In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 154: Sera Masumi's Request (44)

Chiyoda Ward, Metropolitan Police Headquarters.

Traffic police officer Miike Naeko, who had just finished her day's work, was about to call her friend and boss Yumi Miyamoto to get off work together, but she found that Yumi Miyamoto was nowhere to be found.

"Hey, have you seen Officer Miyamoto?"

Miike Naeko looked at her colleagues around her and asked aloud.

"Officer Miyamoto has gone home, right?"

"It's impossible, her bag is obviously still there."

Miike Naeko pointed at the bag on Miyamoto Yumi's workstation and said aloud.

"I don't know, maybe I went to the toilet. Hiss——"

Miike Naeko was halfway listening to what her colleague was saying when she suddenly saw his eyes widening.

She looked at the other person's eyes, and then her eyes widened.

Although Yumi Miyamoto is not as popular in the Metropolitan Police Department as her best friend Miwako Sato, who is known as the "Flower of the Metropolitan Police Department\

,"But her appearance is also one of the best in the Traffic Division of the Metropolitan Police Department.

At this time, Miyamoto Yumi took off her usual traffic police uniform and put on makeup again.

The strong and decisive temperament that she usually has like a big sister has been covered up a lot, and she looks more gentle and charming.

‘No wonder the male police officers around me looked straight at him’

Miike Naeko thought in her heart, and then spoke to Miyamoto Yumi with stars in her eyes:

"Officer Miyamoto, are you going out on a date with your boyfriend today? That's why you dress up so beautifully!"

However, after Miyamoto Yumi heard what Miike Naeko said, an expression of extreme impatience suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

"Huh——? That guy is not worthy of my special dressing up. What I want to see today is a handsome guy who is a hundred times more handsome than Xiongyoshi (Haneda Hideyoshi)!"

"That's it."

Miike Naeko echoed with some embarrassment.

She knew that Miyamoto Yumi was bragging again.

"Anyway, that's it. I can't leave with you Miaozi today, bye."

Miyamoto Yumi picked up her bag, said goodbye to Miike Naeko and her colleagues, and left the Metropolitan Police Department.

She soon arrived at a quite luxurious German restaurant in Chuo District, which is very close to Chiyoda District.

Here, Miyamoto Yumi met the person she asked to meet today.

Yumi Miyamoto is a deputy police officer in the Traffic Division of the Metropolitan Police Department. Her boyfriend is the shogi player Haneda Hideyoshi, who is known as the Taikaku Celebrity.

She did not put on makeup specifically for her boyfriend Haneda Hideyoshi after get off work today.

And the person she is about to meet is indeed, as Miyamoto Yumi said, much more handsome than her boyfriend.

Originally, Yumi Miyamoto was not afraid of all kinds of unruly bosozokus and gangsters.

When I think about the person I want to see next, I feel a little nervous.

She didn't understand why the other party asked her out alone.

But she knew that she had to perform well in front of the other party.

Miyamoto Yumi came to the appointed place and sat down, then greeted the "handsome guy" opposite:

"Good evening, Miss Sera."

"Officer Miyamoto, thank you for your hard work."

That's right, the handsome guy Miyamoto Yumi talks about is Haneda Hideyoshi's little sister-high school detective Sera Masumi.

"Wow, I've never seen Officer Miyamoto without his uniform. She is indeed a beauty."

Sera Masumi gently looked at Miyamoto Yumi opposite him and said with a smile.

After hearing Sera's pure comment, Miyamoto Yumi couldn't help but have a faint blush on her cheeks, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Officer Miyamoto, feel free to do whatever you want. I'm treating you today."

Sera Masumi said, pushing the menu in front of Miyamoto Yumi.

When Miyamoto Yumi heard this, she was startled and her eyes widened.

"Miss Sera, are you still a high school student? I should be the one to treat you today."

"It's okay, I still have a lot of pocket money, so don't worry about Officer Miyamoto." Sera Masaki said with a smile, "Besides, I was the one who invited Officer Miyamoto out today, so I should be the one to treat him."

"No, no!"

Miyamoto Yumi and Sera Masumi fought for a while, and finally took over the checkout rights from their "sister-in-law".

