Mr. Akikawa ate more food than usual without taking any medicine. The doctor felt it was strange, so he wanted me to ask."

The little nurse kept peeking at Takuto Nakajima over there while she was explaining.

She knew that it was the detective who served Akikawa Kongsuke breakfast instead of the nurse.

Although the little nurse said it politely,

But Sato Miwako immediately heard that Akikawa Kyusuke must have deteriorated in physical condition because of eating too much.

She raised her eyebrows, looked at Takuto Nakajima, and asked coldly:

"Nakajima-kun, you were the one who went to get breakfast for Akikawa, right? What's going on?"

"I don't know!! I never heard that he has liver failure!"

Nakajima Takuto was shocked, why did Akikawa Kyusuke have more and more negative buffs?

It is not easy to live to the age of twenty with all the diseases.

But he really didn't know about this.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Akikawa's liver failure symptoms are not caused by taking too much triazolam, right? I remember that taking too much sleeping pills can affect liver and kidney function."

Conan asked looking at the little nurse.

"In this case, Mr. Nakajima probably doesn't know about this matter."

"But the doctor said this should be an old problem that the patient has had for a long time."

"And the patient should be very resistant when eating. He should also know that he can't eat without taking medicine."

"That's why the doctor thought it was strange that he had eaten so much."

The little nurse's words once again caused the eyes in the room to focus on Nakajima Takuto.

Nakajima Takuto's expression turned ugly again.

He remembered!

When I first asked Akikawa Kyousuke to drink rice porridge, Akikawa Kyousuke showed great resistance.

Later, under his serial questioning, Akikawa Kongsuke also had violent vomiting.

At first he thought it was due to excessive stress.

Now it seems that it was basically caused by liver failure and overeating without taking medicine.

As for the reason why Akikawa Kyusuke overeated, it is self-evident.

At that time, Akikawa Kyusuke only wanted to chat with himself.

So I worry that rejecting my own food will make me unhappy.

I had no choice but to hide my inability to eat and forced myself to eat excessive amounts of food.

Obviously, for me, who had no idea that Akikawa Kyusuke was suffering from liver failure, this was at most a fault.

But just now, someone saw him forcing Akikawa Kyusuke to confess in the ward.

I'm afraid no one will believe their own explanation now.

Anyone would think that

He must have forced Akikawa Kyusuke to eat too much food!

After understanding this, Takuto Nakajima felt the anger boiling in his chest, ready to burst out.

I wish I could just beat that idiot to death, who is obviously an adult but still has the mind of a child.

"You can't eat. You have liver insufficiency. Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Why do you have to eat it and then spit it out?!"

"How can there be such stupid people in this world!!"

Nakajima Takuto cursed Akikawa Kusuke in his heart.

After he came back to his senses, he found that everyone in the room, except the little nurse, was looking at him with anger.

To Nakajima Takuto, the glares from the others were fine.

But only Miwako Sato's angry gaze sent chills down his spine.

The little nurse saw something was wrong and hurriedly left the room.

Sato Miwako slapped the table, and a "bang" sound suddenly came from the small room.

"Takuto Nakajima! As a criminal police officer, don't you know that you need to pay attention to evidence when handling cases?!"

Miwako Sato called out Takuto Nakajima's full name this time, obviously extremely angry.

"Not even 24 hours have passed since the incident occurred, and the Metropolitan Police Department's investigation has just begun."

"But you used only conjecture to induce and coerce confessions from suspects!"

"Is meritorious deeds more important to you than the truth?"

"That Akikawa Kyousuke is so weak. If he is really not a criminal, but you forced him to confess his crime, would you also regard this as your own merit and not care about the life and death of others?"

"No, no, no, I would never do such a thing!" Nakajima Takuto quickly denied.

However, Miwako Sato's face did not show a convinced look.

"Let me ask you, what else are you hiding from me?"

"No more! Really no more!!"

Nakajima Takuto was so frightened by Sato Miwako's furious look that his face turned pale, and he said quickly.

"Okay, if you let me find out that you have anything to hide or do anything illegal again, then you won't have to be a detective in the future."

"No, Officer Sato!! I was wrong, really wrong! I shouldn't have acted arbitrarily!"

After hearing what Miwako Sato said, Nakajima Takuto quickly apologized.

"There is no need for your participation in the follow-up of this case. You can go back and report this incident to Officer Toda."

Miwako Sato finally gave Takuto Nakajima a chance.

If she were to report it herself, then Nakajima Takuto's identity as a detective might really be lost.


Nakajima Takuto, as if he had received an amnesty, quickly bowed and saluted, and left the room.

Discovered by Takuto Nakajima.

Even after leaving the hospital, his hands were still shaking uncontrollably.

And now in his right pocket,

The trembling right hand was tightly holding the recorder he used to record in Akikawa Kongsuke's ward.

Originally, after Nakajima Takuto heard that Akikawa Kyusuke would receive more than 100 million yen in compensation for the death of Akikawa Ryoko,

He was going to hand over this recorder.

Because the voice recorder clearly recorded what Akikawa Kyousuke had lied to him about, and compiled about the assassination of his mother by a third person on a motorcycle.

And after hearing what he said, the police did not find anyone else’s fingerprints on the dagger,

Akikawa Kyusuke added a glove-wearing setting to the non-existent killer on the spot.


This voice recorder contains the part except Akikawa Kyusuke.

It also clearly recorded the recording of him angrily yelling at Akikawa Kyousuke because he was teasing him, and forcing Akikawa Kyousuke to confess.


There is also a recording of him leaking to Akikawa Kyusuke the absolutely confidential fact that there were no other people's fingerprints on the murder weapon.

Just now.

Nakajima Takuto is still thinking,

Even if he is punished, as long as Akikawa Kongsuke can be made to admit his guilt, he can make up for his mistakes.

Now, after experiencing the anger of Sato Miwako just now, this idea has been completely dispelled by Nakajima Takuto.

"How is it possible to hand it over? If Officer Sato and Officer Toda find out about this, I will definitely lose my identity as a detective."

Nakajima Takuto felt scared for a while.

He knows.

Just now, after he subconsciously denied Sato Miwako's questioning, he no longer had the opportunity to hand over the recorder.

"I don't care, let you ask the rest yourself."

Nakajima Takuto thought to himself, took out the recorder, and deleted the recording that was enough to affect his career as a criminal police officer.

Daily request for follow-up reading, request for votes

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