After ordering two set meals worth nearly 7,000 yen, the two started chatting.

The content of the chat between the two naturally revolved around Haneda Hideyoshi.

After talking about Haneda Hideyoshi, Miyamoto Yumi unconsciously forgot about disguise, and her tone began to be full of disgust.

"Haha, Officer Miyamoto and Brother Hideyoshi have a really good relationship."

Sera Masumi joked.

When Miyamoto Yumi heard what Sera Masumi said, she realized that she had accidentally exposed her "nature", and her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

Fortunately, the pre-dinner wine was served at this time, and Miyamoto Yumi quickly picked up the wine glass and took a sip to cover up her embarrassment.

As for Sera Masumi.

Since she was underage, she was drinking regular drinks.

After nearly an hour of chatting, the distance between Miyamoto Yumi and Sera Masumi was quickly shortened under the influence of alcohol.

Her attitude towards Yosera Masumi was not as nervous as it was at the beginning, and the two soon began to become familiar with each other as if they had known each other for many years.

Soon, the dinner entered the final stage of desserts and after-dinner drinks.

It was at this time that Miyamoto Yumi heard Sera Masumi speak:

"Sister Miyamoto, I came to you this time because I want your help with something."

"Don't worry, sister Serang. Whatever happens, I'll take care of it!"

Miyamoto Yumi, who fell into a slightly tipsy state, patted her chest vigorously, and said "Miyamoto-sister" to Sera Masumi, which was quite helpful.

"I want to see the surveillance video related to the car accident on August 23 last year."


Miyamoto Yumi was frightened out of her drunken state after hearing this.

She widened her eyes and looked at the detective sister opposite who was already famous in the Metropolitan Police Department at the age of 17. She was extremely shocked by Sera Masumi's speech.

"What did you say?"

"Sister Miyamoto should be in charge of monitoring national highway entrances and exits to investigate car accidents, right?"

"I want to see all the surveillance videos from that time, is that okay?"

Sera Masumi looked at Miyamoto Yumi and asked softly.

"No, no, no, how can this be done?!"

Miyamoto Yumi thought Sera Masumi was here to evaluate her, but she didn't expect that the real situation was completely different.

"Miss Sera, please stop joking."

"I'm not kidding, I'm really asking for Sister Miyamoto."

Sera Masumi looked at Miyamoto Yumi and said seriously.

"In the car accident last year, among all the traffic police officers at the scene, Sister Miyamoto was the one with the highest rank."

"Then of course, Sister Miyamoto should be the main person in charge of investigating the murderer."

"Or perhaps, the investigation work was all carried out by the police officers under Sister Miyamoto."

"So I thought of asking Sister Miyamoto."

"This is against the regulations. How can the Metropolitan Police video be given to outsiders? If it is discovered, it will be over!"

Miyamoto Yumi couldn't help but raise her voice.

Suddenly many diners around looked over.

"The Metropolitan Police Department prohibits outsiders from watching, simply to protect personal privacy and keep the case confidential."

"In the car accident case, I basically accompanied Officer Sato throughout the entire case, so I knew the entire case and there was no risk of leaking the case."

"And Sister Miyamoto should also be sure that I cannot be a criminal, let alone collude with the murderer."

"I just want to identify the real culprit!"

Sera Masumi said.

"I heard that the murderer has been traced down to one person, but there has been no progress on that one person."

"I am also investigating that case now. I want to help the victim Akikawa find the real murderer and bring the murderer to justice as soon as possible, so I want to use the help of sister Miyamoto."

"The victim Qiuchuan, who lost his mother, has been living in timidity and fear of the murderer for the past six months!"

Sera Masumi stood up, leaned forward and looked at Miyamoto Yumi in front of her, her voice was also sonorous and powerful.

After a huge psychological struggle, Miyamoto Yumi slowly said:

"I have three conditions."

"First, the video cannot be copied or taken away. It must be viewed on my laptop."

"Two, I will accompany you throughout the entire process to prevent the video from leaking."

"Three, only one day."

Sera Masumi looked at Miyamoto Yumi who finally let go, and a beautiful smile appeared on her delicate cheeks.

She sat back on her seat and nodded heavily:


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